Amanda Frances – Drop The Money Struggle


Amanda Frances – Drop The Money Struggle

Amanda Frances - Drop The Money Struggle

Amanda Frances – Drop The Money Struggle

Original price was: $444.00.Current price is: $69.00.

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Original price was: $444.00.Current price is: $69.00.

Understand how to become a new energy match for cash in a new way.

File size: 3.14 GB.

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Amanda Frances – Drop The Money Struggle

Amanda Frances - Drop The Money Struggle

Hi! If you don’t know me,
I’m a digital course creator, business coach for spiritual entrepreneurs, and money manifestation queen.… and a self-made millionaire.

My favorite thing in the world to talk about is money.I know that may sound crazy, but I believe women often play small, shrink, hide, doubt themselves, cap themselves, and sabotage themselves out of their earning potential.

That’s where I come in.

I’m going to tell you a story:

I used to drive around Dallas, in the nicest neighborhood, saying this to myself:

I am a millionaire. I am a millionaire. I will look back and be so blow away by what I do. I choose to be a millionaire.
That was a long time ago now.
I don’t do things slow. I’ve chosen (basically as a result of my incredibly stubborn will and continual decision to believe in myself no matter how crazy/unrealistic the ideas in my head seem) to triple my company’s revenue every year.
… because a goal doesn’t excite me unless I have no earthly idea how I am going to do it. Hitting $500k in 2016 was a big deal to my 31 year old brain… but all year long I said to myself, “Next year is my seven figure year.”
And, obviously, it was.

In 2017 Amanda Frances Inc. earned $1,507,514This was my first seven figure year.

And you better believe, I am not slowing down now.

Today, we are on track for a $3M year in 2018.
But with my history of doubling and tripling revenue…… I plan to make more.

You couldn’t stop me if you tried. I couldn’t stop me if I tried.

And, as you know, it’s not about my money. It’s about the freedom, the opportunity, the daily decision to have/create/be whatever the fuck I want…

… and I am not different from you. At all.
I’m just a girl from Sand Springs, Oklahoma who has refused to take “No” for an answer or be limited by any crazy idea that says I can’t have what I want.
Here is what I know for sure:The possibilities for your growth/abundance/happiness are completely unlimited.

I know that you can transform your relationship with your finances from one of stress, lack and fear to one of ease, joy and flow. And I can show you how.

I’m on a mission to get the power of money into the hands of good hearted women who want to change the world.

I’ve watched these principals work in my life and in the lives of countless others.

Here is what I am a genius at:

Being an energetic match for money. Holding an incredibly high frequency around financial abundance. Deciding I am worthy of more. Calling in my desires. Expecting massive amounts of money to flow in.

Teaching others to do the same.

I’m not just good at it; it’s why I’m alive.

I can’t wait to see what you do with this content.

I’m not just good at it;
It’s why I am alive.

 Drop the Money Struggle

Reprogram your money fears

Reframe your money history

Radically shift your limiting beliefs around money

Increase your confidence around your manifestation potential

Live in a state of financial flow

Understand how to become an energetic match for cash in a new way

Shift into a state of daily receiving money with ease

Receive $333 off — my world renowned course — Money Mentality Makeover during the next launch.


Video Topic 1: Clearing Your Financial Past: Releasing What You Were Taught About Money & Forming New Beliefs (Valued at $297)

Video Topic 2: The Art of Shifting Quickly: How to Move into a State of Being a Match for Money Each Day (Valued at $297)

Video Topic 3: Money: A Game You Play — When Manifesting Becomes a Fun & Joyful Process (Valued at $297)

Video Topic 4: The Incremental Increase: How to Earn More All of the Time (Valued at $297)

Video Topic 5: Tying It Together: Earning/Generating Money as an Extension of Your Daily Life (Valued at $297)


Video Topic 6: Money: A Resource for Good. How Earning Serves You & the World. (Valued at $297)

Video Topic 7: Money: A Heart Issue. Manifesting from Your Truest Desires. (Valued at $297)

Video Topic 8: Viewing Money as Your Birthright. Releasing the ‘How’ Around Receiving. (Valued at $297)

Video Topic 9:  Worthiness: When Allowing in Money Becomes the Default State of Who You Are. (Valued at $297)

Video Topic 10: Living from Confident Expectation. Deciding On & Allowing in Your Desired Outcome. (Valued at $297)

Get instant access (and unlimited replays) to all Fifteen Training Videos instantly when you sign up below!

These videos were recorded as part of three livestream events leading up to big digital course launches!Each of the 15 video trainings are
between 16-58 minutes long.

(the majority of the videos are around 40 minutes long)

They are loaded with tips, tricks, tools, strategy, healing, powerful energy and fresh perspective around money.

There is a total of 14 hours of video content included with this offer.


Get Digital Download ” Amanda Frances – Drop The Money Struggle ” Right Now!


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