Caity Hunt – Home Business Freedom Formula Coaching
Original price was: $1,997.00.$142.00Current price is: $142.00.
Why Join Home Business Freedom Formula?
Feature #1 On this training we’re going to go over how to build a business from home online using a different strategy that’s totally hype free, and is massively valuable to any business.
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Caity Hunt – Home Business Freedom Formula Coaching
Why Join Home Business Freedom Formula?
Feature #1 On this training we’re going to go over how to build a business from home online using a different strategy that’s totally hype free, and is massively valuable to any business.
Feature #2 How to put systems in place without being too techie so you can position yourself the right way online.
Feature #3 How to avoid wasting your time on what doesn’t work so you can finally get REAL results in your home business.
Feature #4 The NEW way to grow a home business without sacrificing your family.
So You Can Quickly Create…
A winning capture page so you can attract the right team members to your organization. When you are talking to everybody, you are talking to nobody. So this one skill set will save you loads of time growing your Home Business Online. This is true FREEDOM baby! :)
The perfect follow up system for your email marketing so you can communicate with people more effectively. Email Marketing will always be the greatest way to grow any business. And when you learn how to build your list online while writing emails that convert, you’ll finally be able to monetize your time greater than ever before.
These Results Were Created In Using My Formula…
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Get Instant Access to Home Business Freedom Formula!
Experience Huge Spike In Your Home Business
“Behold, I am doing something new! It’s already happening; don’t you recognize it? I will clear a way in the desert. I will make rivers on dry land.” Isaiah 43:19
Never did I ever think I would enter in the Home Business Industry to one day create a system that completely changes the game. But here I am trailblazing ahead for families, moms, dads, friends, cousins, husbands, wives, women and men. This day and age we need to work smarter.
Gone are the days where we have to sacrifice our families just to get ahead. It’s time we truly rise up and learn skills that can take us to new levels. Home Business Freedom Formula was created to do just that…..Create Freedom :) And I tell my clients all the time.
If you hang out with me long enough, I’ll teach you how to fish for a lifetime. So my heart is that you truly apply what’s in this system so you can get to the next level, create freedom and increase your finances the way you have always dreamed.
It truly is your time.
This industry needs you to become the leader you were called to be.
We have to change the game.
We have got to show others that this industry works.
We have to change the success rate.
I want to see you go to the top!
You deserve it!
Much love,
Hunt Web-3
What Experts Think About The Home Business Freedom Formula
“Do you see a man diligent and skillful in his business? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.” Proverbs 22:29
Tara Hayes
Work At Home Mom / Entrepreneur/Coach
Hi, Tara Cherie Hayes-Johnson here. Prior to taking Home Business Freedom and coaching with Caity, I was completely lost on how to implement my social media or even monetize myself. I was burnt out, attempting to work too many hours around my small children without much progress and very little time to myself. All I know is, Caity’s training gave me simple step-by-step tools and strategies to succeed with my everyday social media. I learned how to work in half the time while still making my husband and kids a priority. I am able to manage my time more effectively and I am learning how to monetize myself while growing my online presence. I am on my way to working smarter not harder while still serving the needs of countless others! Her class has been nothing shy of liberating, my mindset and lifestyle will never be the same thanks to her and her teaching strategies! Thank you Caity!
Cher Lewis
Entrepreneur / Home Business Owner
Caity has honestly imparted not only business marketplace skill sets that are needed and are current for the marketplace today , however , equally for me, there has been an increase in my spiritual growth that has taken place. I have gained invaluable skill sets and knowledge from this course, that can literally be applied to most / all marketplace platform, especially the online platform. The activities we did were all linked in the course appropriately and all made great sense once were got towards the end of the course. I can say that Caity has taken us through a journey from the beginner/ novice to becoming the experts with such skill sets! Awesome training both market place and spiritually , for such a time as this ! Words cannot express my gratitude …. thank you Caity!
Dana Winand
Entrepreneur / Work At Home Mom
This class has helped me learn more efficient ways to communicate with my existing team. It has also helped me learn new ways to market myself & my results. It has helped me step by step to learn effective ways to use the power of the internet to draw people to my business. And has taught me how to create multiple streams of income for myself and also my team. Caity has also helped me to personally draw closer to God. She has helped me realize how important it is to stay in communication and prayer with our Father in heaven. To seek His kingdom first in all decisions. She has demonstrated how we should pray for our team, current and future, and how to speak blessing over them and release favor over them.
Shane Roby
Producer / Director / Actor
Caity opened my eyes to a whole new way to reach a new market with my existing home based business. Her patience and diligence in sharing her knowledge and the actual detailed steps to apply it were very refreshing. She goes above and beyond in helping her students succeed. I can’t recommend her enough.
What You Get Inside The Home Business Freedom Formula
“Invest in seven ventures, yes, in eight; you do not know what disaster may come upon the land”. Ecclesiastes 11:2
Module One
Discover who your best prospects are, so you can attract people most likely to join your business.
Define your audience so you can talk to the right people.
Get clear on who you want to work with so you can partner with great team members.
Module Three
How to use online tools so you can become a rockstar.
Map out your business so you can be clear on where you are going to market.
Module Five
Build value through communication so you can build trust.
How to send out one email so you can talk to multiple people at once with the same message.
How not to work harder so you can work smarter.
Module Seven
Know what to say when speaking to potential team members so you can get them enrolled in your business.
Learn how to deal with objections so you can close them without being salesy.
Module Two
Create a winning headline so you can monetize the message.
Discover a How To method so you can duplicate this over and over again for any business, product or service.
Module Four
Get Caity Hunt – Home Business Freedom Formula Coaching download
Build your business opportunity funnel so you can duplicate yourself faster.
Learn what to say in videos so you can look like authority in the marketplace.
Module Six
Market your business the right way so you can look like a pro.
Learn how to build your list through many avenues of marketing so you can establish yourself as a leader.
Module Eight
Focus on activities that grow your business so you can produce income.
Learn how to create passive income so you can earn even more cash while growing your home business.
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