Jonny – SellerPro Academy


Jonny – SellerPro Academy

Jonny - SellerPro Academy

Jonny – SellerPro Academy

Original price was: $2,387.00.Current price is: $477.00.

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Original price was: $2,387.00.Current price is: $477.00.

Being an entrepreneur can be one of the loneliest jobs if you don’t have people around you that support you and want to see you thrive. Our mastermind group is built so that you always have likeminded individuals ready to give you honest feedback and recommendations when you need it most.

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Jonny – SellerPro Academy

Jonny - SellerPro Academy

Our Vision:
“To help ordinary People create extraordinary things,
just one product at a time.”
Known by many as the Number #1 Amazon FBA mentor in the UK, Jonny has helped thousands of entrepreneurs learn, start and run their own Private Label business using the immense power of Amazon to fulfil not just their orders but their dreams too.

The SellerPro Academy offers a proven step by step system for you to go from a complete beginner to having a successful and scalable business on Amazon.
Because of his extensive training with Apple as their sales and technical trainer Jonny leveraged the secrets of the 1 trillion dollar company to create training that is of the highest standard, that creates real results and genuine success stories.

The ALL NEW SellerPro Academy took what already worked well and turned it up to 11. Below you’ll find a break down of everything included along with hundreds of testimonials from happy members.

What’s included?
155+ Tutorials And Step By Step FBA Training:
During the 155+ certified tutorials you will be guided step by step through every aspect of setting up your Amazon FBA Business, Finding that Winning Product, Sourcing, Launching and Scaling your business. Everything you could ever need!
See Full Curriculum
That’s not all… You’ll also get these
exclusive bonuses:
VIP Email Support With Jonny:
Arguably the most valuable bonus, direct access to Jonny’s VIP email account so you can ask those burning questions, get product feedback and discuss your strategy.

Many many people have enrolled JUST so they can access this benefit! Information alone is not enough to be successful in ANY business and that rule is exactly the same for your FBA business.

Just having the ability to get product feedback, strategic planning and generally a trusted mentor you can ask questions to can be worth literally tens of thousands.

Jonny dedicates an enormous amount of time into supporting his students so that they have the highest chances of success. This support will save you huge amounts time and give you the confidence to make a huge amount of money!
Private Mastermind Group:
Imagine if you had hundreds of people you could call on every time you needed help?

We get told often that the groups are worth the cost of the course alone just for the peer to peer support!

Being an entrepreneur can be one of the loneliest jobs if you don’t have people around you that support you and want to see you thrive. Our mastermind group is built so that you always have likeminded individuals ready to give you honest feedback and recommendations when you need it most.

Our community is the most engaged and helpful one out there, all driven towards building our empires together.
FBA Specialist Support Consultant
If you’re even stuck and Amazon’s Support is driving you mad, then the specialist support will be worth it’s weight in gold!

Now you have exclusive access to Jonny’s personal consultant that has over 5 years of experience as an Amazon FBA Specialist and nearly 3 years working with the SellerPro Academy members.
No one else has support like this!
Bi-Weekly Strategy Calls:
Every 2 weeks we all hop on a Zoom conference call, you can ask questions, get feedback and even join the call as a speaker with your questions. This is the perfect time to connect with Jonny on a more personal level and this time will give you access to him in a way that no one else does!

There’s no limit to how many you can join and if you miss it due to other commitments there is always replays you can watch at your own convenience!

This special bonus is so valuable its crazy that we’re not charging more!
Your Course Curriculum
21 Modules With 100+ Personally Delivered Lessons

In this module you will be introduced to your instructor Jonny Bradley, shown how to get the most out of the training along with key information about graduating from the SellerPro Academy and joining the 10K and 100K Club.

In this lesson you will hear from your instructor Jonny Bradley, introducing you to the start of your transformational journey to become an Amazon’s best seller.

In this lesson you will learn how to progress through the course in the most efficient way. What you will learn:

How to Navigate the training and access all learning materials
How to use the accessibility features
How to recap lessons when refreshing your memory

You joined this program to succeed. In this lesson you look at how to complete the SellerPro Academy and are introduced to the 10K and 100K club. In this lesson you will learn:

How to graduate from the SellerPro Academy
The criteria for the 10K & 100K Club
How to apply for your 10K or 100K Club Award

In this module you will learn the most important factors that have contributed to the success of the 100K Club members so that you can follow in their footsteps with the right mindset for success.

Selling on Amazon isn’t just a process of ticking boxes, you are starting up a business and as such you first need to understand your ‘why.’ In this lesson you will:

Identify your reasoning behind why you want to succeed
Identify what success looks like for you
Identify the common roadblocks you may face

There are three types of people that enrol in the SellerPro Academy, during this lesson you will identify how committed you are to success. From there you will learn what you need to do to increase your commitment so to have best results. You will learn:

What type of learner you are
How to increase your commitment level

Acting logically when you’re stressed or under pressure can be very hard, during this lesson you’ll learn what issues you may face along with remedies on how to approach them to keep your stress levels down and your productivity up. You will learn:

Examples of experiences that may cause you stress
How not to handle those situations
How to overcome issues in a calm and calculated way

In this lesson you will learn about the science behind goal setting along with three of the most important factors that will allow you to be around 42% more likely to achieve your goals. You will learn:

The three elements to achieving your goals
How to set specific and personal goals

In this module you will learn how to gain access to one of the SellerPro Academy’s biggest selling points; it’s support. There is so much, a whole module is dedicated to show you what you get access to.

As there is so much support available it is first important that you know how to identify all of the different mechanisms and understand which level of support to use under different circumstances so you can always get the best and most efficient support. You will learn:

All of the support systems available
How to distinguish which one to use when required

In this lesson you are shown how to access the private mastermind group along. You will identify what it is best used for along with how to fully navigate and get the most out of this resource. You will learn:

How to join the SellerPro Academy Mastermind group
How to navigate and use it fully
?What the mastermind should be used for

In this lesson you will learn about one of the most valuable support systems; how to contact Jonny Bradley directly. You will also understand what type of support you should be after when using this method. What we cover:

How to access direct support with Jonny Bradley
How to access support from Jonny’s support team
How to judge what questions will be best for this resource

Every two weeks Jonny hosts a private strategy call with SellerPro members. In this lesson you will learn what the strategy sessions are for and how to join them. You will learn:

How to join the bi-weekly strategy calls
How to analyse if this support method is best for your specific needs

Often people underestimate the support that all Amazon sellers get and do not know how to get the most out of Amazon Seller Support. In this lesson you’ll be able to judge when it is best to use Amazon’s Support and be able to navigate and use it fully. You will learn:

When it is appropriate to use Amazon Seller Support
How to access and use Amazon Seller Support

It is important that your voice is heard. At the SellerPro Academy we ask for your feedback so we can continue to improve and be the world best FBA resource. You will learn:

How to use the appropriate channels for giving feedback
How to give specific feedback

In this lesson you will have the ability to download materials that contain must have links and resources along with exclusive discount codes and personal contacts.

Verify your knowledge of this module with a short quiz.

Setting up your business for success is vital. In this module you will learn the steps you need to take to have your company set up correctly and have everything in order ready for your Amazon Selling journey.

In this lesson you will acquire all the knowledge needed to develop and startup your company ready for an FBA business. You will learn:

How to name your company
How to check company name availability
How to open a Limited Company
?How to get a business bank account
?Common request from banks
?How to find an affordable accountant
?What to do when so you’re set up as efficiently as possible

Verify your knowledge of this module with a short quiz.

One of the key differences between the SellerPro Academy and other training programs is how in depth the training goes into the theory of customer behaviour. Once you understand customers behaviours you can better fulfil their needs. In this module you’ll learn about Jonny Bradley’s unique Complete Solution method.

In this lesson you will learn about the customer dynamics module and it’s impact on finding a product to sell on Amazon. You will start a perspective shift that will allow you to open up many more product and branding ideas.

All customers buy for different reasons, it is your job to understand the buying triggers for your potential customers. Only then can you create solutions that meet their needs. You will learn:

What is a buying trigger
Why customers buy and why they do not buy
How to use this knowledge when conducting product research

In this lessons learn the three elements that make up the Complete Solution and how they interact to create incredible product ideas. You will learn:

The three elements to the Complete Solution
How they interact with each other

In this lesson you will learn about how to develop a list of buying triggers that apply to your potential products and how to assess all potential customer needs. You will learn:

The definition of Potential Customer Needs
How to develop a list of buying triggers
How to engage your super fast subconscious brain
How to apply the learning to product research

In this lesson you will learn about how to to develop a list of solutions that solve your customers needs, then apply the learning to your product research You will learn:

The definition of Potential Customer solutions
How to develop a list of solutions
How to apply the learning to product research

In this lessons you’ll learn how to use the law of large numbers and the affect is has on product selection. From here you’ll be able to conduct verification experiments to assess potential solutions. You will learn:

What the law of large numbers is
How the effect can be used on product selection
How to conduct product verification experiments

Verify your knowledge of this module with a short quiz.

In this module you will learn the four main techniques to find products to sell on Amazon and the due diligence checks you need to perform to assess viability.

In this lesson you will be shown an overview of the product discovery module so you can identify key requirements before conducting product research. You will learn:

What is product discovery
How to be efficient with product research

In this lessons you’ll learn how to use the law ofIn this lesson you will learn how to calculate your personal product discovery metrics. Everyone has a different investment fund to start with, it is important you understand how to allocate funds in the correct way before conducting any product research. large numbers and the affect is has on product selection. From here you’ll be able to conduct verification experiments to assess potential solutions. You will learn:

How to calculate your personal product discovery metrics

In this lesson you will learn how to identify if a product is restricted or in a gated category a without knowing this you can cause delays and even suspension from Amazon. You will learn:

How to identify if a product is restricted
How to identify if a product is in a gated category
How to get approved to sell both restricted and gated products

In this lesson you’ll learn how to conduct interest trend searches on products to assess their seasonality or any trends they may be in. You will learn:

How to conduct interest trend searches
How to assess trends for viability

Intellectual property, trademarks and patents are a confusing topic. In this lesson you will learn how to identify if a product has an active patent and be able to take the appropriate actions. You’ll also learn about trademarks, copyright and how these legalities can affect your product research. You will learn:

How to assess if a product has an active patent
How to seek professional advise regarding patents
How to search for trademarks
How to distinguish between patents, trademarks and copyright.

One of the hardest parts of finding a product is analysing the data to assess if the product is worth spending more time on. In this lesson you will learn how to analyse demand data that is gathered from your product discovery. You will be given carious examples to show you exactly what to expect. You will learn:

How to analyse demand data
How to analyse completion
If a product should be researched further or forgotten about

It is easy to find estimated sales data however getting specific and accurate sales data to make decisions from you need to conduct daily tracking. In this lesson learn how to do this manually as well as using automated systems. You will learn:

Why you need to track sales
How to track sales manually
How to use automated systems to track sales

In this lesson you’ll be shown the product discovery data base and be able to collect and store product ideas so you can analyse and rank the product’s viability. You will learn:

How to use the database
How to download the database

In this lesson you’ll learn how to navigate leading product research online tools to help you assess demand data and find products that meet your specific criteria. You will learn:

How to use product research tools to identify potential products

Other sellers on Amazon can give great inspiration for your own product research. In this lesson you’ll learn how to leverage other sellers stores to find potential products. You will learn:

How to use other sellers stores to conduct product research

Most manufacturers create tens of products, many of which may be selling really well. Using this method you can identify product options that otherwise you may not find. You will learn:

How to use suppliers to find product ideas

Amazon introduced a feature called Launchpad which is a create area to see products that are just launching, from here you can assess the markets and look for product opportunities. You will learn:

What Amazon Launchpad is
How to leverage Launchpad to find products to sell

Verify your knowledge of this module with a short quiz.

In this module you’ll learn how to create a list of product offers and conduct market research to assess viability.

In this lesson you’ll learn about what the module will teach you and why creating an irresistible offer is influential in your success You will learn:

Why creating irresistible offers are so important to your success

In this lesson you’ll learn about human purchasing behaviour and how you can influence a buyers choice by creating an offer. You will learn:

Identify the difference between an offer and a product
Why you must create an offer to stand out

A great way to stand out is with bundling products together, in this lesson you will learn how to create winning physical product bundles so to stand out from your competition. You will learn:

What is a physical product with examples
Evaluate which physical product(s) would be best suited for your offer

By using digital products you can increase the value of your offer exponentially, in this lesson you will learn how to create winning digital product bundles so to stand out from your competition. You will learn:

What is a digital product
Examples of digital products
How to create your own digital products

Using the Law of large numbers you will be able to run tests on your potential product offers to assess which will be most successful with customers. You will learn:

How to use the Law of large numbers to verify product offers
Why verification is so important to your success

Verify your knowledge of this module with a short quiz.

In this module you will cover the entire sourcing and negotiation process from reaching out to suppliers through to the best way to ship your products to Amazon. Getting this stage right is critical for your product quality and profitability.

In this lesson you will learn the process of sourcing and negotiating. You will gain insight into why this is a crucial phase. You will learn:

Why is this stage so important
Overview of the process

Understating your costs is vital to your success yet many people miss key related costs. In this lessons learn about all the associated costs and how to work them out so you can work out your profitability with certainty. You will learn:

How to distinguish between the different seller fee types and relevant costs

It is important to understand Chinese Etiquette before your reach out to suppliers so you get off on the right foot. This lesson you will learn the fundamentals of Chinese etiquette to build a good business relationship with suppliers. You will learn:

Chinese etiquette
Building a long-lasting relationship

Terminology used by suppliers can be overwhelming. In this lesson you will learn the key terminology used so you can source and negotiate with suppliers professionally. You will learn:

Key terminology suppliers use
How to communicate correctly during sourcing and negotiation

Understanding the relevant safety and legal requirements is extremely crucial when starting any business, especially on Amazon. In this lesson you’ll learn about how to identify the certificate and safety regulations for your product along with how to acquire those documents. You will learn:

Key classifications, certificates and regulations to be aware of
How to find what certificates and regulations you need for your product
How to acquire the correct documentation

Negotiating can be daunting and it is so influential in your success when you get it right so in this lesson you will learn the eight negotiation tips that you’ll need to implement to get the highest quality products for the cheapest price. You will learn:

The eight expert tips for negotiating with suppliers

In this lesson you will learn how to use the supplier out research script for gating initial prices and create your own bespoke outreach messages. You will learn:

How to create engaging outreach messages for sourcing

In this lesson you will learn the negotiation tactics that you’ll need to implement along with scripts you can use to help with the negotiations. You will learn:

How to negotiate efficiently to get costs down
How to use and amend the scripts with negotiating

There is a large time difference between the UK and China so it’s important you communicate in the most efficient way possible. In the lesson you will learn the methods to speed up communications in the sourcing & negotiating process. You will learn:

Why you use other communication methods
What other methods you can use
When to use them and when not to use them

In this lesson you will learn how to use to search for trusted suppliers. You will learn:

What to look for when searching for suppliers
How to search

There are various types of samples you can request from suppliers. In this lesson you will learn the correct samples to request and how to make payment to gain the best value. You will learn:

The various sample types and costs
When to order
How many samples to order
Sample Payments

It is common that you will need to arrange bundled products with two or three suppliers. In this lesson you will learn how to make this process as smooth as possible and key considerations to be made. You will learn:

When bundle arrangement is needed
How to arrange bundles
Key considerations

Making payment to your supplier for your product is the biggest investment you will make, so it’s vitally important you have correct insurance via Trade Assurance in place. In this lesson you will learn what trade assurance terms to request, how you are covered and how to claim if something goes wrong. You will learn:

What is trade assurance
What type & terms you need
Ensuring you have trade assurance cover
How to raise a dispute / claim

There are a number of ways to ship your products to Amazon from overseas. Also, there is documentation that needs to be completed at crucial stages. In this lesson you will learn about the whole shipping process from factory to Amazon’s warehouse. You will learn:

Complete shipping process
Shipping terms
Key responsibilities

In this lesson you will learn how air freight works, which shipping terms best suit your requirements and which companies to use. You will learn:

Air shipping process
What terms to use
The best companies to use for air freight

In this lesson you will learn how sea freight works, from the process to agreeing the shipping terms. You will also learn who to use for you shipment. You will learn:

Sea shipping process
Sea shipping terms
Who to use

When your products have been completed it’s important to inspect the products before they are sent to Amazon. Having defective products sent to Amazon can severely damage your account and business. In this lesson you will learn about the various inspection methods that are available prior to your products being sent to Amazon. You will learn:

Why do we want to inspect products
Various inspection methods

Transitioning from Air Freight to Sea Freight can save you thousand of pounds in shipping costs. In this lesson you will learn how to transition from air to sea whilst not effecting your inventory. You will learn:

How to transition from air to sea freight
Inventory management

There are various duties and requirements that need to be paid and completed when shipping products from overseas. In this lesson you will learn what they are and how to complete them. You will learn:

Custom duty
Import VAT
EORI number

Once the negotiation phase is completed and agreed it’s important you document the agreements within a contract and append it correctly. In this lesson you will learn how to draft the contract for your order and also request a pro-forma invoice. You will learn:

Finalising your order with your supplier and requesting a pro-forma invoice
Drafting a contract and how to append correctly for protection

When making large overseas payments to your suppliers you can save hundreds of pounds in fees by using currency exchange services. In this lesson you will learn which services to use and the process of making payments so you stay protected. You will learn:

Why use currency exchange services
The transfer process

Verify your knowledge of this module with a short quiz.

In this module you will learn the tactics that Jonny and his 10K and 100K club members have used to create incredible brands. You will learn how to create a brand that connects with customers on an emotional level along with how to create the brand assets needed to launch a product.

In this lesson you will learn about the difference between a logo and a brand and how a brand impacts customers buying decisions, repeat business and recommendations. You will learn:

What is a brand
Why your brand is not just a logo

The biggest companies in the world all have common themes when it comes to their vision. In this lesson learn the tricks they use to create addictive brands so you can implement into your own brand. You will learn:

What is a brand vision
Why you must be implementing a vision
How to create your brand vision

USP’s Don’t Exist however Owned Emotional Selling Points do. In this lesson learn what an OESP is, how it can impact your brand and how to create one. You will learn:

Why USP’s don’t exist
What is an OESP
How to create an OESP
How to use a OESP

All successful brands have a voice that has been thought out to connect best with their target customer. In this lesson you’ll learn the brand voice classifications and be able to create your own brand voice You will learn:

What is a brand voice
How it is used with examples
How to define and create your own brand voice

When starting a brand you must ensure that you are conducting the relevant checks so you are legally able to create and use the brand. In this lesson learn all the tasks you need to complete prior to deciding on your brand. You will learn:

What due diligence checks you must conduct
How to conduct due diligence checks

In this lessons you’ll learn how to use the law of large numbers and the affect is has on product selection. From here you’ll be able to conduct verification experiments to assess potential solutions. You will learn:

What makes a good brand name
The different types of brand names
How to create your own brand name

To have a brand you must have brand assets. In this lesson you’ll learn about what assets you’ll need along with how to have them created. You will learn:

What is a brand asset
How to create your own brand assets
How to hire freelancers

Although getting a trademark is not required it is important you understand when is best to get one along with the process. In this lesson learn how to identify if and when you need a trademark and how to apply for one. You will learn:

What a trademark is
If you need a trademark
How to apply for a trademark

To have a professional brand you need to act accordingly and use official email and custom domains. In this lesson learn how to acquire a custom domain and custom email. You will learn:

Why you need a custom domain and email
How to acquire a custom domain and email

To send in inventory to Amazon’s warehouses you must meet their packaging requirements. In this lesson learn what they packaging requirements are for your product. You will learn:

What the packaging requirements are for Amazon

You product packaging is vital in the satisfaction of your customer. A good first impression makes a big difference on the likelihood to recommend. In this lesson identify how to get stunning packaging designed and understand how to make sure it is aligned to the correct standards. You will learn:

Why product packaging is so important
How to get stunning packaging designed
How to ensure it aligns to the correct standards

In this lessons learn what information needs to be displayed on a product insert along and why they can be great for increased customer satisfaction. You will learn:

Why product inserts are important
When is best to have one
How to create a product insert

Verify your knowledge of this module with a short quiz.

In this module you will earn how to set up your product on Amazon so that you are ready to optimise the listing ready for launch.

In this lesson you will earn how to set up your account and how to get verified so you can start selling as soon as possible. You will learn:

The different seller account types
How to register as a seller
How to verify your account

Something as simple as a barcode can be very confusing. In this lesson learn the difference between different barcode types and be able to acquire the correct barcode for your Amazon listing. You will learn:

What a barcode is
The difference between barcode types
How to aware the correct barcode

In this lesson you will learn how to create a product listing on Amazon. You will learn:

How to create a product listing
How to convert from FBM to FBA

If you have product variations you will need to create them on Amazon. In this lessons you’ll learn how to create variations when starting out as well as later down the line. You will learn:

How product variations work
How to add variations when creating initial product listing
How to add variations after the initial product listing has been created

Hazmat review is a process that can take up to two weeks if you do not know the process. In this lessons learn more about Hazmat along with how to pass Hazmat review in the most efficient way. You will learn:

What is Hazmat Review
How to identify the requirements requested
How to supply the relevant documentation

Amazon provide their own special barcodes, in this lesson you’ll learn how to download your barcodes that will will affixed to your product packaging. You will learn:

What an Amazon barcode is
How they differ to other types of barcodes
How to acquire your product barcodes

Not all categories and product are immediately sellable on Amazon and require approval. Many people fail to jump through the hoops Amazon request so in this lesson you’ll learn how to identify any restrictions of any kind and how to get approved to sell. You will learn:

How to identify gated categories and restrictions
How to summarise the requirements
How to compile the correct information for approval

Before sending units to Amazon you must create a plan so they are aware of exactly what they will be receiving. If not done correctly you can make big mistakes. You will learn:

How to create a shipping plan
When to create one to avoid issues

Download a ordering checklist you can use so you can ensure you have competed all tasks before ordering your products.

Verify your knowledge of this module with a short quiz.

In this module you’ll identify the reasons behind why your image optimisation is so influential, you’ll learn the unique functional design formula created by Jonny and be able to create extremely high converting product image, increasing your changes of success.

In this lesson learn the reasons why your image optimisation is so important and why you should be putting a large amount of focus into your images. You will learn:

Why image optimisation is so important
How customer behaviour is impacted by images

The functional design formula has made sellers millions in sales and one of the most influential strategies you can implement to create a extremely high converting product listing. In this lesson you’ll learn the overarching strategy. You will learn:

What is the Functional Design Formula
What are the three elements that make it up

Attention is a limited resources, with customers attention spans in the micro seconds in this lesson you’ll learn how to leverage the time you do have to create high converting images using attention theory. You will learn:

What is Posner’s Theory of Attention
How the theory relates to Amazon images
Examples of how you can construct images to leverage the customers attention

The first step of the Functional Design Formula. In this lesson learn the four steps needed to be able to communicate your features to customers in the most functional way. You will learn:

Why communication is so important
How to create images that communicate exactly what you want
How to create a design brief for a designer incorporating the skills learned in this lesson

The second step of the Functional Design Formula. In this lesson learn the four steps for planning your images so they are quickly and easily understandable by a customer. You will learn:

What is clarity
How to construct images to communicate at a glance
How to add to your design brief

The third step of the Functional Design Formula. In this lesson learn the five steps for keeping your images consistent so they are easily understandable by all. You will learn:

What is consistency
How to create images that have high levels of consistency
How to add to your design tried

To get exceptionally high quality images you most likely will use a 3D designer. In this lesson learn how to find the best designers for the lowest cost. You will learn:

What are 3D renders
Why you should be using them
How to find and hire 3D designers

In this lesson learn how to get product photography done for the cheapest cost and highest quality. You will learn:

Why photography is crucial
How to hire photographers cheaply
How to hire models cheaply
How to create photography briefs so you get exactly what you need

In this lesson you’ll learn how to put the finishing touches on your design brief along with how to hire and have product images completed to extremely high standards. You will learn:

How to complete you design brief
How to hire a graphic designer
How to ensure you have the highest quality images

Amazon of course have image requirements, in this lesson learn the best practices for your images so you are operating within Amazon’s terms of service. You will learn:

Product image requirements
Best practices with listing images

To ensure you get the highest click through rate and conversion rate in this lesson you will learn about image verification experiments. You will learn:

What are image verification experiments
Why conducting tests is so important
Conducting image experiments

Verify your knowledge of this module with a short quiz.

In this module you will learn how to create a highly converting listing by optimising your copy, SEO and Price Point. With these key areas optimised you will be in a position to outperform the competition and drive sales.

In this lesson you will learn what the five key areas are to creating a highly converting listing. You will learn:

Why and how does our listing need to be optimised to convert
Five key areas to creating a high converting listing

Sourcing the correct keywords for your listing so you’re aligned with Amazon algorithm will drive highly targeted customers to your product. In this lesson you will learn how to find relevant and high volume keywords for your listing. You will learn:

What are the purpose of keywords
Importance of highly relevant keywords
Keyword research methods

In this lesson learn Amazon’s requirements for creating listings so you can ensure your listings are always compliant. You will learn:

What are style guides
How to find and use them

In this lesson learn the importance of character limits when doing your listing SEO. You will learn:

What are character and byte limits
How to check your limits

The product title is the first thing a customer reads before clicking on your listing. In this lesson you will learn how to create the copy to get your product in front of relevant customers through SEO, link clicks over the competition and also convert the sale. You will learn:

What is the Title
What to include
What not to include
How to create a optimised title

Bullet Points give you the opportunity to sell you product to the customer though copy. In this lesson you will learn what to include in your bullet points and keyword targeting. You will learn:

What are the bullet points
What to include
What not to include
How to create high converting bullet points

Like bullet points the description section on your listing gives you the opportunity to sell you product to the customer though various copy. In this lesson you will learn what to include in your description, how to use HTML for formatting and keyword targeting. You will learn:

What is the Description
Standard vs EBC
HTML Formatting
What to include
What not to include
How to create a high converting description

In this lesson you will learn how to apply back-end keywords to your listing within seller central. Making full use of back-end keywords will drive greater traffic to your listing resulting in higher sales. You will learn:

What are the purpose of back-end keywords
How to add back-end keywords
What to include
What not to include
How to create high converting keywords

Setting the correct price point for your product and how to strategies against the competition is important for succeeding, especially at the start. In this lesson you will learn the considerations when setting your price point. You will learn:

Price point considerations
Strike though price
Increasing / decreasing price best practices

In this lesson you will learn how to produce your listing copy using Helium 10 Scribbles to ensure the listing has highly converting and searched keywords. You will learn:

What is scribbles
How to use scribbles for listing optimisation

In this lesson you will learn how to investigate why your listing is suppressed and implement the correct changes for reinstatement. You will learn:

What is a suppressed listing
Why suppressed listing occur
How to fix a suppressed listing

Verify your knowledge of this module with a short quiz.

In this module you will learn the launch strategies that are responsible for millions of pounds generated in sales from SellerPro Academy members and be able to create your own bespoke strategy and timelines so you also have a launch that dominates your competition.

In this lesson you will learn about the different launch methods so you’ll be able to better decide which method(s) will work for you. You will learn:

What is a product launch
Why is it so important
Overview of the different launch methods

If you do not plan your launch you will miss out on potentially thousands in extra sales. In this lesson see a typical launch timeline along with how to crate your own that aligns with your launch strategy. You will learn:

What a typical timeline looks like
How to construct your own timeline
How to appraise your listing and launch tasks

To launch on Amazon you need reviews. In this lesson learn the tactics used to get a vast number of reviews before launching your product so your listing converts as high as possible. You will learn:

Difference between review types
Review limits for new sellers
How to get reviews using a variety of methods

To rank on Amazon you need to understand how the metrics affect your ranking. In this lesson learn exactly that along with tracking methods. You will learn:

How keyword ranking works on Amazon
How to conclude what keywords you can and should rank for
How to understand metrics for rank velocity

After launching you will be tracking your organic rank for search terms, using keyword tracking you can adjust and adapt your launch strategy accordingly You will learn:

How to evaluate your keyword rank
Adjust your strategy accordingly

One of the best ways to launch is by using PPC with a combination with other strategies. Once you leverage PPC you become a powerful seller. In this lesson learn about the PPC launch strategy and about how you can implement it into your launch strategy. You will learn:

The overview of the PPC Launch Strategy
The pros and cons to the strategy

Amazon is changing and preventing the effectiveness of giveaways however currently you can still leverage this technique. In this lesson learn if and how you should be using give-aways as part of your strategy. You will learn:

What is a giveaway
How to work out giveaway metrics

With the world on social media in this lesson you’ll learn one of the most innovative techniques for leveraging social media and micro-influencers to have huge sales and reviews when launching. You will learn:

The social media launch strategy
How to implement it into your launch

Getting reviews is hard, however it’s not when you can leverage narrative email sequences. In this lesson learn two unique strategies for creating email sequences along with scripts, examples and special best practices. You will learn:

The best way to structure email campaigns
How to create narrative based emails
How to create your own bespoke high converting sequence

In this lesson you’ll learn how to ensure your stock is protected when launching so you are not taken advantage of by other sellers on Amazon. You will learn:

Why you need to protect your stock
How to implement the correct measures for protection

In this lesson you’ll learn the process for receiving stock at Amazon and apply the correct procedures for any inventory that gets lost or damaged. You will learn:

Amazon’s process for receiving stock
What to do if you have lost or damaged inventory

Verify your knowledge of this module with a short quiz.

PPC (Pay Per Click) is Amazons advertising platform and when run correctly can bring huge sales and results. In this module you will learn the complete SellerPro PTC (PPC That Converts) process and the FBA Ad Strategy which will grow your sales and make advertising on Amazon profitable.

Amazon are increasing the advertising space for sellers on the platform and in this lesson you will learn how to identify the key reasons as to why PPC is so important on Amazon. You will learn:

Product launch using PPC vs Giveaways
How the advertising space used on Amazon is growing

To be successful with PPC you need a solid ads strategy. In this lesson you will learn about the “FBA” ads strategy and be introduced to the SellerPro Ads planner. You will learn:

FBA Ads Strategy Overview
Introduction to the SellerPro Ads Planner

In this lesson you will learn how to interpret all of the vital terminology used when discussing, using and optimising pay per click advertising on Amazon. You will learn:

Key terminology used for pay per click advertising
Key terminology for pay per click advertising on seller central

There are key performance indicators to review when analysing PPC. In this lesson you will learn about the key performance indicators that are vital to your advertising campaign success. You will learn:

Understanding various KPIs for PPC
Understand why they are important

There are also key performance metrics to review when analysing PPC. In this lesson you will learn about the key performance metrics that are vital to your advertising campaign success. You will learn:

Understanding various KPMs for PPC
Have clear data to benchmark against when optimising campaigns

There are various keyword classifications dependent on a way a customer searches for your product. In this lesson you will learn about classification such as short & long tail keywords and how they should be assessed and used. You will learn:

What are short and long tail keywords
How they compare
What are they best used for

It’s going to be detrimental to your advertising if you start running ads prior to certain provisions being met. In this lesson you will learn what provisions should be in place prior to running any advertising. You will learn:

Pre-Advertising provisions

In this lesson you will be introduced to the SellerPro Ads planner which you will construct over the entirety of all the PPC modules. This will give you a solid plan to build your advertising structure from. You will learn:

What is the SellerPro Ads Planner
90 day ads plan

Verify your knowledge of this module with a short quiz.

In this module you will learn the foundation phase of the “FBA” Ads strategy, this is where you will form a solid structure to build your campaigns from. You will learn campaign creation for the foundation stage and how to source the best keywords to populate your campaigns with.

In this lesson you will learn the reasons as to why the foundation for your ad campaigns are so important. You will learn:

The structure to use as the foundation for your product ads
Ad spend control

Understanding launch metrics when creating your advertising campaigns is important for bid budgets. In this lesson you will learn how to bid within your profit and conversion parameters. You will learn:

Products conversion rates
Product breakeven values (ACOS) & (Breakeven Bid)

Every advertising campaign needs an objective, without an objective you cannot optimise accordingly to reach your goals. In this lesson you will learn the different objectives and how they effect your product and goals. You will learn:

Why is an objective important
Launch objectives options

In this lesson you will learn how to determine keyword relevance and keywords required for your advertising campaigns. You will learn:

How to determine keyword relevance

In this lesson you will learn how to compile a list of relevant keywords using Helium 10 Magnet and Cerebro tools. You will learn:

How to build your keywords list
Keyword research using Helium10

In this lesson you will learn how to compile keywords for your list using / com, no software is needed with this method. You will learn:

How to use Amazon to gain relevant keywords

In this lesson you will learn how to compile keywords for your list using Seller Central Campaign Manager. You will learn:

How to use Seller Central Campaign Manager to compile keywords

Creating a good campaign structure for you advertising in important so you can track results and optimise smoothly. In the lesson you will learn how to structure your advertising correctly within Amazon seller central. You will learn:

What is the campaign structure
How to structure your advertising in seller central

In this lesson you will learn how to implement the SellerPro Detection campaign to your launch and the objective of this campaign. You will learn:

Campaign set up
Bid management

In this lesson you will learn how to implement the SellerPro Explore campaign to your launch and the objective of this campaign. You will learn:

Campaign set up
Bid management

In this lesson you will learn how to implement the SellerPro Competitor Targeting campaign to your launch. You will learn:

Campaign set up
Bid management

In this lesson you will learn how to implement the SellerPro campaign to your launch. You will learn:

Campaign set up
Bid management

Verify your knowledge of this module with a short quiz.

In this module you will learn the build phase of the “FBA” Ads strategy, this is where you will begin to build on the campaign structure you crated in the foundation module. You will learn campaign optimisation though bids, matches, placements and competitor analysis.

In this lesson you will learn how to distinguish what we are going to cover in the build module. You will learn:

Data analysis
Build on the foundation that have been set previously

In this lesson you will learn how to analyse campaigns and covert relevant search terms to keywords and build out your campaigns You will learn:

How to analyses the data for suitable search term candidates
Transition between campaigns

In this lesson you will learn how to analyse and implement match targeting for your detection campaign. You will learn:

What is match type targeting
Metrics Analysed

In this lesson you will learn how to analyse and implement placement targeting for your detection & Explore campaigns You will learn:

What is placement type targeting
Metrics analysed

In this lesson you will learn how to analyse and tune search terms in your detection and explore campaign You will learn:

Tuning search term though various methods

In this lesson you will learn how to analyse and tune keywords in your explore campaign You will learn:

Tuning keywords though various methods

In this video you will learn how to analyse and tune High & Low ACOS keywords in your explore campaign. You will learn:

Tuning ACOS metrics though various methods

Verify your knowledge of this module with a short quiz.

In this module you will learn the Accelerate phase of the “FBA” Ads strategy, this is where you will begin to accelerate your advertising campaigns in the correct areas and create new high converting campaigns to achieve the best sales and profitability for your advertising spend.

In this lesson you will learn the overview of the accelerate stage and the creation of the “SellerPro” campaign. You will learn:

What is the SellerPro Campaign
Why you concentrate ad spend for the best results

In this lesson you will learn how to implement the “SellerPro” campaign for enhanced results and the objective of this campaign. You will learn:

How to enhance the existing campaign
Objective of the campaign

In this lesson you will learn how to analyse all data from your campaigns to supplement the “SellerPro” campaign. You will learn:

Timeline of testing
Metrics to be analysed
Rules and associated action

When building campaigns and transitioning keywords / search terms you need to understand what match type is the most profitable. In this lesson you will learn how to analyse your SellerPro campaign data to establish best keyword match type. You will learn:

Metrics to be assessed
Rules and associated action

Targeting competitors on Amazon though advertising can be very profitable. In this lesson you will learn how to construct the “SellerPro ASIN” campaign from the data gained from build campaigns You will learn:

SellerPro “ASIN” Campaign Set Up
Campaign Strategy

In this lesson learn how to analyse the data from your competitor targeting campaigns to identify profitable competitor targets and add to your SellerPro Targeting. You will learn:

How to analyse you competitor targeting data
How to identify profitable competitor ASINs

In this lesson you will analyse the SellerPro competitor targeting data compared to the competitor targeting campaigns You will learn:

How to analyse the SellerPro competitor Targeting data
How to establish best targets

With a large amount of optimisation spread across various campaigns and timings you will learn in this lesson how and when what optimisation needs to take place. You will learn:

How to navigate the optimisation schedule.

Verify your knowledge of this module with a short quiz.

In this module you will learn about some of the daily and adhoc tasks you will need to complete to run your business efficiently from protecting yourself when going out of stock to outsourcing and building a team.

As Amazon use a ranking system it is important to protect that rank at all costs. In this lesson learn what to do when you are about to go out of stock. You will learn:

The impact of going out of stock on your rank
How to protect your rank when going out of stock
What to do if you’re about to go out of stock

In this lesson learn how to protect your listing from hijackers, send infringement complaints and cease and desist letters. You will learn:

What is a hijacker
How to remove hijackers quickly

In this lesson you will learn about returned products and how to deal with customers should they come to you. You will learn:

What to do with returned products
How to access your return reports

In this lesson you will learn what to do with faulty, damaged or otherwise unsellable goods. You will learn:

What is unfulfillable inventory
Your options with this inventory
How to trigger removal or destroy requests

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At times customers will ask for invoices for their purchases. In this lesson learn how to create invoices and amend templated invoices and send to customers. You will learn:

What needs to be on invoices for VAT and non-VAT registered sellers
How to fill out the invoices templates

Understanding seller central reports can be tricks due to the number of reports available. In this lessons learn the most important reports, where to find them and what they are for. You will learn:

How to access relevant reports

To scale your business it’s important to outsource mundane tasks. In this lesson learn about the common tasks that you can outsource along with standard operating procedures and how to safely give team members access to your Amazon account. You will learn:

What tasks can be outsourced
How to hire talent

Verify your knowledge of this module with a short quiz.

In this module you will have a final message from Jonny about the completion of the SellerPro Academy

After completing this lesson you will be able to graduate from the SellerPro Academy and get your certificate of completion.
The Worlds First Fully Certified Amazon FBA Training
The online education landscape is changing.

It’s so hard to know who is trustworthy, who’s training is poor quality and not worth the money. Jonny and his team have been working tirelessly to create a trusted online educational environment that isn’t just backed by hundreds of testimonials. But backed by one of the leading certification services in the world.

We are proud to say that The SellerPro Academy is fully certified.
What is Accredited CPD Training?
Accredited CPD training means the learning activity has reached the required Continuing Professional Development standards and benchmarks.

The learning value has been scrutinised to ensure integrity and quality.

The CPD Certification Service provides recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD requirements.

To have training certified with CPD isn’t just a tick box quiz, it takes a huge amount of resources and time to become fully certified.

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