Kimanzi Constable – Get Booked


Kimanzi Constable – Get Booked

Kimanzi Constable - Get Booked

Kimanzi Constable – Get Booked

Original price was: $5,000.00.Current price is: $442.00.

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Original price was: $5,000.00.Current price is: $442.00.

You want to charge more in an industry that can afford your highest dollar coaching, courses, and training programs. You want to add more revenue to your bottom line through the corporate consulting. You have a profitable business and you’re looking to level up. You want to take those skills into a new market.

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Kimanzi Constable – Get Booked

Kimanzi Constable - Get Booked

You get on a flight heading to some exotic country that’s on your bucket list. You walk into the plane and the flight attendant directs you to the First Class cabin. You get to your seat and smile. It’s a pod-style lay flat seat that will give you enough room to be comfortable for the more than eight-hour flight.

As the plane starts to climb, you smirk taking in the entirety of what’s about to happen. On the flight, you get some sleep, watch a few movies, enjoy the yummy meals in First Class, and do a little work. You pull out your laptop and run through the presentation you’ll be giving in a few days.
The first leg of the experience comes to an end as you land in a country that has every part of your body tingling in excitement. You get off the plane and head towards customs. As you walk up to the customs agent, you hear, β€œwhat is the purpose of your visit?”
At this point, your face hurts from smiling so much. You look the customs agent in the eye and tell them you’re there for a consulting gig at a company. You explain that the company booked you because of the knowledge and skills you have around a particular topic.
The customs agent stamps your passport and tells you how interesting what you do for a living is. They end with, β€œwelcome to our country!”
You step foot into a country that you’ve always dreamed of experiencing. That moment is even sweeter because the company that booked you paid for the First Class tickets, all of your other travel expenses, and paid a five-figure consulting fee for the three-hour presentation you’ll be giving.
In all, they invested over $30,000 because they wanted YOU!
If all of this wasn’t enough, you get an email saying the C.O.O. wants to sit down with you after your training. They want to license your online courses at a rate of $2,000 an employee and inquire about hiring you to set up an automated training program at their company. You’ll make passive income after your gig.
You do the gig and ROCK it. You lock in the passive income deals and have several days to enjoy that country with someone you love. You have so much fun that you can’t believe this is what you do for a living. But, it is!
You get on that flight home and start smiling again. This was just your first consulting tour. There will be many more with all kinds of amazing new experiences.

This is NOT a Dream

You might be reading this and think it sounds like a great dream for someone else. It’s NOT! This can be your reality. I just described what most of Cindy and my consulting tours look like and we’re not the only ones. Consulting at companies has been around as long as business has.

Companies have and always will book consultants. They spent over $385 billions dollars last year booking entrepreneurs just like you. Cindy and I travel to 15+ countries a year to consult some of the largest companies in the world. We started from the bottom and built our business.

This kind of business IS possible for you. In fact, you deserve it. We created our Get Booked (Live) program to give you the exact steps.

I had done some local consulting gigs with smaller companies since 2012 but I knew it was time to go after the bigger opportunities. When I started looking at the opportunity to book corporate consulting, my mind was blown. The numbers and ways to generate revenue had me speechless.

Get Kimanzi Constable – Get Booked downloadTo date, I’ve done consulting gigs at companies in 78 countries.

Cindy Constable has booked thousands of consultings deals as a corporate decision maker. As the former CFO of the city of Ocala in Florida, she has done consulting deals that range from five-figures to her biggest deal being a signed $24 million dollar contract.

We have the real world experience to teach you the secret sauce to booking paid gigs.

We transitioned from only selling courses online to charging corporations $30,000 for the same content and training. We get multiple five-figure, one-off training fees. We license corporations our online courses at a rate of $2,000 per employee (per license, per year). Our team sets up training programs at corporations and we take on done-for-you projects for six-figures.

It’s been a game changer.

You want to charge more in an industry that can afford your highest dollar coaching, courses, and training programs. You want to add more revenue to your bottom line through the corporate consulting. You have a profitable business and you’re looking to level up. You want to take those skills into a new market.

We can help.


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