Eliott Hulse – Muscle Virus Solution


Eliott Hulse – Muscle Virus Solution

Eliott Hulse - Muscle Virus Solution

Eliott Hulse – Muscle Virus Solution

Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $12.00.

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Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $12.00.

(This course is available for immediate delivery!)And when they did manage to secure one, they would go on to perform a seemingly endless number of sets until their poor pecs couldn’t bare it anymore…File Size:1.34 GB Format File: 10 MP4, 4 PDF

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Eliott Hulse – Muscle Virus Solution

Eliott Hulse - Muscle Virus Solution

That Are Keeping You From Reaching Your Training Goals

Few know this…

But many guys who train

Suffer from silent…

Painless imbalances which keeping them from getting:

  • Bigger
  • Stronger

Or getting any closer to reaching their athletic goals

These imbalances are known as a muscle viruses

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And often it’s brought in as a response to painful, traumatic experiences in your past


Inappropriate demands being placed on your body

Sometimes these demands are brought on by things such as early specialization in sport…

But most of time…

These muscle viruses are brought on by poor choices in the way you train throughout the years

Let me explain…

Just recently I had an opportunity to visit a commercial gym

Considering I’ve spent much of the past decade working with athletes at Strength Camp…

What I witnessed, during my short stay…

Left me shaking my head in disbelief

One thing that really stood out was the obsession…

….damn near every guy in that place had with training their chest

In the 45 minutes I was there…

There was a constant rotation of guys clamouring for the bench press

And when they did manage to secure one, they would go on to perform a seemingly endless number of sets until their poor pecs couldn’t bare it anymore…

Which I guess wouldn’t be so bad- if these same guys who had just murdered their pecs…

Had stopped there…

But as you can surmise that was NOT the case…

After each of these guys beat the shit out of their pecs, they moved on to another chest exercise…

and another after that


All this happened while the seated row sat completely empty by the way

Now, I try to withhold judgment on how others approach their training…

In fact I’m pretty sure I’ve done a bunch of dumb shit myself, over the years…

But this here…

Was madness

I’ve been around the iron game for 20+ years now, so I’m pretty adept at figuring out what people want by observing how they train…

With that said…

I Assume Most Of These Guys Were Performing All These Sets And Reps Because They Wanted Bigger Pecs…

Unfortunately, what they failed to realize is this;

When you want to bring up a particular body part…

It’s critically important you start off by looking at the length tension relationship between that muscle and the group of muscles directly opposing it

You see, your body is an intricate system which functions best…

When everything is in balance…

Maintaining balance is so important to your body in fact, that when it senses things getting out of whack…

It slams the breaks on muscle growth to prevent further any imbalance from happening.

So when these guys dedicate an entire workout to “pumping-up” their pecs, without addressing their:

– medial traps

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– lower traps

And rhomboids,

They were unknowingly destroying any chance of growing bigger, more impressive pecs.

And if that weren’t bad enough…

How about this…

If they continued on training this way…

It would result in that rounded shoulder, just got punched, slumped over, concave, bad puppy posture I spoke about earlier.

And that’s just the beginning…

Remember earlier when I said your muscles work as an intricate system to create balance?

Well, when one muscle gets particularly out of balance…

It creates a domino effect throughout your entire body.

And what often starts as nagging shoulder pain…

Often results in

  • Neck pain (tight upper traps)
  • Low back pain (tight hip flexor complex)

And hamstring pulls (tight lower hamstrings)

Pretty crazy huh?

And this is just one manifestation of what can happen to the body when shit gets out of whack…

There are dozens more potential negative outcomes…

I’m not telling you this to scare you btw…

But more so to raise awareness about the effects poorly thought out training can have on your body …

And to show you how to spot potential muscle viruses lurking in your body…

So if you’ve already started down that path.

Or just want to avoid that mess altogether,

There is hope

Over the past 11+ years…

Here’s What You Get When You Invest in The Muscle Virus Solution Today

  • As you can see The Muscle Virus Solution is deep dive into everything you need to know to do reclaim your body and move optimally free of pain, restriction and fear of injury
  • Amassing information of this depth and magnitude took me years…
  • Now here is the question
  • What would you pay to rid yourself of the viruses that are destroying your physique and…
  • to say goodbye to the pain and disappointment you’ve been experiencing in your training…
  • for good?
  • You could spend $100 on supplements in hopes of getting stronger…
  • A few hundred dollars on a physio or chiro who you will probably have to see every few months when the pain returns because you NEVER addressed the underlying issue
  • Or
  • even a thousand dollars on a specialist who will undoubtedly recommend surgery of some sort to try to rid yourself of the incessant or soon to be pain associated with a muscle virus
  • Or
  • you could make the sensible choice and make a single modest investment of just $47 today to get our proven, step-by-step system for destroying the dormant imbalances retarding your progress.

Get Eliott Hulse – Muscle Virus Solution download


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