Manuel Kraus – Building Self-Confidence – The Science of Self-Confidence


Manuel Kraus – Building Self-Confidence – The Science of Self-Confidence

Manuel Kraus - Building Self-Confidence - The Science of Self-Confidence

Manuel Kraus – Building Self-Confidence – The Science of Self-Confidence

Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $17.00.

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Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $17.00.

This course distills research from psychology and neuroscience from all over the world into lessons…

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Manuel Kraus – Building Self-Confidence – The Science of Self-Confidence

Manuel Kraus - Building Self-Confidence - The Science of Self-Confidence

Use this science-based program to become more self-confident over the next 30 days.

This course distills research from psychology and neuroscience from all over the world into lessons and steps that you can take to become more self-confident.

Become Self-ConfidentΒ and Set Yourself Up for Success

  • Challenge self-doubts effectively
  • Understand and develop β€˜growth mindsets’
  • Identify thinking errors and generate alternative beliefs
  • Manage feelings of anxiety
  • Lean into uncomfortable feelings
  • Use positive emotions to raise confidence
  • Use β€˜tiny habits’ to build up confidence
  • Learn to leave your comfort zone
  • Use long-term strategies to improve confidence
  • Harness your social environment
  • Stop social comparison
  • Build a detailed confidence action plan

Get a full-fledged self-confidence course that covers every single factor that contributes self-confidence.

Self-confidence is an important factor for how far we get in life. Because self-confidence is part of you achieving your goals, reaching your dreams, creating the life you want. When you start building your self-confidence, you take one of the most important steps towards a successful and fulfilled life. In this course you’ll learn how to build self-confidence – based on the scientific research in psychology and neuroscience.

Course Curriculum


Introduction (1:59)

Self-Confidence: Low versus High (0:50)

Self-Confidence: Global versus Specific (3:05)

Activity: Which areas in your life are you already confident in?

Activity: Where do you want to build confidence?

What Confidence Is Not (1:53)

Activity: Choose an Area

How Confidence Develops (3:54)

How Confidence Can Be Learned (2:39)

Thoughts and Beliefs – Mindsets and Self-Doubt

Quote: Thoughts Shape Destiny

How Beliefs Become Self-Fulfilling Prophecies (4:50)

How Mindsets Shape Our Confidence (5:30)

Fixed versus Growth Mindset (4:29)

Activity: Identifying Fixed Mindsets

Quote: The First Draft

How Self-Doubts Shape our Confidence (8:10)

Challenging our Self-Doubt (1:48)


Activity: When in the past where you successful?

Thoughts and Beliefs 2 – Changing Thinking Patterns

How our Beliefs Shape our Reality: The ABC Model (3:36)

Activity: Recording ABC Sequences

How Cognitive Distortions Shape our Self-Confidence (0:45)

Cognitive Distortions Overview

Activity: Identify Cognitive Distortions

Activity: Dealing with Cognitive Distortions 1

Activity: Dealing with Cognitive Distortions 2

Feelings – Managing Anxiety

Introduction – Feelings and Self-Confidence (1:47)

Causes and Purpose of Anxiety (3:08)

Negativity Bias (2:05)

Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing (1:40)

Worksheet: Diaphragmatic Breathing

Self-Talk (2:42)

Activity: Counter Negative Self-Talk

Reinterpreting Anxiety (1:46)

Activity: Reinterpreting Anxiety

Other Stress Management Techniques (1:13)

Managing Anxiety

Feelings – Accepting Anxiety

Understanding Acceptance (2:41)

The Role of Avoidance (1:09)

Learning to Accept Anxiety (3:38)

Activity: Body Scan Meditation

Accepting Anxiety

Feelings – Using Positive Emotions

Introduction (0:19)

Feeling Good: A Confidence Boost (1:17)

The Undoing Effect of Positive Emotions (3:20)

Activity: Positive Emotions as a Confidence Boost

Share your favourite quote

List of Uplifting Videos

Positive Emotions

Behavior – Β Small

Introduction (2:14)

Self-Perception Theory (6:04)

Self-Perception Theory: The Paradox (3:19)

Activity: Confidence Challenge Hierarchy

The Psychology of the β€˜Comfort Zone’ (2:41)

Small Daily Habits for Long-Term Change (5:09)

Activity: Confidence Challenge

Quote: The Secret of Getting Ahead

Visualization (1:23)

Activity: Visualization

Behavior – Fake It β€˜Til You Make It

Just Do It (3:33)

Quote: Ever Tried. Ever Failed.

Activity: Just Do It

The Anxiety Curve (1:31)

Willingness (2:24)

Activity: Willingness

Activity: Willingness II

Dealing With Failure (4:03)

Quote: Learn to Fail or Fail to Learn

Power Poses (3:24)

Worksheet: Power Poses

Behavior – Long-Term Strategies

Confidence Boost: Physical Activity (1:51)

Setting Goals for Confidence (1:55)

Activity: Planning Behavior and Setting Goals

Raising Competence (2:02)

Activity: Raising Competence


Social Context

The Social Context of Self-Confidence (5:12)

Modelling Behavior (0:50)

Activity: Finding Role-Models

Activity: Learning from our Peers

Building a Support Network (1:37)

Activity: Board of Success

Activity: Who can help me with this?

Social Comparison (2:48)

Quote: Social Comparison

Activity: Stop Negative Social Comparison

Final Section

Combining the Lessons Learned (2:07)

Activity: Make your Self-Confidence Plan

How did you like it?

End-of-course survey


Overview: Ways to Build Self-Confidence

Quote: The Things You Didn’t Do


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