Jim Knippenberg – Overcome Your Fear Of Meeting Women In Just One Evening
This course is available for immediate delivery! Here’s how to attract QUALITY women into your life! How jealous will poison your game, no matter what else you try to do to attract her! File Size: 684 MB, Format File: 2 MP 8 MP3
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Jim Knippenberg – Overcome Your Fear Of Meeting Women In Just One Evening
The first part of the DVD set goes over how to overcome your subconscious fears about meeting women. Let’s face it, if you don’t overcome the obstacles inside your own mind that keep you from connecting with women, then all the other seduction techniques and know-how in the world won’t do you any good.

But if you take care of the stuff on the INSIDE FIRST, you’ll be able to attract women like a Casanova! I sure wish I had THIS course before I spent thousands of bucks on other people’s seduction stuff. I guess the money I spent on their stuff isn’t wasted money, it just makes me appreciate what I learned from Jimmy even more! And NOW that I learned these secrets from Jimmy, all the other seduction stuff I paid to learn works much better than it did before!!! Secrets like: Simple Calibration drill to measure your improvement in just ONE EVENING!
How some guys accidentally curse themselves to “”just be friends”” with the girl of their dreams Are you depressed over your current predicament with women? Simple step propels you into action Have you tried making deals with God and any other “”power”” out there, and it seems God hasn’t done shit for you? Here’s why… Secrets of “”Instant Stupid”” that shut off all the energies necessary for romance and also decrease your intelligence and immune system by 50% Think you’re too fat, short, bald, skinny, or anything else to get a date?
▶️ Here’s why you’ve been lied to! How your past programming has been getting in the way of romance with women, and how YOU can easily fix it! 10 ways to overcome fear of meeting women How the so-called psychic shields most “”seduction gurus”” tell you to erect actually separates you from women, and what to do INSTEAD 1 minute energy drill that REPROGRAMS your mind for SUCCESS WITH WOMEN!!!
10 ways to activate the natural “”liking”” energies that cause her to be irresistibly attracted to you One of the Moist important energies for attraction — get this one wrong, and you’ll be a shit magnet instead It doesn’t matter how good the sex is IF she’s a bitch to live with! Here’s how to attract QUALITY women into your life! How jealous will poison your game, no matter what else you try to do to attract her! Go from FEAR of meeting women to being ALIVE WITH PLEASURE every time you’re around women How to turn boredom into DROOLING LUST!
Go from being ignored to having her undivided attention in about 5 seconds!!! Secret to activate your energy field that many “”New Age”” books get wrong because the authors don’t know what they’re talking about The Power of COMPULSIONS, and how you can use them to get what you want! The CORRECT way to turn on the “”horny energies of attraction”” that bypass her conscious mind and take on a mind of their own! How to turn “”failure”” into success with women Collapse old anchors that have kept you from connecting with women The one resource YOU already have that will allow you to work miracles in your own life What causes you to have fear meeting and talking with women, and how you can easily fix it!
REPROGRAM your energy field so you are relaxed, calm, and cool while you talk with women Covert way to cancel out a woman’s negative feelings toward you How to tell when a woman is LYING to you — covert signals she doesn’t know she’s constantly giving away How to know how a woman feels about you ahead of time! — How easy can it be to meet a woman who ALREADY likes you!!! A natural posture that “”accidentally”” activates your radiant energies while telepathically influencing her to do what you desire! How to clear the gunk out of your energy field that woman sense on a subconscious level and has been keeping you from what you desire!
Ever forget what to say around women? Here’s how to put your game on autopilot so you can have fun with her instead of trying to remember lines! Why self-promoting psychic influence “”gurus”” who tell you to just grope her psychically don’t know squat, and what to do instead to SKYROCKET your success with women! Language pattern to get more blow jobs and cause her to ENJOY every moment of it!!! The real cause of hesitation when you want to meet a woman and how to reprogram your mind so you get more pleasure every time you talk with women! An amazingly simple and EFFECTIVE way to do affirmations that really work! How to know from the get-go if she’s good for you or not, so you can avoid the ones who are going to be a waste of time!
Secret pressure point lets you project your energy field and intent through her so she’s more likely to do what you want! Language pattern you can use with personal ad responses and in emails to prime her pump to like you before you even meet! Look, if you’ve ever had a woman rip your heart out, thrown it on the ground, and then STOMP on it, then you need these DVD’s!
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