Coach Kyle – Game 101


Coach Kyle – Game 101

Coach Kyle - Game 101

Coach Kyle – Game 101

Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $37.00.

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Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $37.00.

This isn’t the philosophical, feel-good B.S. you’re used to. This is a series of specific steps you can take to get the success with women you’ve always wanted. Format File: 8 MP4

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Coach Kyle – Game 101

Coach Kyle - Game 101

How To Prevail Through Every Step Of The Interaction From Open To Close

Game 101 includes over 10 hours of lessons, in addition to several hours of infield footage of myself approaching women.
I breakdown these real-life interactions so that you can understand exactly why I do what I do, and how you can get women to react to you the same way they react to me. There’s nothing more powerful than learning through example, that’s why you’re about to see infield footage of what master-level game looks like. (It’s kind of like the scene in The Matrix where Neo instantly learns martial arts through a digital download.)
If you’re ready to take your game to the next level, this is the one course you need. There’s no esoteric nonsense or politically correct feel-goodery. This is an exact blueprint to getting the kind of dating success it took me years to get, but in a fraction of the time.

Get Coach Kyle – Game 101 download

It might be hard to believe, but getting girls didn’t come naturally to me. I used to be a nerd who was more comfortable chatting with my guildmates in World of Warcraft than talking to a cute girl.

Hell, throughout high school, I only slept with one girl (and honestly, I wasn’t even that attracted to her).
But eventually, I realized I wanted more out of life. And I became OBSESSED with pickup. I spent an ungodly amount of time learning about game. Over the years, I’ve approached thousands of women, gone on hundreds of dates, and I’ve slept with more girls in the last year than most guys do in their entire lives (the average man only has sex with seven women before he dies).
And in Game 101, I boil everything I’ve learned from my successes into a simple formula that a highschool dropout could figure out.
If you knew me ten years ago, you would’ve thought I would be more likely to end up a pro gamer than the world’s most popular pickup coach.
But here I am. I made that transformation, and in Game 101, I guide you through making the same change in your life.
This isn’t the philosophical, feel-good B.S. you’re used to. This is a series of specific steps you can take to get the success with women you’ve always wanted.
Even if you currently struggle to get the time of day from a cute girl, that’s okay.
Once you implement this course into your life, cute girls will get so nervous in your presence that they’ll be afraid to ask YOU for the time of day.
This is an exact blueprint to getting the kind of dating success it took me years to get, but in a fraction of the time.
I’m sure you’re tired of coaches wasting your time. You didn’t get into the game to gain an encyclopedic knowledge of female psychology. You got into the game to meet girls, build self-confidence, and get actual dates with women.
You’re about to access a series of lectures that explain everything you need to know to get the kind of dating life that is usually reserved for rockstars and actors. This doesn’t have to be so complicated that you need a Ph.D. level of pickup knowledge to get a date with a girl. Watch the videos, apply the advice, and start getting results. It’s as simple as that.

Here’s What You”ll Get:

10+ Hours of Structured Lessons & Infield Breakdowns

Game 101 – How To Open: Mindsets & Frame, How to Calibrate, Approach Anxiety, Making It Man-To-Woman ($147 Value)

Get Coach Kyle – Game 101 download

  Game 102 – Attraction: How Attraction Works, Attraction Triggers, How To Create A Spark, Avoid the “Friend-Zone” ($147 Value)

  Game 103 – Storytelling & Communication: How to hook girls into your frame through “key” words & compelling stories ($147 Value)

  Game 104 & 105 – Comfort & Connection: Understanding Comfort, Making a Connection, Letting Her Guard Down, Creating Deep Connection ($294 Value)

  Game 106 – Bedroom Escalation Breakdown: How To Get Her In Bed, How To Escalate To Sex, Breakdown Field Reports, My Successes / Failures ($197 Value)

  Game 107 – Bedroom Closing Pt 2: My Bedroom Failures, Vital Lessons Learned, Analyzing Field Reports ($197 Value)

  BONUS – Infield Footage & Breakdowns: Hours of infield footage paused and analyzed so you can learn my exact thought process in set ($297 Value)

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