Brent Charleton – Correction Method – Compressed


Brent Charleton – Correction Method – Compressed

Brent Charleton - Correction Method - Compressed

Brent Charleton – Correction Method – Compressed

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $79.00.

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Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $79.00.

How to REVERSE and REMOVE both negative-thoughts and mental-blocks – holding you back from the money, success…

File Size: 9.493 GB.

Format File: 79 (MP4) + 26 (PDF) + 79 Audio.

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Brent Charleton – Correction Method – Compressed

Brent Charleton - Correction Method - Compressed

For BUSY Entrepreneurs Ready to Earn More… Do More… And Live More…

World’s Most Sought-AfterΒ High-Performance Coach Reveals Secret 1-Page ExerciseΒ That Permanently REMOVES Mental-Blocks Around Money, Procrastination, or Fear of Failure…

You’re here because you’re a business owner or freelancer who wants to make more money and achieve the success you deserve…

️ Maybe you’re so busy trying to make money that you don’t even have time to enjoy life…

… Working 12+ hours a day from sun-up to sun-down. Struggling to un-plug while you’re on vacation, with your wife and kids, or even at night when you’re trying to fall asleep.

Β Maybe you feel like a hamster on a wheel, constantly running in circles trying to make progress…

… Wasting hours a day avoiding tasks, knowing you β€œshould be working”… but dragging it out until you’re forced to work until 3am to avoid missing a deadline.

Β Maybe you’re too afraid to take a necessary risk and make the leap, so you just keep working in your comfort zone…

… Shying away from charging bigger fees, asking for a well-deserved raise, or feeling undeserving of the rewards you reap – even when you do GREAT work.

In other words…

If you feel like something is β€œoff” and holding you back from the life, career, success, and relationships you want in your life, then…

What you’re going to discover on this page willΒ change your life.

Because in just a few minutes I’ll show you how a quick, simple 1-page exercise…

Will put a swift, effortless END to your procrastination and workaholic tendencies…

ERASE mental blocks around making more money…

And allow you to have MORE control over your life overall.

That’s because in not too long from now you will see how…

This simple 1-page written exercise can help erase your mental-blocks around money, success, self-doubt, and fear of failure in 20 minutes or less!

Even if…

  • You’re stuck in a loop of procrastination and never getting anything done.
  • You’re so focused on your business and making money that you’re neglecting your relationships and other important areas of your life
  • You’re always comparing yourself to others and feeling like a failure for not being as successful as them
  • You’re always worried about what other people think of you and your business rather than focusing on what you really want
  • You’re so busy trying to make money that you’re sacrificing your mental and physical health for it
  • You’re afraid to fail, so you avoid taking necessary risks in your business and stay stuck in the same place
  • Β You’re indecisive and always second-guessing yourself and your value
  • You’re suffering from imposter syndrome and know you have potential, but can’t seem to unlock it
  • You’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of procrastination, over-thinking, and self-doubt
  • You’re feeling burnt-out and dread taking-action on things you once had no trouble doing in the past

This might be hard to believe for someone like you.

Because if you’re still reading this page…


I’m THRILLED to announce my very own, unique and truly revolutionary, transformational coaching technique…

I call it… 

The Correction Methodβ„’

For a long time, changing the brain was thought to be impossible.

But thankfully, that’s not the case.

Because whether you’re 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, or even 90 years old.

This 1-page written exercise can help youΒ undoΒ any unconscious programming that’s been keeping you stuck in the Child or Teen state.

And it’s all possible thanks to something calledΒ neuroplasticity.

If you haven’t heard of it before…

It’s your brain’s ability to adapt, change, and grow.

So you can rewrite old harmful habits with new helpful ones.

Which is exactly what happens when you useΒ My Correction Methodβ„’Β the way I teach.

Think of it like opening up the hood of your car to replace the old rusty engine with a brand-spanking new one!

And once you’re able to permanently remove the blocks keeping you from living in yourΒ AdultΒ State…

And your subconscious thoughts are aligned with the way you want to see the world…

Everything will start working in your favor.

Β You’ll feel more empowered – without a desperate need to prove your worth or seek validation from others.

Β You’ll have a clear-mind and feel comfortable in your own skin.

You’ll have a newfound level of confidence with an abundant mindset.

You’ll feel creative, driven, and motivated in all areas of your life (not just business).

That fear you’ve been carrying into your biggest challenges will be cut at the root.

You’ll be able to sail through any adversity WITH the wind instead of against it.

I know it’s a bold promise.

But you don’t have to take my word for it…

More PROOF TheΒ Correction Methodβ„’Β Helps YouΒ BREAK FREEΒ of Your Own Mental-Prison…

The Correction Methodβ„’Β works pretty much 100% of the time for 100% of the people who use it.

It’s worked for them. Over and over again.

And for countless others from all different backgrounds, ages, and struggles.

I’m confident this will change your life too.


You don’t need a PhD, 10 years of grad school, or a clinical license.

I made this so anyone could do it.

All you have to do is implement what I show you.

Imagine having the power to make LASTING change in any area of your life whenever you need it…

… Imagine how it would feel to FINISH your work day while the sun is up – so you can make time for your kids, your spouse, and the other areas of your life.

… Imagine how much you could get done if you REMOVED procrastination from your life down to the root – Instead of continuing to allow it to hinder you, day by day year after year.

… Imagine being able to instantly recognize, confront, and REPLACE your limiting beliefs around money, relationships, and self-worth.

… How it would feel to finish a project ahead of schedule – instead of cramming everything into the last 48 hours before it’s due.

… How it would feel to confidently charge higher fees, ask for what you’re worth, and never again doubt that you’re worth the money and success flowing toward you.

Picture yourself there now.

… You’re RELEASED from the tight grip of fear and procrastination they have had on you for all your life to this point.

… You’re FILLED with courage, creativity, and the hunger to pursue more of the right opportunities that speak to your truth and values.

… You’re ready to TACKLE your next big project and make a difference in the world.

Not only would that be great, but also…

You’ll never be forced to out-up with temporary solutions ever again.

What can you replace?

  • 52 sessions of Therapy:Β $250 each (low tier) – $13,000Β (1 hr each – 52 hr
  • 2 Tony Robbins Events a Year:Β $8,000Β (4 days each plus travel – 10 days)
  • 20 Self-Help Books a Year:Β $600Β (5 hr per book – 100 hr)
  • Ayahuasca Retreats:Β $2,000Β (2-6 Days Each – 4-12 Days )
  • Meditation App:Β $100Β (20 Minutes a Day – 5 Days)
  • More…

That’s almostΒ $25,000Β and anΒ ENTIRE MONTHΒ of your life you’re getting back!Β 

Look, I’m not saying after this you’ll never need another book, mediation, or Ayahuasca retreat ever again.

But what I am saying is you won’t HAVE to.

And if you do?

It’ll be because you WANT to.

Not out of desperation to β€œfix” yourself.

On top of that…

You can remove ALL the guilt and anxiety you used to feel after missing a meditation… reading a chapter… shouting affirmations to yourself in the mirror… or any other temporary β€œsolutions.”

You will literally FEEL the weight lifted off your shoulders after the first correction.

… And experience REAL, permanent transformation in your life.

In fact, I’m even going to guarantee it!

But before I do that, let’s talk about what’s included…

Here’s What Happens When You Order

You’ll be taken to our secure checkout page where you’ll enter your basic information.

It only takes about 30 seconds, and once you’re done β€” you’ll be given instant access to my full transformationalΒ Correction Methodβ„’ Course.

This is where you’ll be able to immediately begin your first 1-page, 20-minute correction.

And remember…

All you have to do is applyΒ The CorrectionΒ exercise to ANY major issue you’re currently dealing with.

And you’ll feel the permanent change in that area.

After that, It’s completely up to you to keep going.

But you won’t want to stop.

Because once you experience the rush of feeling LIBERATED from the old habits and blocks holding you back from the money and success you deserve…

There’s no going back.

… You’ll have a healthier work-life balance for yourself.

… The courage to take-action and embrace risk – while standing in the face of fear.

… And more digits in your bank account than you ever thought possible for yourself.

A dream you never have to wake-up from.

However, if you’re still wondering by now…

β€œBut Brent, what if lightning strikes… And this doesn’t work for me?”

I get it.

I’ve made a lot of promises to you today.

But the truth is…

MANY of my clients, experiencing the success they are now… Were also skeptical if this could work for their situation.

And regardless of having an endless list of successful business owners ready to back-up virtually every single promise I’ve made on this page to you today…

I’m going to guarantee it.

So here it is…



The fact you’re still with me here at the end of this message proves the solutions you currently have aren’t working the way you want.

You know you’re capable of great things.

But it’s YOU who must take the necessary action to reach your financial goals and finally release yourself from the shackles of procrastination and self-doubt.

With that being said…

You now have two options going forward…

You can leave this page now, and ignore everything you’ve read to this point.

You can welcome-back your old, comfortable ways of procrastination, self-doubt, and lack of confidence – thieving you from the money and success you deserve for your efforts…

Nothing will change.

You’ll continue your plateau, and struggle to break-through to the next level in your business…

But at least you’ll be comfortable.

However, my guess is you’re here today because you need to make a specific change in your life.

Which brings us to the second option…


You can temporarily set-aside your comfort, and…

Make a one-time investment in yourself – that puts you in a position to enjoy YEARS of money, achievement, and personal growth that compounds with every year.

An investment in YOUR GROWTH that is completely risk-free (backed by a 60-day money-back guarantee).

That means, with ONE CLICK on this page…

You’ll have risk-free access to a POWERFUL exercise that can be done anywhere, anytime.

An exercise that reprograms your subconscious to work FOR YOU in achieving great success, money and freedom…

… Instead of against you – keeping you stressed, burnt-out, and working in your comfort zone.

  • No more working 12+ hours a day from sun-up to sun-down…
  • No more struggling to unplug while you’re on vacation, with your family, or when it’s time to sleep…
  • No more wasting hours a day scrolling and avoiding the tasks you β€œshould be working on…”
  • No more holding yourself back from charging bigger fees and asking for the money you deserve…

As a result, you may become unrecognizable.

Feeling like a brand-new person from the inside-out.

Like a snake shedding its old skin.

But best of all…

You’ll experience a subtle sense of pride rush over you for finally having the courage to take back control of your life.

As I said before, this is the MASTER KEY to unlocking your fullest-potential in achieving almost anything you want.


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