Jon Morrow – Content Marketing Certification


Jon Morrow – Content Marketing Certification

Jon Morrow – Content Marketing Certification

Original price was: $2,000.00.Current price is: $89.00.

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Original price was: $2,000.00.Current price is: $89.00.

Writers Willing to Get Paid $200+ per Post to Write for Legitimate Businesses Seeking Quality Help. Complete Our Certification Program…

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Jon Morrow – Content Marketing Certification

Jon Morrow - Content Marketing Certification

WANTED: Writers Willing to Get Paid $200+ per Post to Write for Legitimate Businesses Seeking Quality Help

Complete Our Certification Program, and You’ll Have Your First Paying Client within 60 Days… Guaranteed!

Recognize any of those names?

If not, you should.These are some of the biggest influencers online, and as you can see, they’re all interested in hiring content writers that have been trained and vetted by Smart Blogger.

So let’s not waste time beating around the bush. This is my promise to you:

Take the content writing certification program available on this page, follow the directions, pass our certification exam, and I guarantee you will get your first paid writing client in 60 days or less.

That’s not a typo—I said 60 days. Yes, it’s real, and yes, it’s realistic. That’s all it takes to start making money on the side as a writer.

And the money is GOOD!

The kind of gigs I’ll show you how to get pay at least $200 per article. Sometimes $500 or even more.

That kind of money can really add up, especially when you have one client who needs 2 articles a week…another client who needs 5 articles this month…and another who wants somebody on retainer.

But the truth is, this isn’t just about money. It’s about freedom, it’s about doing what you love, and it’s about taking control of your life so you can steer your future in the direction YOU want to go. Let me explain… If You’re a Writer, This Is the Fastest, Simplest Path to the Lifestyle You Want.

Getting this Content Marketing Certification will provide you with a ton of flexibility and options in your career and your life.

Once you start reeling in writing clients, you can go in several different directions.

You can continue building up clients in your free time, and eventually transition to become a full-time freelance content writer or even start our own content marketing agency.

Then you’ll be able to live the freelance lifestyle while working from anywhere in the world—Hawaii? Italy? Bali? New Zealand?

All you’ll need is a laptop and an internet connection.

Or you can use your new experience and connections to land a high-paid new gig as a content marketer. As you can see, the demand for these jobs has been on a dramatic increase that shows no sign of slowing down:

Or you can do what I did:

You can use freelance content writing as a stepping stone to get paid while you learn how to start your own blog.

Most people do this backwards by starting their blog first, and then trying to learn how to make it successful. Meanwhile, they end up working really hard without making any money or gaining any traction.

But if you spend some time as a freelance content writer first, you can get PAID to learn—and then, when you’re ready, you’ll be much better equipped to start that blog and find success much, much faster.

No matter what your eventual plans are, here is the most important message for you:

This is your chance to make a great living doing something you’re passionate about.

And isn’t that what really matters? So many people spend decades working at a job they hate, and it’s sad—because that doesn’t have to be the case.

You CAN make a living as a writer. And in fact, it’s a lot easier than you might think.

The $412,880,000,000 Opportunity for Writers.

There are a lot of people out there who love to write, but they just don’t know how to get started.

They’ve been led to believe—and maybe you have, too—that there just aren’t many high-paying opportunities for writers.

After all, isn’t it really hard to make a living as a novelist, screenwriter, or staff writer for a magazine or newspaper?

Well, yes. It is. But those are only a few types of writing.

If you want to make money as a writer, go where the money is. And today, the money for writers is overwhelmingly in one place:

Content marketing.

Content marketing refers to writing online content—such as articles, videos, and social media posts—that is designed to generate new website traffic, leads, and customers for businesses.

And the demand for content writers is exploding.

In 2016, content marketing was a $196.58 billion industry—a huge number by any standards. By 2021, that value is expected to more than double to $412.88 billion:

You might be wondering…

Why is content marketing on such a steep growth curve?

I’ll tell you why.

Because in a nutshell, content marketing is an incredibly valuable service that helps generate real revenue for businesses. It’s one of the most effective and efficient ways for companies to generate new leads and customers.

Research from Demand Metric reveals that content marketing generates 3x more leads than traditional marketing…while costing 62% less.

That being the case, you can understand why—according the research from Hubspot—55% of marketers say that blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority:

And you know what those marketers need in order to create this content, don’t you?

Yep. They need writers.

When you put all these pieces together, you can see why I believe so strongly that the demand for writers today is greater than ever.

It’s enough to make you wonder…

Why Aren’t More Writers Doing This?

It’s a good question.

Remember, content marketing is growing FAST. There’s a rapidly increasing demand for writers, and the right companies are paying handsomely ($200+ per post).

So why does this opportunity seem like such a secret to most writers?

Well, I’ve thought about this a lot. And I’ve come to the conclusion that there are 3 BIG mistakes most writers are making with content marketing.

1.) First of all, many writers don’t even realize there’s an opportunity here. Or they don’t realize what a huge opportunity it is.

Luckily, this is no longer the case for you.

2.) They don’t have a proven system for creating high-quality content that businesses need.

Sure, they might be good writers. But good writing, on its own, isn’t enough.

You have to know how to write according to the most common content frameworks that have been proven (over and over again) to work online.

The good news is that once you DO have a system like this, content writing becomes much faster and easier—because anytime you get a new project you’ll have a step-by-step framework you can use to create content that your clients will love. 3.) Finally, another BIG problem most content writers face is that they don’t know where to look for good clients. So they end up looking for work on sites like Fiverr or Upwork, getting paid $60 per post. They work way too hard for no reward, end up getting burnt out, and eventually they give up or move on to something else. And that’s a real shame. Because if these writers only had a proven system for creating content that works online, and a way to get in touch with good clients (the kind that pay $200+ per post), it could completely transform their lives. Remember that the need for content marketing is going to more than DOUBLE from 2016 to 2021. That means there’s actually a shortage of writers in the content marketing space. And that’s why, if you love to write…and if you’d love to get paid to write for some really cool companies… Then NOW is the time to get started. Because on this page you have the unique and rare opportunity to take advantage of this demand to…

Make a Great Living Doing What You Love!

Or Sarah Peterson, a writer I trained to now makes over $1,000 per post writing for companies like Sumo.

These are just a few examples of writers that I have personally trained, helping them to make more money, launch an exciting new career, and enjoy more freedom in their lifestyle.

If you’d like to join Mel and Sarah, I can help you do it. Just click here to sign up now for the certification program and get your content training from me personally:

At this point you may be wondering: who am I, and what makes me qualified to teach this stuff?

That’s a fair question to ask. So let me take a minute to tell you a little bit about myself, and why you should trust me.

At One Point, I Was Probably the Highest-Paid Content Writer in the World.

To give you an idea of what I mean by that:

When I quit being a freelance content marketer in order to start my own business, I was charging $5,000 per post.

It’s an almost unbelievable-sounding sum, I know. I hesitated to even mention it here because I know some people won’t believe it.

But it’s true. I was able to charge that much—and still attract plenty of clients—because the traffic and engagement that my posts generated made them well worth the price tag.

I spent years working as a content marketer, helping to build companies like Copyblogger and KISSmetrics into the big and influential brands they are today.

After that I started Smart Blogger because I wanted to teach other writers—people like you—how to do what I did.

Today, Smart Blogger is one of the most trusted names in content marketing. Every month I get emails from some of the world’s biggest influencers and most exciting companies, asking me if I know any good content writers.

That’s part of the reason why I’m creating this certification program. To help connect businesses to high-quality content writers that I feel confident recommending.

Let me take a minute to explain how that’s going to work.

How the Certification Program Works…

There are 3 main parts to this program. Here’s how they work:

Part 1: Everything You Need to Write GREAT Content (Including SEO!)

First, there’s the training itself.

This is where you’ll learn everything you need to know in order to become an effective, successful, and sought-after content writer.

I’ll teach you how to write high-quality content using the same systems & frameworks that I used to build Copyblogger, KISSmetrics, and Smart Blogger into hugely influential international companies.

If you don’t know what you’re doing, content marketing can be really tricky. You could write a thoughtful, entertaining post…and it might perform terribly.

That’s because content marketing is NOT about writing masterpieces. Instead, it requires you to structure your writing in a certain way so it appeals to the right people and encourages them to read and engage with the post.

The truth is, it’s really not that hard to do (once you know the system).

And that is the kind of thing you’re going to learn in this certification program:

  • How to structure your content so that it achieves a business goal and makes your clients LOVE you…
  • Different strategies you can use to get your clients more traffic (this will improve your content’s performance, giving you happier clients and better case studies)…
  • Why the headline is the most important part of any article, and how to write one that makes people feel compelled to click and read your post…
  • The importance of always providing a content brief, along with a walk through of how to create one from scratch (hint: without this, you will find you have constantly disappointed clients and you won’t even know why)…
  • Formatting secrets that can help keep the reader’s eyes glued to the text…
  • Time-management advice that will help you to finish this program, become a more efficient writer, and eventually scale your way up to earning $100/hour or more…
  • The most important SEO principles to be aware of, and how to apply them to your writing (no “keyword stuffing” required)…
  • And much, much more…
  • By the time you finish your training, you’ll know exactly how to structure your content according to a proven content marketing framework…
  • You’ll know how to dominate the competition on Google…
  • And you’ll know how to put it all together in a way that ensures it will produce measurable results for your clients. (Which will keep them coming back to hire you over and over again.)
  • At the end of the training, you’ll be given a fairly rigorous certification exam. Once you pass that exam, you’ll move into the next phase of the program.

Part 2: I’ll Publicly Endorse You (and Help You Get High-Paying Clients)

  • Have you ever worried about having the credibility to get your first client?
  • There are so many writers out there. If you’re a beginner with no track record, why would they choose you?
  • Well, we’re going to take care of that problem right now.

In addition to the profile, we’ll also give you everything you need to start getting clients, including…

  • Training specifically designed to help beginners get their FIRST client, immediately after passing the exam
  • An entire module on how to promote your writing services in a natural, non-salesy manner, generating all the freelance content marketing work you can handle
  • Advice on how to get a full-time content marketing job (if that’s what you want)
  • A private discussion group exclusively for graduates where our team will rally around you to help you get your first client…
  • Contract and proposal templates you can use with your clients…
  • Case studies and examples of other students who have had success so you can follow what worked for others…
  • And more…

With all these things working in your favor, it will be MUCH easier for you to find clients. And even better, they’ll be the high-paying clients who appreciate your hard work because they already understand the value that great content can bring to a business.

Part 3: Six Months of Support

Once the training is all over, I’m confident that you will know everything you need to become a successful and sought-after content writer.

The kind of writer who can attract plenty of writing jobs, charge top dollar for your work, and leave your clients happy and wanting more.

But even after all that, there’s still a good chance that you’ll run into questions down the road.

Maybe you need some feedback on one of your first projects.

Maybe you want some advice on a new client.

Or maybe you could just use a little support from some like-minded people.

That’s why we’ll be doing Q&A calls every other week for 6 months to answer all your questions during and after the certification program.

In addition, you’ll get access to a private Facebook group where you can connect with other writers who are in your shoes. Together you can make some great connections to build your content marketing network, share your experiences, and make some great new friends who will help support you in this new chapter of your life.

Put it all together and you can start to see why I’m so confident in guaranteeing that you’ll get your first paying client within 60 days of passing the certification exam.

So what do you say? Are you ready to begin an exciting and rewarding new career as a content writer?

Are You Qualified to be a High-Paid Content Writer?

I know this question might be on your mind, because I’ve heard many other writers ask it:

Am I really a good enough writer to charge $200 – $5,000 per blog post?

Well, let me explain why you definitely ARE a good enough writer.

First of all, as I mentioned earlier…writing good content is actually a lot easier than it seems.

There are templates and frameworks to follow, and once you know what they are, the whole process becomes surprisingly simple.

The truth is, it doesn’t take Shakespeare to write a good blog post. You just need some decent writing skills and the knowledge of how to structure an effective blog post. (Which I’ll teach you in this program.)

To give you an idea of what kind of posts you might be asked to write, here’s an example that was ghost-written by one of my students:

Do those posts look hard to write? Does it look like you need to be a literary genius to create articles like that?

Of course not. They’re simple, straightforward, and fairly easy to create. Most of the time they’re full of practical advice that you can find online with a simple Google search.

You are absolutely capable of writing posts like that.

And with the skills and connections you’re about to gain from this certification program, you’ll be well-paid to do so.

But there’s a catch: this is a limited-time offer, and if miss the window for opportunity, you might be out of luck.

Why You Need to Take Action NOW!

I hope that by now you realize what an amazing opportunity this is.

Our students and graduates are getting results at an unprecedented rate. We’ve received more glowing reports for this class than any other we’ve ever created. And the crazy thing? It’s just getting started. Already, large companies and agencies are coming to us, hoping to hire our writers. Some students are even getting full-time jobs…

But here’s the question to ponder:

Will opportunities like this last forever? Or will the market eventually “catch up” and slow down?

That’s why you should get in as quickly as you can. Not only because of the opportunity, but also because we are offering a HUGE discount right now…

Why I’m Offering You a $1,000 Discount

If you look at our product page, you’ll see that this certification program normally costs $2,000.

But here’s the deal… Right now, we are aggressively expanding this program, because we want to become the “go to” training program for content marketers worldwide. To make that happen, we are offering a discount for a limited time where you can get the entire certification program for only $1000.


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