Evan Marc Katz – Believe in Love

Evan Marc Katz – Believe in Love
$97.00 Original price was: $97.00.$35.00Current price is: $35.00.
$97.00 Original price was: $97.00.$35.00Current price is: $35.00.
Want to make men flock to you, court you, and commit to you? The art of flirting is not only one of my favorite subjects, but one of the easiest ones to teach.
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Evan Marc Katz – Believe in Love
The Only Break-up Program That Helps You Overcome Your Fear of Failure, Allows You to Date with Joy and Confidence, and Gives You a Step-by-Step Process that Makes Love Inevitable.
Thanks so much for visiting my website. I know your time is valuable, and I know there’s a lot written on this page, so if you already know you want “Believe in Love“ 7 Steps to Letting Go of the Past, Embracing the Present, and Dating with Confidence,” click below to access the program and start finding love:’
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Your belief in love has been shaken to its core.
You’ve been disappointed by one too many unavailable guys.
You’ve suffered through a lifetime of flakes, liars, losers and players.
You’ve wasted your youth on selfish commitmentphobes.
Your faith in men has been shattered, again and again.
Your tolerance for dating and online dating is less than zero.
You just don’t see the point of subjecting yourself to the whims of another man, only to risk being hurt all over again.
I understand. You’re a smart woman. Smart women make smart choices based on available evidence — and anyone in your position would likely come to the same conclusion: you’d better take a semi-permanent break from dating.
You go through your post-break-up hibernation.
You have your crying time.
You throw yourself into your work.
You lean heavily on your girlfriends.
You read good books, watch bad TV, and lick your wounds for a bit.
You get back to the gym.
You plan a girls’ weekend.
You fill up your life with things you love.
Months go by. Years, even.
Until suddenly, magically, the black cloud over your head starts to lift.
You emerge from your cocoon, ready to enjoy life again. You still feel occasional pangs of sadness, but, for the most part, you’re back to your old self.
More importantly, you don’t find yourself obsessing about that one guy anymore.
In fact, you don’t think about ANY guys anymore.
You don’t want to. You don’t need to.
In your experience, men cause pain, and since you don’t want any more pain, you’ve decided to swear off dating for now.
It’s not that dating never crosses your mind. But every time you feel that yearning for love, your negative thoughts keep flooding back, reminding you of all the reasons you shouldn’t even try to get back out there.
“I’m not good at relationships.”
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“Most men have way too much baggage and emotional immaturity.”
“The men I like don’t want me, and I don’t like the men who do want me.”
“Online dating always makes me feel worse about myself.”
“I can’t waste any more time on another guy who disappoints me.”
“I don’t think I can trust my own judgment.”
“Love has always let me down. Why would I try it again?”
These thoughts feel right. They make sense.
Now that you’re back to feeling like 95% of your former self, why risk your good spirits on something as unpredictable as dating?
The issue is that you’ve shut off an essential 5% of yourself.
That 5% is called hope.
Hope is what allows you to believe your life can always get better.
Hope is what keeps you motivated to overcome challenges at work.
Hope is the ember of a fire that burns quietly inside you, yearning for true love.
You’ve consciously decided to blow that fire out.
You’re busy. You’re content. Life goes on.
Or so you’d like to think.
But whether you like it or not, sooner or later, after some family gathering, wedding or silly romantic comedy, your inner voice finally speaks up:
“I miss being in love.”
You hate that voice — that vulnerable sap inside you who actually wants to be cherished by a man. You shut her down immediately.
“No! Dating is a nightmare. Men are not to be trusted. Love is a waste of time.”
It’s a compelling case. You have a lot of bad experiences to support it.
You think back to the men who have hurt you.
You consider the years you have wasted.
You put on a happy face to the world.
You say to anyone who asks:
“I don’t want a man. I don’t need a man. Life is so much better this way.”
And it’s true. Life IS better without the pain of a bad relationship. But it’s not nearly as inspiring and joyful as it can be with a GREAT relationship.
While you can try to ignore your hopeful voice, you can never fully silence it. Your hopeful voice speaks for the real, authentic you, and it’s saying:
You DO want to fall in love again. You just don’t want
to get HURT again.
Search your soul and you’ll know this is true.
You’re NOT truly satisfied being single.
Get Evan Marc Katz – Believe in Love download
You’re merely making the best of your circumstances.
You’ve got a good job, close friends, and enough interests to keep you occupied, 24/7.
But despite the fact that you’re happy…
- You bristle at what your family thinks about your choices.
- You resent that your married friends have drifted away.
- You hate being excluded from couples’ dinner parties.
- You dread being the woman who travels by herself.
- You know that there are fewer available men with each passing year.
- You’re deathly afraid of growing old alone.
While you know you shouldn’t make any decisions based on societal conventions or what other people think…
You really want what your happily married friends have.
An end to your fear and anxiety.
A shoulder to cry upon at the end of a hard day.
A guy to make you laugh when you need it the most.
A man to generously pay for dinner and take care of things around the house.
A best friend, lover and partner-in-crime all wrapped up in one.
A confidante who makes you feel safe, heard, and understood.
A husband who vows to be there for you, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, ‘til death do you part.
The problem is that you have no hope that this is
And as the months and years go by, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy:
You don’t believe in love, so you
don’t fall in love.
The sad thing is that you will NEVER fall in love if you don’t believe in love.
Bonus #1 Meeting Men in Real Life (Value: $47)
The most common question I get is “Where can I meet quality men?” The second most common is “Why are men attracted to some women and not others in “real life?”
In this special FOCUS Coaching bonus call, I’ll answer both and you’ll learn:
- How to flirt with a man and get him to approach you in a public place. You will be a MAGNET if you just do THIS.
- What makes a guy feel the attraction necessary to make a first move, and why you should never have to make the first move yourself. It’s not that you can’t; it’s that you shouldn’t NEED to.
- How to overcome your fear of rejection and make yourself more approachable, just by doing these THREE things.
- Whether you’re actually taking actions to meet men, or if you’re just providing lip service to the idea of falling in love. Once you see your own actions in writing, it becomes EASY to change them.
- What men ACTUALLY think of flirtatious women — and how being flirtatious does not necessarily mean what you think it means…
- Why the Law of Attraction is useful, but cannot manifest love on its own.
- How to create room for dating if you’re a mom or have a high-powered job. Once you have dating on the calendar, your success is all but guaranteed.
Bonus #2 Flirting
Get Evan Marc Katz – Believe in Love download
(Value: $47)
Want to make men flock to you, court you, and commit to you? The art of flirting is not only one of my favorite subjects, but one of the easiest ones to teach.
You’ll have men view you in a completely different way by learning these juicy tips:
- How to be the best version of yourself with men — the same confident, comfortable, likeable woman you are around your closest friends.
- Why “being yourself” may be common dating advice, but it’s not particularly effective in helping you connect with men on dates.
- A simple way to be as flirtatious in your emails and texts as you are in “real life,” so that men always feel drawn to you.
- Why flirting isn’t the same as “leading him on” or “being a tease”, and how to maintain total control of your intentions in every circumstance.
- A magical way to get a guy to approach you at a party or a bar. It’s so simple, you’ll be shocked you never thought of it before.
- How to stop falling apart around really attractive men and start acting like a confident, Angelina Jolie-type seductress.
- The difference between alpha males and beta males, and what that means for you as you flirt with them.
- What to do around your office crush that’s going to make him take action now.
- Two great resources that will further your studies on confidence, feminine energy, and flirting in real life.
- Why flirting is not manipulative, but should be organic, fun, and a major key to attracting a quality man.
Bonus #3 Staying Cool (Value: $47)
There are dozens of reasons that you can freak out when dating — most of them having to do with previous disappointments and the insecurities they’ve created. In this FOCUS Coaching session, I show you how to regain your perspective and carry yourself like the CEO of your own love life. Learn:
- How to NOT put a man up on a pedestal. Starting now, no man will EVER have power over you ever again. In fact, men are going to start stepping up to please you more just by listening to the advice I give you during this call.
- Why your own made-up rules designed to protect you from getting hurt are only just protecting you from falling in love.
- How to conduct yourself in those first few weeks of dating so that you never have to chase him down, remind him you exist, or feel weak or needy.
- Why worrying about the future is the quickest way to get dumped. Seriously.
- The one thing “cool” women do to make men commit that ANY woman (yes, even you) can instantly implement.
- Why it’s not only okay but also IMPERATIVE for you to be vulnerable with each new man, instead of trying to protect yourself.
- How each new guy is like a lottery ticket and why you don’t get too upset when you don’t win the lottery. Just learning this can ERASE any feelings of disappointment after your latest guy disappeared on you.
- What it means to “mirror” his behavior with warmth, appreciation and enthusiasm and never feel like you’re “playing games,” because you’re not.
- Why being a yes person creates true relationship intimacy and how saying yes 95% of the time does NOT mean you have no boundaries. The more you say yes, the more your “No” will carry weight with your boyfriend.
- Why the other shoe is NOT going to drop and how you CAN and WILL live happily ever after.
Bonus #4 How To Create Love on Purpose
(Value: $47)
Learn answers to some of the most compelling questions you’ve had about love from this captivating interview, “How To Create Love on Purpose,” with Orna and Matthew Walters.
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