John Gray, Arjuna Ardagh – Conscious Men Online Course
Lifetime support – Download unlimited when you buy John Gray, Arjuna Ardagh – Conscious Men Online Course Course at Course Farm. The market leader in online learning – Offers a variety of diverse topics: Internet Marketing, Forex & Trading, NLP & Hypnosis, SEO – Traffic, …
Do You Think You Are A Conscious Man?
What does that even mean, right?
Huge changes have happened in the roles of men and women. Social media has removed our face to face interactions. Men who just want to be the best partner, friend and lover they can be are confused and imbalanced.
How is a man supposed to know what to do?
We didn’t think so. You’re probably feeling your consciousness sideslip away. Your masculinity feels atrophied. Life keeps hitting you with curve balls. Your mate is unhappy with you. You feel powerless to control your own environment.

Are you the man you want to be?

How do you get more consciousness?
- You need access to the wisdom of elders
- You need a set of ongoing practices
- You need a community of men you can share with and learn from
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