Ken Primola – The Single Leg – Volume 1

Ken Primola – The Single Leg – Volume 1

Ken Primola - The Single Leg - Volume 1

Ken Primola – The Single Leg – Volume 1


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Starting off the first two things Instructor Ken shows us are the the 1) “square stance” and 2) “penetration stance” he quickly and clearly defines them, what they are used for and how to properly position your body for each respective stance.

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Ken Primola – The Single Leg – Volume 1

 Ken Primola - The Single Leg - Volume 1

Alright guys and gals, I come today to talk about and review the instructional video “The Single Leg: Volume1” brought to us by Takedowns101 and by Bjj Blackbelt Ken Primola. In this volume instructor Ken Primola will go over the single leg, set ups for the single leg, and finishes from multiple positions. The DVD itself is plain nothing flashy, the menu is also the same there are no intricate options, and if im correct there are about 45minutes of instructional material in this volume.

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Starting off the first two things Instructor Ken shows us are the the 1) “square stance” and 2) “penetration stance” he quickly and clearly defines them, what they are used for and how to properly position your body for each respective stance. Afterwards he goes over the regular Single leg take-down he smoothly transitions between steps, explaining how to move and position your body.

Primola also goes over different set-ups to the single leg like the more common (1-4)push-pull method and other basic set-ups. Since I started bjj with no prior wrestling background this DVD gave me the perfect chance to try out the different set-ups to the single leg, I tried it out while training and since my single is still kinda choppy, I could notice some improvement after taking some tips from the set up section. I got the take-down at least twice on different opponents.


*Example of finish with leg inside*

*example of finish with leg in between*

*example of finish with leg outside*

The next sections go over multiple finishes from different positions like when the leg ends up on the inside outside, in between the leg , and even when they end up sprawling on you while going for the single leg. Through every move/finish professor Primola goes through and clearly, efficiently, and thoroughly explain each finish repeatedly going through and showing the finishes/set-ups in different angles if necessary. He even goes through some other common mistakes done by people when trying to do a certain finishes and set ups.

Now maybe the only thing that I see wrong was that Instructor Ken did not go over on how to “get to” or obtain the leg inside, in between, and outside positions. Baring in mind that there are gonna be people who are completely new to take-downs might want to know how to get to those specific positions if they want try hitting them while training, I was once oblivious to the fact of take-downs and how to work them so if i were to come across this i would have been a little lost when instructor Ken began showing finishes from those positions.

Overall, this is a really great instructional disc for those who are new , for those who are looking to improve , and for those who are taking off the rust from one off BJJ’s & wrestling’s most basic (yet sometimes hard to get) take-down The Single Leg.


Get your copy from the I Love Bjj shop also check out their Facebook fanpage @ I Love BJJ

******Quick reminder for us the viewers that even if it is an “instructional” video, i.e. whether you found it on the web or through a DVD, we have to remember there is a danger in practicing what is shown on the screen. This sport , as in any sport, has its risks and that the people who put the video together ,in this case Takedowns101 and Ken Primola, are NOT LIABLE , I repeat, NOT LIABLE for any injuries the viewer causes to themselves or any training partners. So remember people while practicing any techniques on this DVD be careful and make sure you take the necessary precautions to avoid any injuries.*****
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