BIWS – Investment Banking Interview Guide 3.0


BIWS – Investment Banking Interview Guide 3.0

BIWS - Investment Banking Interview Guide 3.0

BIWS – Investment Banking Interview Guide 3.0

Original price was: $144.00.Current price is: $42.00.

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Original price was: $144.00.Current price is: $42.00.

(Download available within 12-24 hours)You Need a Different Prep Plan Pennant on How Much Time You Have: You might be preparing long in advance_ weeks or months before your interviews.

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BIWS – Investment Banking Interview Guide 3.0

BIWS - Investment Banking Interview Guide 3.0

“”Here’s How to Gain An ‘Unfair Advantage’ Over Other Candidates in Investment Banking Interviews – Without Memorizing Hundreds of Repetitive Questions and Answers””
The secret to success in banking interviews is NOT memorizing canned responses that interviewers have heard a million times before. Interview success comes from understanding WHY bankers ask certain questions, and knowing the responses they WANT to hear””
Highlights of the Now Investment Banking Interview Guide 3.0 Include:
β€’The Quick Start Guide and Interview Action Plan reveal exactly what to expect in interviews. how to discuss your past work experience, the 4 Most Important “”Fir Question Categories to know. and how to understand the concepts behind the technical questions like a pro – even if you have less than 1 day to prepare.
β€’Gain Conceptual Mastery – with 103 pages of reference note; and rules of thumb on the key “”fir and technical topics – so you don’t have to memorize robotic responses that interviewers can smell from a mite away.
β€’ Pitch Yourself Like a Pro with one of 15 step-by-step templates-video tutorials, covering the most common backgrounds at the undergraduate, recent graduate, and MBA levels – and beyond.
β€’ 12 Interactive Quizzes on all the technical topics – including 326 questions and answers, with full analysis of all the questions and explanations of why answers were correct or incorrect.
β€’5 Sample Interviews 2 Sample “”Deal Discussions”” to help you climb inside the heads of interviewers. Includes a play-by-play critique of what each candidate did right and wrong, and how you can avoid their mistakes.
β€’Master All The “”Fir Questions they could throw at you – with a detailed breakdown of the 15 categories of -fir question… preparation guidelines… and response structures. There are 127Β« questions with model answers. 137 pages of detailed guidance in all!
β€’Crush Your Technical Questions – with 5 Key Ruler. of Thumb- in each of the 6 main technical categories: Accounting. Equity Value / Enterprise Value, Valuation, DCF, Merger Models, and LBO Models… plus HI* pages of instruction. reference diagrams and Excel screen shots. Use these to answer any interview question, calmly and confidently.
β€’Extension Material: “”Deep Dive”” Into Key Industries with 254 questions and answers across real estate and REITs, banks and insurance fimis. and oil, gas Et mining. You’ll pick up knowledge most bankers wouldn’t expect you to know until you’ve -been in the industry fa a few years.
β€’UNLIMITED Support From Experienced Bankers who’ll provide quick answers to your questions. comments, and entails and give you the kind of input that has long been only available only to the few interviewees with ‘connections.’
Why Most Interview Guides Suck… and Why This Guide Will Get You Better RESULTS Than Anything Else Out There
The Investment Banking Interview Guide 3.0 takes inter:my preparation way Mood merely -regurgitating owned resterner to “”uderstaning the Omagh- .

Get BIWS – Investment Banking Interview Guide 3.0 download
We also give you multiple ways to test yourself. to muse that you kkotify and fa any weaknesses before you step into the intemcw room.
Other interview Guldci. by COtrast. Can be summed up Oke
1. Here’s a bunch of qualitative questiom you might get asked_ and Sane sample answers and mplanatiorn.
2. Oh yeah, and then here are the technical questions with a few explanations and sample answers Peovided.
3. The well Good luck with your Interview!
There’s One BIG Problem with This Approach:
Interviewers at Investment Banks are NOT stupid.
Memorizing questions and answers will only take you so far… because interviewers can always put a new spin on traditional questions, and throw you for a loop in the process.
(AM with more and Mae candidates ramwring ming interview Grade and Modeling Programs. Inteevkwees are doing Ws more and more.)
That why i create’ version 3.0″” of the Interview Guide to address the I/wreathe trend Of ‘Write firms askkg questions designed to Mike You think and to catch you off guard:
– You need to to Understand the concept: Not Ant the Answen: Baths and other finance firms are row bating for evidence of conceptuat understanding gum thin your aboty to memorize and repeat ‘stock’ Questions and answers. That’s why vve give )eu extensive exManatken for at the concepts, before we even deβ€’ into the guestios and answers.
– You Need to Practice and Test Your Undemanding: Otherwise. how could you really linny whether a not you understand the concepts? That’s why, we she you 326+ interacthe questions and answers Vat Kb can use to test wee taw…Mine. Its Taw prinking in a me interview setting. but with no wit required’
– You Need to Customize You: “”Story’ for Different Ran: Different roles and beckgrounds require ail ferent PreParatko. ii you’re applying to banks, you’ll say one thing_ but it’s different for pr hate malty, and for hedge funds and asset management firms. You need different ways to ‘al wur story.”” pitch yourself. and convince inrerviews that you’re the best possible candidate for the role. And you will learn how to do exactly that with our 15 room/ CV weathrough templates and video tutorials.
– You Need a Different Prep Plan Pennant on How Much Time You Have: You might be preparing long in advance_ weeks or months before your interviews. or you might only have a few days- or a few hours. Each scenario requires very different preparation, which is why we give you a Quick Start Guide explaining exactly what to focus on depending on your background and how much time you have.
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