Ewen Chia – Super Affiliate Cloning Program


Ewen Chia – Super Affiliate Cloning Program

Ewen Chia - Super Affiliate Cloning Program

Ewen Chia – Super Affiliate Cloning Program

Original price was: $1,497.00.Current price is: $142.00.

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Original price was: $1,497.00.Current price is: $142.00.

(Download available within 1-2 hours)When you tap into the power of this secret, you’ll look at affiliate marketing in a completely new way. But those who are ignorant end up with nothing but disappointment and heartbreak, because in the end they’ve built nothing.

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Ewen Chia – Super Affiliate Cloning Program

Ewen Chia - Super Affiliate Cloning Program

However, the number of calls and emails from people desperate to learn my secrets so they can live the “Internet Lifestyle” of toys, travel and freedom continue to amaze me.
They want to make more money than doctors and lawyers who work grueling hours, but want to make it fun and easy… all while pocketing more cash.
And, as I ponder my retirement I’ve been forced to imagine what kind of legacy I’d leave behind.
Frankly, I don’t need to work another day for the rest of my life. Heck, I recently earned over a million dollars in less than 6 months. I’ve invested well during the last 8 years and I could comfortably make in the hundreds of thousands a year, without lifting a finger.
All because I developed the most effective and powerful auto-pilot system for wealth generation ever created in affiliate marketing. It’s completely different than anyone expected. That’s because you can’t achieve great things by doing what everybody else does.
I feel like I need another challenge in my life, so I’m going to show the right people how to fill the void that I’m leaving.
Anyone can master my system. Once they do their ability to create cash out of thin air… on demand… becomes very consistent. The first thing they need to do is “unlearn” a few bad habits that have held them back. Fortunately, that’s simple and it only takes about 20 minutes to do.
One of the things I’ve really noticed about most affiliate marketers is that they move together like a big slow herd. They do the same things at the same time… jumping on the “new hot product.”
It’s not their fault though. They’ve been conditioned by slick sales campaigns. They’ve been influenced by popular culture and catch phrases by ditzy blondes like “that’s hot.”

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And it really ticks me off.
Since 1998, I’ve been the top super affiliate in the toughest niche online. I did it because I refused to be influenced by all the hype and follow the masses.
That’s why I’m going to find the people who want to break free from the herd and leave the “wanna be’s” in the dust. Because once they quit doing what everybody else does, suddenly things get a whole lot easier. In fact, that dream of 6 figure income is just around the corner.
That’s my new mission.
You see, I’ve decided my legacy is to personally share my entire system with a few select individuals who qualify, as I’ll explain below.
Bottom line is… I’ll literally clone a tiny minority of Internet marketers that will soon become the cream of the crop. And that will be the greatest legacy I could possibly leave behind.
All this takes an LIVE integrated program to deliver… the very program that hundreds of people have been asking me to put together since I started putting back to back 7 figure years together.

Super Affiliate Secret #1:
The Ewen Chia Essentials Equation
Almost 10 years ago, I broke into affiliate marketing. At first I fell on my face. Then I discovered 7 essentials. Miss just one of these and your income will go down by at least 30%… miss two and you’ll fail more than you succeed.
These essentials are only known by a handful of affiliate marketers. They seem so basic once you learn them, but frankly they’re a mystery to almost everybody doing affiliate marketing.
These are fundamentals that followed me for the rest of my business life. They are essential to achieving consistency and growth.
Sound simplistic? It is, at least that’s the way I teach it.
Super Affiliate Secret #2:
The Super Affiliate Mindset
You don’t hear many internet marketers taking about mindset. You know why? Because without it, they know people will keep buying their newest “killer” program.
That’s right, they keep you dependent on them!
And the few that touch on the subject, never give it justice.
They want to keep these “hidden secrets” for themselves so you’ll continue to buy information that you think is the missing link.
I’m not talking about hocus pocus, or brainwashing and it doesn’t take hours of meditation that get’s you there. It’s simpler than that.
Without the proper mindset, people are doomed to chasing their own tails and never getting anywhere. But once you “get it” it’s so logical you’ll wonder why it was so elusive.
Suddenly, nothing will stand in your way. Your new “programming” will automatically solve every challenge. Any special skill you need becomes simple to acquire.
And best of all, you’ll literally attract whatever you desire as if by magic.
Super Affiliate Secret #3:
The Secret Of The Safe Deposit Box
What do you keep in a Safe Deposit Box? Your most valuable possessions, of course. Your assets, right?
Most affiliate marketers don’t believe they have a business at all, no assets period. And you know what, they’re right.
But there is a way to build yours so you’ll have real, tangible and best of all saleable assets.
And when you do, you go from being a subsistence worker to mogul.
Do you know why?
Because you build wealth with assets. With assets, your business can always produce cash flow. With assets you have security.
Most affiliate marketers (especially the kind that make a couple hundred dollars a month) never focus on building assets. In fact, they don’t really understand how you can. But when you build an affiliate business the right way, you’ll create multiple assets that you and your family can always count on.
When you tap into the power of this secret, you’ll look at affiliate marketing in a completely new way. But those who are ignorant end up with nothing but disappointment and heartbreak, because in the end they’ve built nothing.

Super Affiliate Secret #1:
The Ewen Chia Essentials Equation
Almost 10 years ago, I broke into affiliate marketing. At first I fell on my face. Then I discovered 7 essentials. Miss just one of these and your income will go down by at least 30%… miss two and you’ll fail more than you succeed.
These essentials are only known by a handful of affiliate marketers. They seem so basic once you learn them, but frankly they’re a mystery to almost everybody doing affiliate marketing.
These are fundamentals that followed me for the rest of my business life. They are essential to achieving consistency and growth.
Sound simplistic? It is, at least that’s the way I teach it.
Super Affiliate Secret #2:
The Super Affiliate Mindset
You don’t hear many internet marketers taking about mindset. You know why? Because without it, they know people will keep buying their newest “killer” program.
That’s right, they keep you dependent on them!

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And the few that touch on the subject, never give it justice.
They want to keep these “hidden secrets” for themselves so you’ll continue to buy information that you think is the missing link.
I’m not talking about hocus pocus, or brainwashing and it doesn’t take hours of meditation that get’s you there. It’s simpler than that.
Without the proper mindset, people are doomed to chasing their own tails and never getting anywhere. But once you “get it” it’s so logical you’ll wonder why it was so elusive.
Suddenly, nothing will stand in your way. Your new “programming” will automatically solve every challenge. Any special skill you need becomes simple to acquire.
And best of all, you’ll literally attract whatever you desire as if by magic.
Super Affiliate Secret #3:
The Secret Of The Safe Deposit Box
What do you keep in a Safe Deposit Box? Your most valuable possessions, of course. Your assets, right?
Most affiliate marketers don’t believe they have a business at all, no assets period. And you know what, they’re right.
But there is a way to build yours so you’ll have real, tangible and best of all saleable assets.
And when you do, you go from being a subsistence worker to mogul.
Do you know why?
Because you build wealth with assets. With assets, your business can always produce cash flow. With assets you have security.
Most affiliate marketers (especially the kind that make a couple hundred dollars a month) never focus on building assets. In fact, they don’t really understand how you can. But when you build an affiliate business the right way, you’ll create multiple assets that you and your family can always count on.
When you tap into the power of this secret, you’ll look at affiliate marketing in a completely new way. But those who are ignorant end up with nothing but disappointment and heartbreak, because in the end they’ve built nothing.
Super Affiliate Secret #4:
The Secret Of Massive Leverage
Nothing I’ve seen in marketing is as powerful as this.
Leverage lets you laugh at the poor souls who believe they’ll get what they want if they just work harder.
There’s a common myth of the “lazy marketer” that almost everybody has wrong. In fact, I get emails from people who just sign up for an affiliate program and expect they can make thousands from a few unfocused minutes a day.
While it’s true that affiliate programs are the fastest and easiest ways to online riches, it doesn’t mean that people can make it big without doing anything.
But when you have a system down, things become streamlined. And even “lazy marketers” know exactly what to so they get the most bang for the buck.
They understand leverage. They know how to make a half hour’s work turn into thousands of dollars in commissions.
This is the master key to “cracking the code” and living the lifestyle you’ve dreamed about.
It’s overlooked by even experienced marketers, but easy to implement.
And once you finally understand how to use leverage, you’ll have more fun, freedom and claim your fair share of the Internet Goldmine.
Super Affiliate Secret #5:
Zen-Master Secrets Of Pre-Selling
When you’re a master of super affiliate marketing, you’ll know that you’re not selling, what you’re really doing is pre-selling.
Let me explain. The average affiliate marketer finds a product to market. He sends traffic there by blasting an email to his list. The mistake he or she makes is trying to make the sale in the email!
That’s right, super affiliates know that all they have to do is pre-sell.
There’s a huge difference between selling and pre-selling.
Pre-selling is conditioning potential customers in advance of the sale.
To really make a killing with pre-selling, you need to know:
The 3 step formula to beat procrastination
The secret for pushing 7 emotional hot-buttons that create intense desire
The easiest way to get people to say yes to you and ignore other marketers in a crowded marketplace
The simplest to get a 50% to 300% boost in your emails effectiveness
It’s easier than selling , and once you know the formula, your email blasts will get higher and higher response. What’s really cool is when you combine pre-selling with the Principal of Leverage… you get an almost unfair advantage, over-the-top paydays and become a top-notch super affiliate overnight.

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