Igor Ledochowski – Master Hypnotic Storyteller


Igor Ledochowski – Master Hypnotic Storyteller

Igor Ledochowski - Master Hypnotic Storyteller

Igor Ledochowski – Master Hypnotic Storyteller

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Original price was: $488.00.Current price is: $62.00.

This course is available and delivery within hours!”How to suck people into your thrilling sagas without even trying. I figured this out when I was coaching “tough-as-nails” Fortune 500 executives who were twice my age and didn’t want to listen to a young buck like me.

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Igor Ledochowski – Master Hypnotic Storyteller

Igor Ledochowski - Master Hypnotic Storyteller

Archive: https://archive.ph/7yeOQ

After you have discovered this, you will also be able to say…

“Use This NEW “Fusion Hypnosis” To Ethically Influence People’s Primal Decision Making Process…”

Best part: you can use it in everyday conversations… as well as serious business meetings… to have effective, ethical influence with other people…

And yet: nobody will ever feel like you are putting ideas in their head or influencing them in any way…

You will be able to use the information on this website. Very Envious.
It’s not my intention that you be jealous. However, the people I have mentioned here will have some effect on your life.
Take “Mr. O” Take, for instance:
“Mr. O” (his full name is omitted to protect his privacy) is a high-Investor bounty hunter stakes
He pitches for (and). Get) hundreds of millions of dollars of investment capital from steely-eyed executives at major corporations — including (but not limited to) Bear Stearns, Boeing, Disney, Honda, Texas Instruments, and Yamaha.
He also enjoys ice.-cold Russian Oligarchs and iconic billionaires (from Yahoo! And Google and the like) practically falling over themselves to invest in his ventures.
All in all “Mr. O” He is quite good at what he does. So good in fact that he grew his boutique investment company from $100,000,000 to $400,000,000…

Module 1: Hypnotic Storytelling Foundations and The “Johari Window”
The best places to find persuasive and seductive stories… hidden in places you’re least likely.
You can connect with people on an emotional level and get them to act immediately. (Evoke the emotion you need to get the response.
The story of the world is only a story in our heads. (And how knowing this allows one to influence anyone they want.
These are 5 reasons why hypnotic storytelling has a central role in human interaction. (And a sixth reason that proves people will do almost everything if told the right story…in the right way.
Are you unsure how to weave an inspiring tale? Baloney! Here’s how it works: “engineered” You were expected to obey your parents, siblings, and teachers, but they just didn’t understand what you were doing. Now you will be able influence others ethically.
Your suggestions will be accepted by the mind without any hesitation. Are you tired of telling people what to do, but getting nowhere? This is how to be.-You can pass the natural skeptic within everyone who is eager to hear your ideas.
The truth behind how things work in the world. Margaret Mead (English anthropologist) provides proof of how it is possible to motivate people to take action to achieve even seemingly impossible goals. “impossible” Many tasks.
The “cloak of story”: A little-This is a well-known technique for sharing personal anecdotes and making an important point… without exposing your own vulnerability. (Perfect for shy or reserved people who wish to influence others. “hard cases” In their lives.
How to “soup up” Your communication and social skills will make you fascinating and irresistible to others.
The “Johari Window”: A simple technique, developed in 1955 by Joseph Luft & Harrington Ingham that gives you deep insight into people’s thinking. It’s easy to find the perfect story for your hypnotic tale once you understand their thinking.

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Why? “Reasoning” With Someone Is
The Surest Way to Non-Compliance
One of the most profound insights I received while on a silent meditation retreat was this: Listen to this account and you’ll never be afraid to have a conversation with someone else.
What companies such as Nike and Coca Cola really are selling… and… Why you and I should buy into it hook and line. (Hint: It’s more than sneakers and soda. Follow their example to see how you can get your ideas approved.
Take advantage of this human quirk and people will hold on to you every word… then… do exactly what you say.
You can bond with total strangers so quickly you’d believe they were a long time ago-The lost friend. How to avoid social sexism “norms” (Scareing people away.
You have natural storytelling talents that you’ve suppressed for almost your entire life. (Plus… how to build your storytelling “muscles” You can now create stories that inspire, motivate and induce sleep without even trying.
It’s okay to take “artistic license” Your stories, your truths, and…when to stick to truth, the whole truth and no other than the truth.
Strange New World: This is a fun exercise to get your creative juices flowing. This is something that I do often in the morning. It helps to focus the mind on storytelling ideas.
Why should you remember a story-word?-For-When trying to influence someone hypnotically, word is useless. Master hypnotists use a better approach.
Module 2: Provoking Emotions and the 5 Key Elements of a Story That Impacts Your Unconscious Mind
It’s a way to turn boring life events into a compelling story that people can’t stop listening to. (The result? Influence happens effortlessly!)
How to change moods by changing someone’s mental and/or emotional reference point. (Robin relates a meeting with an accountant who was unhappy at his job. This was until he was shown how. “look at it” (A different perspective.)
Feedback Loops: A secret technique to get people to agree. (If they did it more in schools, children would love to learn.
A simple story format to build trust and rapport. (It can also be used as a “gateway” To influence ethical, emotional, and mental behavior.
Are you afraid of running out of stories? I will show you how to tell a hypnotic tale that inspires other stories. I promise you will have more! “ammunition” You’ll be able to figure out what to do.
How to get people to join your thrilling stories without even trying. This is what I learned while coaching. “tough-as-nails” Fortune 500 executives twice my age didn’t want me to listen to them. (Never failed to me yet.
The Hypnosis Industry is awash with secrets of spontaneous story creation that almost no one knows
Robin’s memory trick makes sure you never forget the great story you wrote. (Now, the stories that you create will stick in memory like crazy glue.
Another memory trick that I like is to instantly recall your favorite memories “yarns of persuasion.” (By the by, both of these tricks are effective when you want to recall… anything!)
The Mental Stash Technique: Another secret to mentally storing all your hypnotic stories and having them available for immediate access.
The “golden thread” They are woven into every story and myth since the beginning.
How to tell a compelling story in 30 seconds, 30 minutes, or whatever time frame you choose. (Depending on how long you have to mastermind an important paradigm shift in your subject, you can expand or collapse any story.
Aristotle’s advice 2,500 years ago on the purpose of drama… and why it is important if you want more people hypnotized in a shorter time.
For maximum impact, hypnotic stories must contain 5 elements. (Miss one, and you’re done.
When is the best time to say goodbye to a story you are trying to influence? Here’s the moment to stop talking, and let the hypnotic process do the rest. (If you continue talking, it could work against your and undo all of the things you have done up to this point.
Module 3: The 7 Most Influential Stories Revealed and How To Tell Your Own Version
The Ultimate Ice Breaker: A great story structure to meet new people and reunite with old friends. (Let’s get rid of the emotional barriers most people build.
There is no substitute for honesty… if getting others to agree with you is your priority. (And honesty is the only thing that can be trusted. “backfire.”)
In just a few minutes, you can make anyone who doubts your motives completely comfortable with you. (Hint – Tell them THIS story and they will be able to melt like summer sun ice cream.
A low-A key, indirect way of making a lasting impression about your character and personality. (So subtle and so effective in dropping someone’s jaw. “guard” They will accept you into the family.
The Bee Story: This is a great way to make yourself look like a hero, without having to do any conceited stuff-pounding. (People will wrap their arms around your little finger.
A simple way to show people who you are “harmless” There is always someone to help. Fear is a major factor in people refusing to make decisions or accept your ideas. You can change that.
7 master stories about influence… and… how they can be rattled off at just the right moment… and… without having to memorize them word for word-For-word.
If you lose a sale or win an argument, it works in your favor.
There are three types of stories that can change your mood, mind, and actions.
This is a formula to help you create your own stories. It works well when someone objects to a product or piece of advice. It’s worth a try. It’s a great idea.
Practical Mind Reading: This is a simple way to put yourself in someone’s shoes and get to know their feelings. This is the best way to connect with people emotionally. If you do this right, they’ll trust your firstborn.
How to respond when someone refuses to cooperate “play ball” Accept your requests. In a matter of minutes they will forget the objection and follow you on cue. It’s almost as if they’ve been transformed into the Pied Piper, and they can’t help but agree with you.
Module 4: How to Transform Any Story into a True Transformational Story
How to tell a story that is perfect for the person you are addressing. You’ll say the right thing at the right time, without giving it a second thought.
This story structure is simple and will open up minds. (Unskilled Hypnotists who don’t know this are making a serious error when dealing with reluctant subjects. The whole hypnotic context falls apart.
The uncomfortable truth about storytelling. How to use this information to shape someone’s reality to suit your way of thinking. This is not an underhanded tactic.
Your hypnotic stories can be locked away in your mind’s reservoir. Then, reinforce them immediately so they are always accessible and cannot be forgotten. It’s the secret of preserving permanent memories that are almost impossible for you to erase.
Keep people on the “edge of their seat” Immersed in every word that you speak. It takes a simple influence technique to glue people to your story, let go of their critical minds and allow them to hear your impressions.
Examples of transformational stories which change people’s lives. (Milton Erickson was an expert at telling these stories laced with hypnotic suggestion… and… helping people overcome personal problems.

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Three-Anyone can follow the phase storytelling formula!
My first public speaking gig, as a junior attorney… why it was a complete disaster… and how I became a skilled storyteller with the confidence to deal with hypnosis subjects directly, coaching clients… and finally… present training seminar to thousands of people all over the world.
The fastest way to be a great storyteller is by being lazy. Listen to this and stories that persuade, influence and inspire you will soon flow out of your ears.
How I convinced my father to let me go from a well-respected law firm after years of hard work, sacrifice, and schooling. It was the best thing I could have done with my life. He changed his mind without me even having to say anything.
The secret to making stories have the greatest impact is refining them.
How to design a clear, hypnotic message within three minutes-Line story.
Module 5: How to combine transformational stories with open and nested loops
How to leave a similar impression on another person. The key to success is understanding the importance of “breaking through” natural defenses like skepticism.)
Fun exercises to amplify different parts of your tale. This is how a story becomes alive and captivates people until they feel like they are holding a piece of gold in their hands.
Hypnotic Non-How to use verbal cues “sync” Use body language to convey the story’s contents and keep people’s attention on your face.
There are many ways to use voice inflection or tonality to keep someone’s attention, whether it is one person or an entire group.
Why Milton Erickson shared the same stories in different ways depending upon the situation. (This strategy…which…was perfected by one of the greatest hypnotists ever to live… can be a great source of information.)
Calibrating the emotional response of your subject and making subtle changes to the story in order to increase its influence.
Why do people do this? “trance out” A good story can make you hypnotize someone even if the storyteller isn’t trying to. This is why being a good storyteller can make you a genius at hypnosis.
Curiosity-provoking “lead-ins” They force people to beg more.
It’s quick and easy to get rid of all the “ums”… “ahs”… “likes”… “you knows” et al.
How to hide a post-Hypnotic Suggestions from Innocent Stories
The “curiosity factor” You can create a story that is so powerful that everyone who hears it will be captivated until the end. This technique is used by high-ranking executives.-Level fiction writers… that’s one reason their novels sell like crazy.
Transitions are a way to move from story to story without disrupting the flow.
“Story Skipping” It is a clever way to overload conscious awareness so you can slip suggestions into unconscious without detection.
Mind Warp: How can you throw anyone into totalitarianism? “mental disarray” They will accept your covert suggestions.
Little-Strategies that can be used to lead conversations from the beginning to the end.
The “Columbo Approach” To deal with Alphas that are overbearing-types.
How a referential Index helps to draw people into your story. They now become characters you can shape and mold.
How to guide people through a series useful states while telling a story about transformation
Module 6: How To Create Picaresque Adventures Depending on Your Environment
A Medieval Times story that is very popular can be used to induce hypnotic sleep. (When you take these people on. “mini-escapades” They lose their sense of self and are more susceptible to hypnosis.
Shape “pointless” Anecdotes are transformed into epic tales that move others to your side.
How to make learning fun by creating a story from it. One guy from India taught his students how he remembered all the bones of the body. He also plotted a fun story.
Why parts of your story must remain the same… and… when you can add some spice to it “spice” It will make it more engaging.
What to say and how to act when you reach an agreement “peak of emotion” During a conversation.
How to keep it secret “seed” You can use a key phrase, gesture, or phrase to transition into Hypnosis. (So elegant that even a trained Hypnotist won’t notice what you’re doing.
Two proven and super-effective-Stories that influence are best told using effective models
The seven-step influence formula that never fails
How to gauge the interest of a subject in the conversation…and…intensify it until they must hear every word.
After finishing a hypnotic story, you must immediately distract your conscious mind. (Don’t make a mistake!
How to discover the “code words” and personal stories of trance that are looping in the mind. (And how to use this discovery to create stories that enter their heads.
Module 7: How to Find Your Own Internal
Metaphors and How to Make Them Into
Stories that others love
It is important that you are aware of how people naturally communicate.
Relaxing subjects: A quick and easy way to “lighten the mood” Make others feel comfortable around you. You are now ready to take them into a trance.
How to “trigger” You can choose any emotion that you want in subjects. They won’t stop trying.
Robin transformed himself from a boring bloke to a funny one “life-of-the-party” This guy is a true gentleman. (The little exercise he did may have helped you no matter what kind of change you are trying to achieve.
Unconscious responses: How can you recognize them and incorporate them into your story to make it feel like the story they have been telling. This is something that very few hypnotists understand.
How to lose people in a conversation: They’re attentive-Wandering away — and how to bring them back in.
These are the four elements of a story that is consistent with the experience of the other person. This is vital to keep them fully engaged and listening.
This is a sneaky way to get people to tell you what’s most important to them at the moment. Now that’s the thrust of your story.
Keywords are words people use without thinking about what they mean. They are little emotional. “trip wires” Ideal for sprinkling throughout a story. You will find that the other person will accept almost all of your requests before you know it.
The “magic three-word question” This allows people to give you a glimpse into how they see the world. You will be able to see how they think about a problem, or an opportunity, and then you can discuss it on your terms. (This is advanced stuff that every hypnotist would love to know.
How to deal with a person who refuses to give you the right (a.k.a. Their unconscious answers to the magic three-word question. (And 3 techniques to lure out metaphorical images hidden in the unconscious.
How to avoid triggering a defense mechanism in dealing with people. This is a general rule of thumb, but one you should never break.
This polite way to ask for unconscious symbols that most people don’t even realize they have in their heads. (Plus… how to use the symbols and create a perfect context for hypnotizing.
Why you need to loop “yes sets” In hypnotic stories.
Module 8: Symbolic Realities and Symbolic Influence. Hypnotic Storytelling all together
A therapy model that explores the symbolic framework from which someone operates! (Just use THESE well-You can get a great overview of the answers by asking questions. “unconscious landscape.”)
Universal symbolic metaphor themes – A short list of common themes you can look for, isolate, and add to your story.
How to speak the “lingo” a specific group of people. (Wanting to feel like you’ve been a part of a group for years?) This skill is easy to learn and will make you an influential leader.
The true story of how General Motors changed two lives-They used word metaphors in their presentation before Congress… and… secured billions in federal funds. It’s amazing what you can do when you know how to phrase things correctly.
Another true story of how media technology companies changed the lives of two people is here-They used the word “prospect” to describe how they interacted with prospects. Within four months, almost all of those they contacted were on board.
What you can learn about corporations from their metaphors. A book about the subject might be a good choice.
This is the secret of great salespeople who never lose a sale. It’s the same secret that great hypnotists use to hypnotize their subjects.
This is the most powerful influence strategy ever created. This is great news for those who use hypnotic stories to influence others.
Understanding someone’s subconscious symbols opens up opportunities for you to influence them easily! This eliminates all the struggle you would normally have to endure.
This exercise will help you use your newly acquired hypnotic storytelling skills to influence and persuade in any situation.
Five stories to make your story long-Lasting personal connections
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