Joe Crump – Stupid Proof System


Joe Crump – Stupid Proof System

Joe Crump - Stupid Proof System

Joe Crump – Stupid Proof System

Original price was: $495.00.Current price is: $62.00.

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Original price was: $495.00.Current price is: $62.00.

(Download available within 1-2 hours)A printed copy of my $127 book, “Zero Down Real Estate Investing With Bad Credit and No Job.” This is a phenomenal way to get you started. I have sold thousands of these books for full price.

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Joe Crump – Stupid Proof System

Joe Crump - Stupid Proof System


“The Stupid-Proof System”™
You may have the feeling that “stupid proof” just doesn’t apply to you… that no matter how simple something is, you can still screw it up. I’ve sure felt that way. I can tell you… I’ve made some pretty incredibly stupid mistakes in my life.
I was talking to an old friend a few months ago (someone who has not seen the “light” of real estate investing – poor guy ;-)). He believes that the best way to “do well” in this world is to get a good job, work hard, get promoted, get your benefits and stock options and walk away at 65 years old with a nice pension. Personally, I can’t figure out what the heck he’s thinking. Although he hasn’t seen my bank account, he has seen my life and the opportunities that money has given me.
Anyway… I was talking to this friend and lamenting the fact that some of my students don’t succeed as real estate investors. “What is it they aren’t getting?” I asked him.
His reply… “Joe… maybe they’re just stupid… not everybody is a genius like you.” He wasn’t joking.
Well… that got me irritated. When it comes to my students, you don’t talk bad about them.
After all, anyone who would pay me the kind of money my students pay me because they want to make a major change in their life has got some major guts.
I talk to my students all the time and I know they are not stupid. Many, many of them are making mega “dough” these days… quitting their jobs, putting their kids through college, working short days and taking long vacations at expensive places around the world… and always working from home.

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Here’s What You’ll Get in

Joe Crump - Stupid Proof System

Many of them have become my good friends and many others are becoming friends. These are the kind of people I want around me… they do me proud.
FREE Bonuses Worth $18,986.90
Bonus One:
A CD-ROM containing over $18,000 worth of real estate forms and contracts. We also provide step-by-step instructions on how to create, present, and profit from various forms. I keep adding material to this CD-ROM… marketing material, easy to fill in and email purchase agreement forms, system software to keep you on track, letters, questionnaires… on and on.
Bonus Two:
Our extra thick, ($295 value) 3-ring binder “INVESTOR’S TOOLKIT” including; title work, comparable sales evaluations, inspection guidelines, disclosures, assignment forms, risk assessment, step-by-step follow along instructions that you can use and follow along during the audio presentation.
Bonus Three:
A printed copy of my $127 book, “Zero Down Real Estate Investing With Bad Credit and No Job.” This is a phenomenal way to get you started. I have sold thousands of these books for full price.
Bonus Four:
A printed copy of a book titled, “Coaching Journal” (value $29.95). It was written by one of my former coaching students. This is actually his journal during the time I mentored him. It’s a great example of how someone took my system and made money in a very short time.
Bonus Five:
A printed copy of my book titled, “Case Studies, Success Stories and Happy Campers”. This book was written my many of my students. You will hear how so many of them have seen success with my methods, what it has done for them and how they specifically made money with my techniques (value $39.95).
Bonus Six – 30 DAY FREE Trial Membership to Joe Crump’s “Real Estate Cash Flow Secrets Membership.”
When you order now with your credit card, I am going to lay in your hands, 30 days of my exclusive “Real Estate Cash Flow Secrets Membership” for FREE… with No Strings Attached.
You’ll Receive 30 Days of the Joe Crump “Real Estate Cash Flow Secrets Membership.” Including the “Best Real Estate Investing Newsletter On The Planet” and the “Monthly CD Audio interviews” by me with top experts in the Real Estate Investing Business… mailed to your door! ($39.95 Monthly Value) You can cancel anytime. More Info On The Free Bonus

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