Marie Forleo – Copy Cure 2023


Marie Forleo – Copy Cure 2023

Marie Forleo - Copy Cure 2023

Marie Forleo – Copy Cure 2023

Original price was: $1,499.00.Current price is: $69.00.

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Original price was: $1,499.00.Current price is: $69.00.

“This course is available and delivery within a few hours!”There’s a hungry audience out there who needs exactly what you sell. We’ll show you how to reach them through compelling, effective copy that gets results.

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Marie Forleo – Copy Cure 2023

Marie Forleo - Copy Cure 2023

By the end of the program, you’ll be able to…
 Write 2-3X Faster
Stop spending all day agonizing over a single email. With an arsenal of online tools, brainstorming techniques, and one-of-a-kind exercises, you’ll be churning out blog posts in half the time, with none of the pressure.
 Write Joyfully & Prolifically
No more putting off this month’s newsletter until the dishes are done and the dog is walked. You’ll be able to write the moment you sit down at your computer — without that mean inner critic hovering over your shoulder.
 Write with Clarity & Precision
Put an end to rambling, boring copy that misses the mark. You’ll learn how to get to the point, leap off the page, and stand out so you never sound like anyone else.
 Sell without Sleaze
There’s a hungry audience out there who needs exactly what you sell. We’ll show you how to reach them through compelling, effective copy that gets results.


How to Find the Exact Words Your Customers Need to Hear Before They Buy

In order to drive up sales and conversions, you need a few key elements to set your copywriting foundation.
In This Module You’ll Learn:
  • The #1 reason even the most well-written copy fails when it comes to sales and engagement — and how to fix it, fast.
  • ​How to leverage the power of empathy to create raving fans for life.
  • The cure for writing if you have more than one ideal customer or a very diverse audience.
  • How to write as if you’re having a heart-to-heart with your ideal customers — without leaving anyone out.
  • ​The answer to: “What if my business doesn’t solve a problem or pain point?” We’ll show you how to spark sales using emotional triggers — no matter what you sell.
  • A game-changing exercise that guarantees you can sit down and immediately write the most powerful, effective copy.
  • 22 questions to help you find the exact words your customers need to hear before they buy.
  • ​​Plus so much more!

How to Fix Your Sales-Stopping Writing Mistakes — Fast

If you’ve ever started writing and thought, “I’m boring myself. Why would anyone want to read this?” listen up.
In This Module You’ll Learn:
  • A simple test that’ll make your reader wonder whether you’ve been reading her journal or tapping her phone.
  • ​A huge list of words you should cut from your newsletters, blog posts, and sales promos so they’re instantly crisper and more articulate.
  • What it means when people say “Write like you talk,” plus four worksheets that walk you through exactly how to do it.
  • ​​​The surprising words 99% of entrepreneurs use to sound smarter, that will actually turn off your readers.
  • ​​​3 rules you learned in English class that stop sales — and how to break them.
  • ​The Real Estate Secret that shows you where to physically position words so they have the most impact.
  • How to brainstorm phrases that sound like you and ensure you never sound stiff and robotic again.
  • ​The single keystroke that’ll miraculously loosen up your writing.
  • Must-use writing prompts that make you a better writer every time you use them.
  • ​A simple mindset fix that will help you knock out writer’s block for good (REALLY!).
  • Plus: Tons of before and after copywriting examples so you can see how these techniques work in the real world.
  • ​​Plus so much more!

How to Instantly & Dramatically Increase Your Sales

Yes, you can write from your heart and sell like gangbusters. We’ll show you how to find the balance between writing beautiful copy AND inspiring people to buy.
In This Module You’ll Learn:
  • 5 old-school sales techniques you must AVOID — these make even the most sincere copy sound sleazy.
  • Exactly what a sales page is, how long it should really be, and two step-by-step formulas to get you writing yours, fast.
  • ​How to get people genuinely excited to buy using three powerful persuasion techniques.
  • ​​How to re-write your button copy so more people click. (If you have a link that says “click here,” you’re likely leaving $1,000s on the table.)
  • ​​3 About page templates that transform this crucial page into a sales-generating machine.
  • How to write headlines, blog post titles, video titles, and social media updates that beg to be clicked on, plus…
  • 12 of our favorite and most compelling headline formulas — easy to tweak and customize.
  • ​​The Ultimate Sales Page Checklist that breaks the whole process into small, doable steps. Use this to beat overwhelm and get those pages done!
  • Plus so much more!

How to Write Faster, Better Content & Never Get Writer’s Block Again

Replace stress, exhaustion, and self-sabotage with ease, achievement, and passion.
In This Module You’ll Learn:
  • 4 powerful exercises that’ll bust through your writer’s block. 
  • ​How to use inspiration from outside your industry to find a voice that’s genuine and totally unique to you.
  • Why most newbies use “personality” in a way that backfires. (This not only kills sales but destroys your credibility.)
  • ​6 dos and don’ts for writing in your true voice.
  • A definitive and transformative answer to the question: “But what if I don’t have a voice?”
  • ​The secret trick to editing a piece of copy without losing your brilliance or hours of your time.
  • How to get the confidence to let your ideas flow freely and develop an eye that can identify the gems worth keeping.
  • ​Quick brainstorming methods that help you think outside the box with a worksheet you can refer back to again and again.
  • ​​PLUS: Access to our private stash of online tools to quickly write copy that’s clear and clever, and converts like you’d never believe. (We use these every day!)
  • Plus so much more!

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