Ars Amorata – Fundamentals

Ars Amorata – Fundamentals

Ars Amorata - Fundamentals

Ars Amorata – Fundamentals


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I’ve been in self-development, psychology and growth for over a decade and read many, many books, seen many seminars, workshops (given some myself as well) and over 90% have been disappointing to me. They didn’t deliver enough.

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Ars Amorata – Fundamentals

Ars Amorata - Fundamentals

I’ve been in self-development, psychology and growth for over a decade and read many, many books, seen many seminars, workshops (given some myself as well) and over 90% have been disappointing to me. They didn’t deliver enough.
I’ve ssen David Deangelo’s material, read the game by Strauss, all which felt really bad to me, because it was all about manipulation and a scarcity mindset. And worst of all, it subconsciously says to the guy (so called β€˜PUA’) that his real self isn’t good enough. Why else do you have to play a role and act like Al Pacino?The Ars Amorata message is completely different and a very enlightened message. Be real, be honest, dial yourself up instead of down and CONNECT. I read about a complaint that it won’t get you laid. You haven’t got the message then… it’s NOT about getting laid. That’s the whole point. It’s about having a LIFE and truly CONNECTING with woman. I got laid like mad before the program, during and after. If your only goal is getting laid, fly to Amsterdam and fuck like crazy. Happy now?! These guys really don’t seem to get it… the size of your problem is the size of your life.
This program has changed my outlook on life, woman and so much more. I love woman more then I have ever before and see their beauty, because I now look with different eyes. I have a sense of wonder over me and playfully and delightfully interact with woman, celebrating life, beauty and woman.
This is the best program ever to me and would even pay $3000,- for it if I had the money Yes, to me it’s THAT good. No kidding. You will only get out what you put in, as with everything in life.
Hans is most active, but Zan is there once in a while. In the end, it’s somewhat been for the better. You start to answer the questions yourself and fill in the blanks yourself, which only makes it sink in that much more.
Yes, Zan could have been much more active, but then again.. you pay $100,- a month to get a 30-day top of the bill coaching? Not very realistic. For what you pay, you get 10x more and then some. For me, it’s been the best $300,- ever invested. Enough said!

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