Local Affiliate SEO Mastery


Local Affiliate SEO Mastery

Local Affiliate SEO Mastery

Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $37.00.

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Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $37.00.

But, during this time, a fellow marketer built a page that wasn’t nearly as good as yours, with a mediocre product, and his page has literally taken off like a rocket to outer space, making him handfuls of money…

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Local Affiliate SEO Mastery

Local Affiliate SEO Mastery

Do you know someone who can start any kind of venture and immediately profit from it, somehow turning everything they touch into gold?

It just seems like they CAN’T fail, right?

I know a few people like that, and for awhile, it drove me CRAZY.

With affiliate marketing, most of the time, it’s a game of patience.

You choose a great prduct or service, build a solid page, write the content you know will help with ranking, then you wait.

And wait…

And wait…

And wait…

But, during this time, a fellow marketer built a page that wasn’t nearly as good as yours, with a mediocre product, and his page has literally taken off like a rocket to outer space, making him handfuls of money…

What gives?

I’ll let you in on exactly β€œwhat gives”… It’s your organic rankings.

You most likely knew that free organic traffic was extremely important, but do you know how to fix it?

Do you know how to write your content so you don’t ever have to fix it?

That’s where the real money is made.

As I looked around the internet at the courses that were out there, I quickly realized that people were overcomplicating this whole SEO thing. I taught myself how to do it over the course of many years, so I know what works and what doesn’t.

I learned it the hard way… Old school trial and error.

This gives me a unique position to speak from because I’ve been doing this for years, testing numerous tactics, adjusting with failures, succeeding over time.

Do you really need another guide, leaving you with instructions on what to do but no explanation as to why you are doing it?

That’s like learning how to kick a soccer ball but not knowing any of the rules of the game, it won’t end well for you.

I want to make it known that this is no β€œSEO hack,” this will take time and it will take work.

You can look up numerous guides on β€œhacking Google” if you want to go that route. Due to the extreme repercussions, I wouldn’t recommend it.

You’ll be learning the real process to earning a first page rank on Google.

Here are some metrics from a few of my websites, showing the kind of traffic possibilities I’m talking about if you simply put in the work and use my step-by-step process…

These results are something that is very achievable, don’t let yourself think these are some crazy numbers, this is completely doable. If you are new to the SEO scene, this is not that uncommon.

My 3 Step Process

In order to combat the common confusion with learning SEO, I created my own 3 step process that is so easy, beginners leave this course feeling fully equipped to battle the SEO monster.

This course is what I would have asked for, over 6 years ago, when I started this whole journey…

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Over 6 years of research and failures could have been taught to me in about 6 hours, had someone known what they were talking about…

Lucky for you, I am saving you from going through the same process I endured.

Here’s the simple process I wish I could go back and tell myself 6 years ago…


The 3 Steps Revealed In This Course

Step 1: How to Understand Keywords, Once and for All

Keywords are the genesis of every successful SEO campaign yet sadly, they are commonly over-complicated by instructors. This is quite literally the first thing you need to learn.

β€œYou need to do keyword research.”

Yes, we all know this, but not many do it. The simple reason is not many know how to do the research.

Not only will I give you my exact process for keyword research, I will show you my entire keyword discovery process as well, including how I pick and choose which ones will actually be profitable.

Here’s the catch with keywords…

Not all keywords are worth going after.

If you start out with the wrong keywords, then I can assure you that in 6 months or less, even if you did “everything right” you are still not going to see results.

One of the most frustrating things in SEO is the fact that you can do everything right but if one part of the puzzle is missing, then your website won’t be anywhere near a first page rank.

I help you avoid all of those possible errors.

For every given niche and industry out there; there are keywords that work, and keywords that don’t.

Understanding the differences between the two could literally mean the difference between 10 visitors per day or 1,000+ visitors per day.

Step 2: How to Write Content that Skyrockets Your Traffic

You do want traffic, right?

You don’t need to be an SEO expert to understand that anything on page 2 and beyond is not going to bring in the results you’re after, if any at all.

I hate to say this, but all of that time you spent writing that massive 3,500 word β€œultimate guide,” was probably wasted.

You remember our friend from the introduction, the guy who can turn anything he touches into gold? Well, he just wrote a 900 word article in 20 minutes on the same topic as you. His article is total trash compared to yours, but he’s on the first page of Google, he’s making money.

Just like with keywords, there’s a right way and a wrong way you should create content for that first page rank you need.

I will reveal to you exactly how I craft my articles, which words I use, how I use them, and where they should be on the page.

This is the stuff that no one else is teaching… The WHY you are doing it.

I don’t want you to copy everything I do, I want you to learn and become better without the years and years of frustration.

Think of it like you are getting a firsthand look, over my shoulder, as I write my own content, I won’t be holding anything back.

This is why it’s important for you to know what type of content Google wants (and doesn’t want) to rank, how to structure your content for SEO, and also how to give it the best possible chance of ranking (even if you are competing against massive authority websites).

Step 3: How to Optimize Your Content to Multiply Your Current Results

I’m going to let you in on a little secret…

The secret to more traffic is not always more content.

Following the “just publish great content” mantra can work, but you’d be missing out on about 90% more potential traffic, and you’d be working a hell of a lot harder than you need to!

In the past 6 months, the methods outlined in part 3 alone has provided me so much value, I could sell this as a standalone course…

So, how did I accomplish this? Let me ask you a question first…

Have you realized how every really good affiliate marketer always manages to make their niche websites a major success?

The secret here is not really much of a secret at all…

These guys know how to get free organic, high quality traffic on an extremely consistent basis.

That’s it. That’s all there is to it – once you have the traffic, making money is the easy part.

That is what this course is going to teach you how to do.

β€œThe information outlined in step 3 alone was worth 10x the price of this course. Chris explains how to take existing content and make it rank much, much higher by using very simple research methods and applying those to your current pages. I would recommend this course based on this section alone.”

-Nick Yates @iamnickyates

What Makes “Affiliate SEO Mastery” Different Than Other Courses?

You’re probably thinking, β€œChris, I can just Google this and figure it out myself!”

Yes, you absolutely could, just like I did for over 6 years. That is entirely your call. It comes down to how much you value your personal time, you could spend over 6 years researching, or you could take one, simple course and instantly learn the step-by-step method I discovered.

You may also be thinking, β€œChris, what about this course over here for $15? Why would I pay more for yours?”

Let’s talk about what’s different with the Affiliate SEO Mastery course…

  • First off, this course doesn’t end… Huh? Yes, you read that right, this course will be growing as we grow, together. The more I learn, the more I add. You will literally be gaining the same knowledge as I do as I test more SEO related things with my websites. I will also be adding numerous bonuses
  • The best way to choose your niche for SEO purposes, and how I do it for all of my websites (this one thing is worth the price of the course alone)
  • Learn the 7 FREE methods I use to research keywords before I ever get started, this is crucial to your website’s success
  • I teach you the exact way I write content that makes my pages jump from page 25 to page 1
  • Once you’ve got a trickle of traffic, I’ll show you how to turn that into a waterfall of organic leads, don’t forget leads = $$$
  • I’ll show you how to join the roughly 4% of affiliate marketers who make a living from this type of work
  • You’ll learn the one simple metric I use to skyrocket my results. Don’t worry about everything you see on Google analytics, most statistics are useless
  • What’s the deal with domain authority and page rank? I’ll give you the only things you need to know about both (hint: it isn’t that scary after all)
  • Should you be adding backlinks? I wrote an entire section specifically about this
  • White hat and Black hat SEO: the mysterious terms you’ve heard of but never understood… And how to effectively use them
  • The worst possible SEO issue, and exactly how I make sure it never happens on my websites
  • Google webmaster and how to use it to your personal advantage
  • How to optimize external links, get others to do the ranking work for you.

Now, that should give you a pretty good idea of what you’ll be getting, but if that wasn’t enough, let’s take a look at the exact curriculum.

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