Integral Enlightenment Awakening to an Evolutionary Relationship to Life


Integral Enlightenment Awakening to an Evolutionary Relationship to Life

Integral Enlightenment: Awakening to an Evolutionary Relationship to Life

Integral Enlightenment Awakening to an Evolutionary Relationship to Life

Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $76.00.

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Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $76.00.

In these virtual seminars with Craig, you’ll discover the liberating principles and practices of evolutionary spirituality. Each week explores a new vista of possibility, supporting you in making the next step in your process of evolutionary transformation.

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Integral Enlightenment Awakening to an Evolutionary Relationship to Life

Integral Enlightenment:  Awakening to an Evolutionary Relationship to Life

Get Integral Enlightenment:  Awakening to an Evolutionary Relationship to Life at the Course Farm

Here’s what you’ll discover in this powerful 9-Week Course:

You’ll discover…

  • Why our moment in history is so significant and what it demands of those of us who can recognize it
  • Why evolution depends on you: the quantum shift in perspective that can realign your entire life
  • The unique role of the human being in the evolutionary process
  • Awakening to the unimaginable sense of meaning and purpose that comes from aligning your life with the “evolutionary impulse”
  • The transformative power of awakening to our evolutionary interdependence—and why this single insight gives us access to change in ways we wouldn’t just change for ourselves
  • How the evolutionary perspective resolves the tension so many of us feel between the impulse to transform ourselves and the desire to improve the world
  • How to discover an unshakable inner compass to navigate the complexity of life by al

Enlightenment and Evolution:

From Being to Emergence

You’ll discover…

  • Why “being in the now” is the least important part of spiritual life, and how to awaken to an experience of “authentic presence” that includes your desire to create the future
  • Experience the dynamic liberation that emerges through wholehearted creative participation in the evolutionary process
  • How to distinguish between healthy surrender to the evolutionary impulse and potentially destructive self-abandonment
  • Discover the synergistic relationship between being and doing—and why both are essential for an authentic, integral enlightenment
  • How to resolve the tension between the call to let go of all attachment and the need to honor your commitments and responsibilities in the world
  • Learn to abide at the edge of the unknown in order to midwife the unmanifest creative potentials waiting to be born

Awakening the Will to Evolve:

Motivation, Intention, and the Choice to be Free

You’ll discover…

  • Learn to identify the two primary competing “motivational centers” inside you, and how to make enlightened choices even when you don’t feel particularly enlightened
  • Why self-fulfillment—or even self-liberation—is not a sufficient motivation to catalyze genuine awakening
  • Why you can’t simply “choose to be enlightened”—and the choice you can make that’s even more important
  • Discover the fundamental shift in orientation that can enable you to permanently overcome your resistance to change
  • Awaken the “four spheres of enlightened motivation” that can propel you to new depths of spiritual awakening
  • Dramatically accelerate your spiritual development by awakening the usually dormant power of “enlightened will”

Transcending the Obstacles on the Path:

Shadow, Ego, and the Primitive Self

You’ll discover…

  • Discover your core ego strategies and develop precise evolutionary counter-strategies to disable them
  • Why awareness of and intimate understanding of our ego is a critical foundation for all authentic spiritual work, so that you don’t get tripped up by your unconscious
  • Learn how to harness your “enlightened will” to override the ego’s destructive tendencies
  • How to maintain your functionality in the world as you allow the false boundaries of your ego self to fall away
  • Sustaining a commitment to evolution—how to stay on the path no matter what challenges come your way

Evolutionary Spiritual Practice Part One:

Unleashing the Power of Meditation

You’ll discover…

  • Discover the Ground of Being at the heart of the spiritual quest, and learn simple practices for anchoring your life in this primordial freedom each day
  • Learn how to ground your meditation practice in an evolutionary context, and why this simple step will propel your meditation to new depths
  • How to meditate deeply even if you have an active mind by learning how to disembed your awareness from the stream of thought.
  • How to meet each moment of meditation–and life–with a “beginner’s mind” and discover the expansive freedom of not knowing.
  • How to “get out of the way” in meditation so that the process of awakening can unfold naturally.

Evolutionary Spiritual Practice Part Two:

Beyond the Meditation Cushion

You’ll discover…

  • How to create a balanced spiritual life that fully engages both the transcendent and dynamic aspects of Awakened consciousness
  • The true meaning of surrender: moving beyond simply “accepting what is” and learning to live in alignment with a deeper order
  • Learn how to harness your advanced introspective capacities to propel you to new heights of clarity and spiritual alignment
  • Discover an active approach to transformation that enables you to defuse, disarm, and deconstruct the ego in the midst of engagement with everyday life
  • Confront the human condition in yourself: awaken to the always liberating power of radical self-honesty
  • A Commitment to Right Action: Why making a commitment to “do the right thing”—and acting on it—whether you feel like it or not is one of the most direct paths beyond ego

Get Integral Enlightenment:  Awakening to an Evolutionary Relationship to Life at the Course Farm

Becoming an Evolutionary Force in the World:

The Call to Enlightened Leadership and Co-Creativity

You’ll discover…

  • Where to find the courage to lead in a world that shuns authority
  • How to hold authentic power in a way that empowers everyone around you
  • How to create evolutionary culture in any group with which you are involved
  • How to find the “razor’s edge” between conviction and openness that will enable you to follow your vision without becoming wedded to it
  • How to bring your work life and career into alignment with your deepest values and vision—regardless of what you’re doing for a living (well, within reason)
  • Why authentic leadership can only emerge from a foundation of genuine humility

What You’ll Receive

Nine Weekly 90-minute Audio Training Sessions with Craig Hamilton

In these virtual seminars with Craig, you’ll discover the liberating principles and practices of evolutionary spirituality. Each week explores a new vista of possibility, supporting you in making the next step in your process of evolutionary transformation.

Combining in-depth training and guided exercises, these sessions are deeply experiential, so please listen to the audios at a time when you can give your full attention to the material. These on-demand Training Sessions will be released weekly via the Online Learning Portal, where you’ll receive unlimited access to listen online or download the mp3 file to your computer or digital device.

Eight 90-minute Pre-Recorded Q&A Sessions with Craig Hamilton

Many participants have shared that these downloadable Coaching Sessions have been just as powerful and important as the actual Training Sessions to their experience in the program. The questions Craig answers week to week are usually the same kinds of questions many students have, and listening to Craig coach others allows you to fully apply his coaching process to your own life and gain profound insights into your own unique path.

These sessions are a great way to tune in to the collective intelligence of the Integral Enlightenment community, and just as with the Training Sessions, they will be released weekly via the Online Learning Portal, where you’ll receive unlimited access to listen online or download the mp3 file to your computer or digital device.

Weekly “Growth Work” Practices and Reflection Questions

Each Course Session will be accompanied by a set of Growth Work Practices and Reflection Questions designed to help you integrate and deepen the teachings given during each Course Session. The Growth Work Practices and Reflection Questions will be available to you as a downloadable PDF posted on the Online Learning Portal.

Nine Course Session Transcripts

Edited PDF transcripts are a great resource to go back to and quickly reference key concepts and answers to questions as you step fully into the practices and principles you’ll explore in the training sessions. These will also be released weekly via the Online Learning Portal.

Get Integral Enlightenment:  Awakening to an Evolutionary Relationship to Life at the Course Farm

Custom Online Learning Portal

All of your course materials will be easily accessible throughout the course in our custom Online Learning Portal. Access course audios, meditations, practice guides and transcripts anytime from your computer or mobile device. And these course materials are yours to keep! Just download them at the end of the course and continue to draw upon them for inspiration and reinforcement for your ongoing journey of awakening.

In addition, you’ll be able to engage LIVE there with your fellow travellers who will support you in the transformative process of Awakening to an Evolutionary Relationship to Life. As you go through the Training, you will be able to join with new friends online to share your successes and insights, and watch as they open themselves up to their own potentials alongside you. Through this collective engagement, you will experience the exciting connection that comes through doing deeply transformative work in community.

What You Need To Participate:

The only equipment you’ll need is a computer, tablet or mobile device with an internet connection.

When you invest in Craig’s Integral Enlightenment 9-Week Online Training, you’ll receive…

  • Nine Downloadable Training Session Audios with Craig
  • Eight Downloadable Group Coaching Sessions with Craig
  • Nine PDF Transcripts of the Training modules
  • Weekly “Growthwork” Practice & Reflection Questions
  • Access to a private, online global community

Your Training Program Includes:

  • Nine Downloadable Training Session Audios with Craig
  • Eight Downloadable Group Coaching Sessions with Craig
  • Nine PDF Transcripts of the Training modules
  • Weekly “Growthwork” Practice & Reflection Questions
  • Access to a private, online global community
  • BONUS: “Awakening to Conscious Evolution” Guest Faculty Workshop Series
  • BONUS: Meditation for Evolutionaries 20-audio Collection
  • THIS WEEKEND ONLY: The Great Integral Awakening Seminar Series and Digital Book
  • THIS WEEKEND ONLY: Opening to the Ultimate Possibility pre-course Audio Workshop

Get Integral Enlightenment:  Awakening to an Evolutionary Relationship to Life at the Course Farm



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