John Bejakovic – Most Valuable Email


John Bejakovic – Most Valuable Email

John Bejakovic - Most Valuable Email

John Bejakovic – Most Valuable Email

Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $29.00.

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Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $29.00.

Grow your list by word of mouth alone, without you doing much except continuing to apply this trick in your self-promotional content.

File Size: 291.9 MB.

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John Bejakovic – Most Valuable Email

John Bejakovic - Most Valuable Email

If you are a marketer or copywriter, I’d like to make you an offer:
For the not-too-cheap, not-too-expensive ticket price of $100*, I’d like to pull back the curtain and teach you how to properly perform my β€œMost Valuable Email” trick.
And it really is a trick. You can learn it in under an hour and start using it by the end of today.
If you have your own email list… or if you’re looking to start one… if you are promoting your own copywriting info products… or if you want new clients for your marketing services… then using this trick in your emails will:
  1. Give you unquestionable authority and credibility, even if you are just getting started, and even if you have little to boast about so far
  2. Grow your list by word of mouth alone, without you doing much except continuing to apply this trick in your self-promotional content
  3. Turn you into an exponentially more valuable copywriter and marketer
So my offer to you today is:
1.Β My Most Valuable Email training.Β This training is delivered online, in a members-only area of my site. It’s mainly text β€” beautiful text that you can read, scan through, and search. Ok, there are also a few pictures to lighten the mood and even a video to illustrate a few important points.
2.Β My Most Valuable Email Riddles.Β This is a set of prompts for Most Valuable Emails. These Riddles invite you to sit down and write up a 2-3 sentence description of how you would take a core idea and flesh it out using the Most Valuable Email trick. Once you do that, you can compare what you came up with to what I came up with, using the same prompts.
3.Β My Most Valuable Email Swipes. This is a swipe file containing 51 of my most successful, influential, and interesting emails that use the Most Valuable Email trick. In each email, I highlighted the Most Valuable Trick in action, so you can spot it easily and quickly see how I use this trick over and over in different settings.
4.Β My free but time-limited mystery offer, which is good for 96 hours from the time you buy the Most Valuable Email training. I won’t say more about this offer except that it is very valuable, more so than the price of this course, and that it’s something I probably won’t keep up for very long.
The regular price for the Most Valuable Email is $100. But (and here’s that β€˜*’ I had next to the price up top) if you get the Most Valuable Email training during this launch period, until Sunday Oct 2 at 12 midnight PST, then you get 25% off, for a special price of $75.
I know I haven’t β€œsold” this offer very hard on this page or given you much proof to believe what I say. That will change in the coming days as this sales page matures. On the other hand, I want to reassure you, if reassurance is what you need, that while this sales page is incomplete, the actual training is not. I have put in a lot of thought and work into creating the actual training, and I reckon you will agree with me if you see it.
If you’re itchin’ to do that right now, then click on the button below, fill out the form on the next page. You will then get an email from me with your login information for the members-only area of my site where you can jump on the actual training.


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