Jeremy Burns – Source Code Goldmine Version 6


Jeremy Burns – Source Code Goldmine Version 6

Jeremy Burns - Source Code Goldmine Version 6

Jeremy Burns – Source Code Goldmine Version 6

Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $42.00.

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Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $42.00.

(Download available within 1-2 hours)I can hear you saying it now…”I wouldn’t buy products that are horrible in the quality department” but there’s something that you don’t know…

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Jeremy Burns – Source Code Goldmine Version 6

Jeremy Burns - Source Code Goldmine Version 6

10 Products In Less Than One Minute.
It’s Your Choice & The Clock Is Ticking… SCGoldMine v6 Is Now Live!
Grab $70,000 Worth Of
Source Code And Master Rights To 10 HOT Software, eBooks & Multi-Media Products For Mere Pennies On The Dollar
The Private Label & Source Code Rights Meltdown…
The private label rights business is in big trouble.
You might be thinking “Why, I’ve seen tons of sales going up all over the place” and that would be absolutely true.
But what you don’t know is that the quality of these products is so incredibly poor that you’d feel ashamed to put your name on them if you looked at them with anything other than a quick glance.
Most people selling these products are hiring third world, cut rate writers to write products that they have zero knowledge on!
You read that right, these are people who just go around the Internet and copy, steal, reword and mash together products and then sell them to you as original with no knowledge of the subject.
What’s worse is that most of them don’t speak English as a native language.
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m all for people selling PLR all over the world but when people try to sell products that sound like a third grader wrote them to the English speaking public, it chaps my hide!

What Other Private Label Rights Providers Don’t Want
You To Know That Has Their Teeth Chattering In Fear…
This is probably one of the biggest secrets that I could possibly reveal to you about the Private Label Rights market.
There are literally dozens of people out there creating source code products in hope to sell them as high quality products.
As we know, the quality is usually bad but that doesn’t worry you because you aren’t going to buy bad products.
But here’s the shocker…

Get Jeremy Burns – Source Code Goldmine Version 6 download

You’d never know the quality of the products that you are buying are bad until you actually take out your credit card and shell out the cash because they are covered by shiny graphics and good copywriting.
That’s right, the creator “cheaps out” on the actual products themselves by having third world writers with no experience piece them together while they pay a top notch graphic designer to do the graphics.
They also hire a top copywriter to write a slick sales pitch aimed at separating you from your hard earned money to buy their package.
So after you’ve made that purchase, you’re at the mercy of the merchant to fight for a refund or you have to call and try to explain this all to your credit card company and attempt to file a chargeback.
I’ve had to deal with vendors like this and let me tell ya’, it’s not an experience I would wish on anyone.
All this surely has you thinking…

5 Additional PLR Products!
If all of the awesome products along with the 1st two fast action bonuses, including the Physical Product weren’t already enough, we’re going to make this deal even sweeter!
You’re going to get 5 MORE Private Label Rights products on top of your SCGM v6 package, absolutely free!
These are brand new, fresh off the press eBooks ready for you to customize and start selling.
What’s More, you are ALSO going to get personal training and tools for making more money from your PLR products starting right now!
I am a few weeks away from Launching my brand new
This bonus gets you your 1st month’s (5 Brand New PLR Products) FREE!
After your 1st months 5 NakedPLR products, should you choose to stay a member you will be billed just $19.97 per month, not the $47 per month that regular Naked PLR members will pay.
You’re also going to be getting 4-5 NEW Private Label Products EVERY month for as long as you decide to stay a member.
You may cancel any time and we will notify you before we ever bill you for your 1st month giving you plenty of time to cancel should you decide “Getting Naked” with is not for you.
This includes 4 to 5 NEW PLR products every month along with training, site building tools, bonus PLR products every month and much, much more as long as you decide to stay a member. The Normal $147 enrollment fee has also be waived!
If You Still See This Fast Action Bonus Box On This Page Then YOU DO QUALIFY For This Fast Action Bonus!

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