Earl Nightingale – On Success – 6 Tape Rip

Earl Nightingale – On Success – 6 Tape Rip
No motivational speaker delivers the goods like Earl Nightingale. His work shows his incredible research abilities, drawing ideas from some of the greatest minds in history. From the ancient Greek philosophers to present day commentators, he has read and digested the great works.
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Earl Nightingale – On Success – 6 Tape Rip
Millions of people have taken their inspiration to achieve success from the words of Earl Nightingale.
Known as the Dean of Personal Development, Earl Nightingale was heard for over three decades on over 1000 radio stations across the United States, Canada and 10 foreign countries, making him one of the most listened to broadcasters in history.
The unique thing about Earl’s broadcasts and his recordings is that each one is a call to action. People don’t just listen to Earl, they take notes; they replay his messages over and over; and they use his advice to make real changes in their lives.
The archives at the Nightingale-Conant Corporation contain thousands of letters from Earl’s listeners telling him just how big of a difference his words have made in their lives.
On Success is like a “greatest hits” album of some of Earl’s most inspirational messages. It features such popular recordings as:
* Earl’s condensation of Napoleon Hill’s greatest work, Think and Grow Rich.
* Earl’s most famous recording, The Strangest Secret.
* Highlights from Direct Line, exploring proven success strategies.
About Earl Nightingale
No motivational speaker delivers the goods like Earl Nightingale. His work shows his incredible research abilities, drawing ideas from some of the greatest minds in history. From the ancient Greek philosophers to present day commentators, he has read and digested the great works. And he has added to the library of human knowledge with his own original and creative commentaries on life and the ways of successful living. He is everyone’s mentor and his words can be your inspiration for achieving success.
As a depression-era child, Earl Nightingale was hungry for knowledge. From the time he was a young boy, he would frequent the Long Beach Public Library in California, searching for the answer to the question, “How can a person, starting from scratch, who has no particular advantage in the world, reach the goals that he feels are important to him, and by so doing, make a major contribution to others?” His desire to find an answer, coupled with his natural curiosity about the world and its workings spurred him to become one of the worlds foremost experts on success and what makes people successful.
His early career began when, as a member of the Marine Corps, he volunteered to work at a local radio station as an announcer. The Marines also gave him a chance to travel, although he only got as far as Hawaii when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941. Earl managed to be one of the few survivors aboard the battleship Arizona.
After five more years in the service, Earl and his wife moved first to Phoenix then Chicago to build what was to be a very fruitful career in network radio. As the host of his own daily commentary program on WGN, Earl arranged a deal that also gave him a commission on his own advertising sales. By 1957, he was so successful, he decided to retire at the age of 35.
In the meantime, he had bought his own insurance company and had spent many hours motivating its sales force to greater accomplishments. When he decided to go on vacation for an extended period of time, his sales manager begged him to put his inspirational words on record. The result later became the recording entitled The Strangest Secret, the first spoken word message to win a Gold Record by selling over a million copies. In The Strangest Secret, Earl had found an answer to the question that had inspired him as a youth and, in turn, found a way to leave a lasting legacy for others.
About this time, Earl met a successful businessman by the name of Lloyd Conant and together they began an “electronic publishing” company which eventually grew to become a multi-million dollar giant in the self-improvement field. They also developed a syndicated, 5-minute daily radio program, Our Changing World, which became the longest-running, most widely syndicated show in radio.
When Earl Nightingale died on March 28, 1989, Paul Harvey broke the news to the country on his radio program with the words, “The sonorous voice of the nightingale was stilled.” In the words of his good friend and commercial announcer, Steve King, “Earl Nightingale never let a day go by that he didn’t learn something new and, in turn, pass it on to others. It was his consuming passion.”
Side 1-As A Man Thinketh
Earl introduces James Allen and his too-often overlooked self-development classic. The aphorism, “as a man thinketh in his heart so he is,” Earl says, not only embraces the whole of a man’s being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks.”
Side 2-As A Man Thinketh (continued)
“The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the orders of the mind, whether it may be deliberate or
automatic” Earl continues his retelling of this early motivational gem. Among the revelations he shares is that “the soul attracts that which it secretly harbors, that which it loves and also that which it fears.”
Side 3-As A Man Thinketh (continued)
“Nature helps every man to the gratification of the thoughts which he most encourages…. Let a man choose his thoughts wisely and all the world will soften toward him and be ready to help him. Let him put away bad thoughts, and lo, opportunities will spring up on every hand to aid his strong resolve.”
Side 4-As A Man Thinketh (continued)
“Only the wise man, only he whose thoughts are controlled make the winds and the storms obey him…. Keep your hand firmly upon the helm of thought. In the bark of your soul reclines the commanding master. He does but sleep. Wake him. Self-control is strength. Thought is mastery. Calmness is power.”
Side 5-Think And Grow Rich (continued)
A towering giant of self-help books-that is how Earl describes Napoleon Hill’s Think And Grow Rich. “Without question,” he says in his introduction to his analysis and condensation of this book, “this single book has had a greater influence on the lives, accomplishments and fortunes of more people than any other work of its kind.”
Side 6-Think And Grow Rich (continued)
Earl continues his discussion of the 13 principles of success that will never let you down: “Remember,” he says, “man can create nothing which he does not first conceive in the form of an idea, a desire…. Concentrate on the mental picture of yourself achieving your desire… and chart your course on the dream in your heart.
Side 7-The Strangest Secret
Here begins the message that solidified Earl’s position as the Dean of Self-Development, becoming the first spoken-word recipient of a Gold Record. “Why do men with goals succeed in life and men without them fail?” Earl asks. “Let me tell you something which, if you really understand it, will alter your life immediately.”
Side 8-The Strangest Secret (continued)
Earl explains how you can prove to yourself the enormous returns possible m your own life by putting his secret to the test. “Don’t concern you self too much with how you’re going to achieve your goal,” Earl advises. “All you have to know is where you’re going. The answers will come to you of their own accord at the right time.”
Side 9-Twenty Minutes That Can Change Your Life
Here is a checklist that, if referred to every day, will help you achieve all you want out of life. “Our rewards in life,” Earl reminds us, “will always be in exact proportion to our contributions, our service. Go over the ideas in this message every day until they’re as much a part of you as your name.”
Side 10-The Boss
“Who is your boss?” Earl asks in this, yet another of his classics. “You have only one, and every working person from the president of the largest corporation to the shoe-shine boy has the same boss. He is, simply, the customer. There never has been, there is not now, and there never will be any boss but the customer.”
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Side 11-Claim Your Success
A compilation of some of Earl’s finest radio work, this must-hear message includes advice on the importance of taking risks: ‘The growth process requires constant willingness to take chances, to make mistakes, to break habits…. Growth must be chosen again and again. Fear must be overcome again and again.”
Side 12-Imagination, Improvement And Actualization
A regrouping of some of Earl’s most important work, here he defines the three main departments of living; family, work and leisure. “If we’re wise” he says, “we’ll work toward keeping each as uncomplicated as possible, as interesting and rewarding as possible.” The master tells you how.
Readmore: http://archive.is/9xFQM
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