John Beaulieu – The Shift Network – Tuned to Perfection


John Beaulieu – The Shift Network – Tuned to Perfection

John Beaulieu - The Shift Network - Tuned to Perfection

John Beaulieu – The Shift Network – Tuned to Perfection

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $94.00.

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $94.00.

Experience an intuitive, felt-experience and understanding of the science of sound, neural coherence…

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John Beaulieu – The Shift Network – Tuned to Perfection

John Beaulieu - The Shift Network - Tuned to Perfection

Build a daily sound healing tuning fork practice that will enable you to experience heart, mind, and emotional coherenceΒ β€”Β so you can realize a state of harmony, balance, and sublime self-regulation.

We all like to envision having the healthiest, most vibrant body for ourselves, but actually creating it can be elusive at times.

Many times when we try to embrace a new healthy habit, we fall off the horseΒ β€”Β practically right after we get on it.

This is because the nature of life itself is a continual cycle that flows between chaos and calm… and whether we want to accept it or not,Β change can be constant, chaotic, scary, and stressful.

Knowing that the perpetual cycle of chaos to calm is something you must contend with, why not learn to embrace it?

Better yet, why notΒ learn to master itΒ ?

When you understand theΒ science of soundΒ and how using tuning forks daily can create a state ofΒ coherence between your nervous system, heart, and gut, you can empower yourself in a way you’ve never experienced before.

With these incredible instrumentsΒ β€”Β which are lightweight, affordable, and portableΒ β€”Β you can learn how toΒ hack your body’s nervous systemΒ to release stress at a cellular level and properly vibrate in perfect harmony.

Go from aches and pains and a sense of uncertainty to quickly neutralizing bad thoughts by using resonance to feel more centered and happier.

His tuning fork protocols can teach you how to tune your body to perfection to live a more balanced, relaxed, and blissful life.

His tuning fork protocols can teach you how to tune your body to perfection to live a more balanced, relaxed, and blissful life.Β Tapping two Biosonic tuning forks will instantaneously alter your body’s biochemistry and bring your nervous system, muscle tone and organs into harmonic balance.
β€”Β Dr. John Beaulieu

In Dr. Beaulieu’s new 7-week course, he’ll teach you a one-minute protocol, for both the morning and evening,Β that can activate nitric oxide, which is a powerful vasodilator that relaxes the inner muscles of your blood vessels…

… and acts as both a signaling molecule and attacking molecule, helping neutralize viruses, bacteria, and other free radicals.

Learning the principles of a daily tuning fork practice can enable you to create a powerful foundation for long-term emotional and physical wellbeing.

This is because when you use Biosonic tuning forks properly, they can quicklyΒ alter your body’s biochemistry and bring your nervous system, muscle tone, and organs into harmonic balance. Within seconds they have the ability to bring your body into a deep state of relaxation where you feel centered and peaceful.

As Dr. Beaulieu says… The sound of your nervous system is an indicator of your current internal state and carries a lot of information. If you’re very stressed, it will sound more shrill and intense, and if you’re relaxed, it will sound more flowing and soft.

Dr. Beaulieu’s Biosonic tuning forks are specially tuned to create a perfect harmonic space that unites two different sounds together into one. As a result, it induces a unified and peaceful feeling within you.

He’ll also teach you how toΒ recognize the unique sounds of your nervous systemΒ β€”Β which can give you the feedback you need to help retune your bodyΒ β€”Β to bring it back into sublime homeostasis.

During this sound-healing exploration, you’ll:

  • Learn the vibrational basis ofΒ stress as a science of continual change
  • Discover the importance and practice ofΒ mindful listeningΒ for self-healing
  • Discover how using tuning forks activatesΒ the release of nitric oxide
  • Experience an intuitive, felt-experience and understanding of theΒ science of sound, neural coherence, and neural plasticity
  • Learn how to use Biosonic tuning forks in conjunction withΒ Tai Chi,Β Qigong,Β and intuitive tappingΒ to open your joints, sleep better, and destress at the end of the day
  • ExploreΒ protocols for vibro acoustic healingΒ β€”Β holding a tuning fork to the skin at precise acupoints and trigger points
  • LearnΒ how sound affects body movementΒ β€”Β when you’re listening with tuning forks your body is coming into resonance with sound
  • Learn about your anatomy and theΒ importance of skin hearing
  • Discover how toΒ locate and neutralize trigger pointsΒ with vibroacoustic sound
  • Explore the protocols that will allow you toΒ affect a relaxation responseΒ with Biosonic Otto tuning forks
  • Learn how to use crystals with sound toΒ create a piezoelectric light current for healing
  • Experience theΒ Otto tuning forksΒ (weighted tuning forks), which vibrate atΒ 128 vibrations per secondΒ and create a strong healing vibration when pressed directly to the skin.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

In this 7-week transformational intensive, Dr. Beaulieu will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully build a daily sound healing tuning fork practice so you can bring your body back to a state of harmonic balance.

The Power of Livestreaming Video

You’ll connect with Dr. Beaulieu and experience his teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Dr. Beaulieu’s transmissions. Or you can listen to just the audio by phone.

When you sign up for the courseΒ β€”Β you’ll want to wear headphones, or use external speakers so you’ll have an optimal experience as you listen to the tuning fork concerts Dr. Beaulieu will play for you.

(Can’t make it live? No worries! After each class, the video and audio recordings will be available for you to download or stream in a high-quality format at your convenience.)

Module 1: What Is Sound?Β (June 28)

We’ll begin by discussing theΒ multicultural history of sound and its importance in the healing arts. You’ll learn that β€œeverything is vibration” and how the vibrational behaviors of sound mimic the dynamics of our vibrational universe.

To better understand this, you’ll learn how sound waves create visible forms, and you’ll explore theΒ relationship between frequency and stillness to consciousnessΒ and healing.

The universalΒ principles of harmony, dissonance, and resonanceΒ will be presented in a modern scientific context, and you’ll learn to relate them to your life forΒ increased healing and wellbeing.

In this introductory session, you’ll:

  • Visualize how sound creates designs, shapes, and forms
  • Understand how still points within sound relate toΒ stillness in one’s life
  • Learn the vibrational basis ofΒ stress as a science of continual change
  • Discover the importance and practice ofΒ mindful listeningΒ for self-healing
  • View a video to understandΒ how sound relates to your life
  • Explore cymatics (how sound makes visual forms), and understand how theΒ vibration and frequencies of our lives impact our bodiesΒ and how we think
  • Discover how any frequency that wants to move to another frequency must pass through chaos (a powerful metaphor for life)
  • Learn howΒ sound connects with you at a vibrational levelΒ (this is a basic tenet of the law of attraction)

Module 2: The Science of Sound & the Nervous SystemΒ (July 5)

You’ll learn about theΒ science of soundΒ and how using tuning forks on a daily basis can create a state ofΒ coherence between your nervous system, heart, and gut.

You’ll learn a one-minute, evidence-based,Β tuning-fork protocol that activates nitric oxide, a powerful neural transmitter that signals antiviral, antibacterial, andΒ immune enhancing molecules throughout the whole body.

You’ll learn howΒ sound integrates with all ancient and modern healingΒ and wellness practices to increase neural plasticity and the ability to creatively adapt to stressors.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn how to useΒ tuning forks for daily health maintenanceΒ (and if you don’t have tuning forks, there’s a video to show you how it works)
  • Discover how usingΒ tuning forks activates the release of nitric oxide
  • Experience an intuitive, felt experience, and an understanding of the science of sound,Β neural coherence,Β and neural plasticity
  • Explore how toΒ effortlessly blend soundΒ with ancient meditation and modern wellness practices for optimum wellbeing
  • Become versed in the variousΒ benefits associated with daily self-tuningΒ in order to adapt to life stressors

Module 3: Tuning Forks & Sound Healing InstrumentsΒ (July 12)

You’ll explore the art of sound healing and how you can use anything that creates sound as a sound healing instrument, includingΒ cry stal and metal bowls, your voice, wind instruments, and gong s.

You’ll discover theΒ core principles for building a daily sound healing practiceΒ with the use of Dr. Beaulieu’s Biosonic tuning fork system as you learn about the neural pathways of sound and how they can be accessed through listening (psychoacoustic sounds), touch (vibroacoustic sounds), and movement.

Dr. Beaulieu will teach you how to applyΒ special tuning forks for different conditions.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn how to use Biosonic tuning forks in conjunction withΒ Tai Chi, Qigong and intuitive tappingΒ to open your joints, sleep better, and destress at the end of the day
  • DiscoverΒ how to listen to soundΒ to adjust your body to various frequencies
  • Explore the concepts of sound healing and how to play different sounds withΒ healing intention
  • LearnΒ special protocols for using the Biosonic tuning forks directly on the body and just above the body
  • Observe how theΒ anatomy of sound directly affects the mind and body
  • Discover the importance of listening in order to receive feedback from sound toΒ make subtle changes in sound tonality for optimum effect

Module 4: Sound Healing & the Science of StressΒ (July 19)

You’ll discover that theΒ scientific term forΒ stressΒ andΒ life changeΒ mean the same thing. You’ll explore the vibrational nature of stressors and how Indigenous doctors referred to them as the archetypal elements of Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.

The art ofΒ using music for sound healingΒ will be taught through the 5-element theory based on modern stress science. You’ll learn how to identify the elemental quality of a stressor and how to use your voice to create a music playlist toΒ allow you to creatively adapt to any stressor.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Listen to a series of recorded songsΒ to understand the various elements (Ether, Fire, Water, Air, and Earth)
  • Learn toΒ discern between the differing voices of each elementΒ (how these qualities are personified in othersΒ β€”Β fiery, calm, flowing, curious, intellectual, etc.) so that you can identify them in people and everyday situations
  • Discover theΒ real meaning of stressΒ and how to use sound to manage daily stress
  • Learn how to relate positively to stress, seeing it as an opportunity to change, create new possibilities, and increase wellness
  • LearnΒ how to use 5 element voice analysisΒ to evaluate and relate with stress

Module 5: Creating Personal Tuning Fork Active Meditations With SoundΒ (July 26)

You’ll engage in a discussion ofΒ how sound waves travel through your bodyΒ and the importance of different combinations of tuning forks for healing.

You’ll learn different methods of combining tuning forks toΒ create 5-elem entΒ concertsΒ for yourself, family, and friendsΒ as part of an integrated healing practice. Dr. Beaulieu will explain and demonstrate this process through his online concerts.

Special emphasis will be given to theΒ importance of joint mobility, sound, and body position when giving a concertΒ for others. An introduction to the protocols of the various elements will be provided for increasing creativity, improving sleep, enhancing dreaming,Β calming anxiety, andΒ balancing your nervous system.

You’ll explore important questions such as: How does sound affect body movement? How do different combinations of tuning forks create different movement patterns? How do you use tuning fork sound healing protocols forΒ active and passive meditation practicesΒ ?

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn how to tap intuitivelyΒ and work with another person’s vibration
  • Discover how to give theΒ gift of soundΒ to friends and family
  • ExploreΒ protocols for vibro acoustic healingΒ β€”Β holding a tuning fork to the skin at precise acupoints and trigger points
  • LearnΒ how sound affects body movementΒ β€”Β when you’re listening with tuning forks your body is coming into resonance with sound
  • Understand how andΒ why you want to come into right relationshipΒ (Buddhist theme) and resonance within yourself

Module 6: VibroacousticsΒ β€”Β Using Tuning Forks on Acupuncture, Reflex, & Trigger PointsΒ (August 2)

You’ll discover that your skin hears better than your ears, because the skin is the largest organ in the body and it contains a plethora of receptors that feel vibrations.

You’ll learn how to press Biosonic Otto tuning forks, which are weighted tuning forks, onto points on the skin to affect a relaxation response.

You’ll discover your trigger points on and off the body andΒ how to vibroacoustically neutralize themΒ when your body is in a fight-or-flight response. You’ll also learn how to use crystals with Otto tuning forks to create a piezoelectric current for use with acupuncture and reflex points toΒ adjust the body for optimum health.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn about your anatomy and theΒ importance of skin hearing
  • Discover how toΒ locate and neutralize trigger pointsΒ with vibroacoustic sound
  • Explore the protocols that will allow you toΒ affect a relaxation responseΒ with Biosonic Otto tuning forks
  • Learn how to use crystals with sound toΒ create a piezoelectric light current for healing
  • Experience theΒ Otto tuning forksΒ (weighted tuning forks), which vibrate atΒ 128 vibrations per secondΒ and create a strong healing vibration when pressed directly to the skin
  • DiscoverΒ how sound healing relieves dissonanceΒ (discordant energy when you’re not in resonance and are experiencing pain)

Module 7: Summary of Tuning Fork Sound & Special Healing ConcertΒ (August 9)

You’ll receive a comprehensive summary of everything that’s been covered to provide a full context ofΒ how sound healing fits in with the β€œResonance Theory of Consciousness.”

You’ll be given an overview of advanced teachings on consciousness, what your default mode network is, and the development of spontaneous organization through coherent resonance, sound, and psychedelics.

In this module, you’ll:

  • ExploreΒ what resonance is and how can you can use itΒ in your everyday life
  • Discuss theΒ meaning of consciousnessΒ and how it aligns with sound healing
  • DiscoverΒ how resonance and consciousness relate to soundΒ and frequency

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join theΒ Tuned to PerfectionΒ Online Training

We feel honored that Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online training. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with the co-founder of BioSonic Enterprises, Ltd., whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about creating a sustainable daily health and wellness protocol to support your long-term health then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button to reserve your space now.


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