Katrina Ruth Programs – Coded For Money Flow and Fame


Katrina Ruth Programs – Coded For Money Flow and Fame

Katrina Ruth Programs – Coded For Money Flow and Fame

Katrina Ruth Programs – Coded For Money Flow and Fame

Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $79.00.

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Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $79.00.

When you do that, when you strip back, when you recode, when you BECOME that quantum self who is a POWERHOUSE of money flow and fame, you AUTOMATICALLY call in the people who you’re meant to call in.

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Katrina Ruth Programs - Coded For Money Flow and Fame

Katrina Ruth Programs – Coded For Money Flow and Fame

Get Katrina Ruth Programs – Coded For Money Flow and Fame at the Course Farm

4 Weeks of Deeply Immersive Frequency Work and Vibrational Recoding to Strip You of Your Bullshit, Return You to Highest Self, and Access Money Flow and Fame From the Quantum, NOW.


And let’s get real now –

You KNOW that it’s not only YOU is bored with the surface bullshit, aware on the daily that THIS IS NOT WHERE RESULTS COME FROM.

Your people? Your soulmate peeps, the ones who will fall all over you and buy ALL your shit?

They feel the same fucking way. And then some.

They are SO DAMN OVER seeing you put out the same fiddly piddly stuff which is not about the DEEP work, the true work, the you work.

Or maybe they’re not even over you at all because they haven’t even yet NOTICED you!! Because you?

Repeatedly refuse to do the damn thing of being the damn thing.

So ANNOYING, really!!

Here is what else:


In fact there is ONLY a market for you being fully you!

When you do that, when you strip back, when you recode, when you BECOME that quantum self who is a POWERHOUSE of money flow and fame, you AUTOMATICALLY call in the people who you’re meant to call in.

You don’t have to do jack SHIT for this to happen!!

It’s the you being you which makes them appear! Like magic! Out of the woodwork! Telling you they HAVE to work with you. Buying your stuff on repeat. Telling all their friends. Telling the WORLD!


The way you always dreamed of.

The way you always knew of.

The way you’ve made such a FUSS of up until now, thinking that you have to get there through adding, doing, pushing, and climbing.

No baby.

You have to get there by giving in to what you always wanted, longed for.

The thing.

The truth.

The soul.

The all of you.

And that?

THAT is just a little bit of what Coded for Money Flow and Fame is about.

It’s about stripping back to WHAT WAS ALWAYS THERE.

And it’s about doing the DEEP quantum work, the energetic work, the frequency work, the vibrational freakin’ recoding to GET YOU BACK TO THAT YOU.

We strip the shit.

And we recode on a core level.

Locking down a soul blueprint and PROGRAM of simply BEING.

That next level self.

That CERTAIN self.

That absolutely CONFIDENT self.

That self who owns her own badassery full and TAKES IT TO THE WORLD.

This is what it takes.

No more fucking around trying to play Business Barbie with your systems and strategy when a) you don’t care about that shit and b) IT DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER, WHEN YOU’RE NOT BEING WHO YOU’RE MEANT TO BE ON A SOUL AND CELLULAR LEVEL.





The first live training JUST DROPPED! Literally we finished only an hour or so ago!


This training wasn’t part of the initial download for Coded but I was chatting to my brother the other day and it just started to come through me.

Once I tuned in further the vision I had was like there was this blanket, like a cloak and a hold which was happening and moving through and over this community.

The cloak was a fear, an anxiety people were feeling and experiencing around money.

I knew this was a CRITICAL additional pre-work we had to do BEFORE we begin our 4 week immersion together in Coded.

The replay is now available NOW for anyone who joins!!

You will have access to the training AS SOON AS YOU SAY YES to Coded for Money Flow and Fame:

4 Weeks of Deeply Immersive Frequency Work and Vibrational Recoding to Strip You of Your Bullshit, Return You to Highest Self, and Access Money Flow and Fame From the Quantum, NOW.

Thank you to all the badass who joined me on this training!

If you haven’t already seen you’ll ALSO be receiving TWO more bonuses in addition to this live training!

Bonus! Pre-Work Training Bonus!

Get IMMEDIATE access to pre-work training, previously ONLY released to private clients, on How to Collapse Time and Call In Your Soulmate Clients Now! This is one of the most powerful trainings I’ve ever done and teaches instant manifestation, time collapsing, and how to pull on the energetic chord which already attaches you to your soulmate tribe and gets them in your space right away!!

This BONUS program will be delivered in home-study format on your members dashboard minutes after you sign up and will be yours to keep FOR LIFE!!!

Get Katrina Ruth Programs – Coded For Money Flow and Fame at the Course Farm


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