Mark Hendricks – Final Firesale Sale + Oto
Original price was: $497.00.$77.00Current price is: $77.00.
To keep members coming back for more (and upgrading and clicking your ads) they’ll receive regular emails, fresh articles & tips, extra reports, site updates and free bonuses all designed to hold their interest and provide incredible value in their membership. |
- Description
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Mark Hendricks – Final Firesale Sale + Oto
Sadly We Have Lost a Great Friend, Mentor, and Teacher– A Man of Integrity Who Helped Thousands of People Build Highly Successful Businesses…
We’re doing something that is going to help YOU generate income, and continue Mark’s legacy of success…
We’re putting Mark’s products into the hands of like-minded marketers like YOU, so that you can continue to benefit from these products by using them, and also by RESELLING them as your own products, and helping others build their businesses.
In this way, Mark’s legacy will only continue to grow, and his work can be built upon and even taken to the next level by new generations of entrepreneurs.
We’re talking about products that have literally generated millions of dollars.
So what does that mean for you?
It means that you can grab ALL of those products right now, with a reseller license, during this limited time firesale.
Mark maintained a stellar reputation in the industry throughout his internet marketing career. One of the reasons for that is because he always created extremely high quality products…
As you can see from the testimonials above, Mark left a trail of happy and successful students! And his legacy is still growing, because now you can profit from Mark’s work too…
So let’s take a look at the incredible products that you’ll be receiving in this firesale package today…
6 Psychological Sales Triggers
This is a video workshop that Mark did. As far as I know it was never sold as a stand-alone product, but I felt it would make a great one so we had the video transcribed, and also created the ecover.
- Video workshop
- Transcript
- E-cover
- Resale License
17 Ways to Build a List
This is a 4 hour course, plus workbook and Reseller Sales Page. In this course you will discover…
- the amazingly simple secret to getting people to sign up for your list and buy from your recommendations
- the three special ingredients you’ll need to include to build your relationship with your customers and subscsribers
- how to instantly position yourself as an expert to listen to, even if no one knows who you are
- why relevant content is not good enough to make sales from your webpages or when mailing your list, I will tell you exactly what kind of content you should be giving them to create sales time and time again
- the right kind of freebies to give away to get them signing up for your list like crazy
- what format should your newsletter be in when you email it, one works better than all the others
- everyone tells you to have a P.S. at the end of your letter, I will show you that you could be missing tons of sales by doing this, and where you should be putting that P.S. for best results
- how to even make money off of people who unsubscribe from your list – that’s right, you’ll learn to make money from people who never want to hear from you again
- why you need to sign people up to three separate lists every time they subscribe
How to Build and Profit from Your Own Lists
This is a Massive Audio Course with Transcripts, Workbook, and Reseller Sales Page.
- The single simple secret to building large and responsive lists
- What you must become to your subscribers for them to respond to your offers
- The first sale you must make before people will subscribe to your lists
- Five ways to build trust with your readers
- Ten ways to monetize your lists
- The one kind of content that you should have in your newsletter that gets people clicking to take action now
- An easy-to-follow newsletter format that gets response time and time again
- What to put in your PS of your newsletter to increase sales
- The little secret of why you should be signing up subscribers to three lists when they first subscribe to your lists, and how to use these three lists to build long-term profits
- Seventeen ways to get more traffic to your site so you can build your lists fast
- How to instantly become an expert in your niche market
- The little secret that no one else is telling you about what really does the selling
- The most powerful yet widely overlooked marketing tool that you will ever acquire
- Three very basic things that have to lineup and be present before you can make a sale
- How to make your email offers bring in ten times the profits
- Eleven ways to use offline marketing to drive traffic to your website to get more subscribers and customers
- And much, much more!
How to Get More Done in Less Time
This is another video workshop that we had transcribed, because I felt it would make a great new product. It’s really an evergreen topic too!
- Video workshop
- Transcript
- E-cover
- Resale License
How to Get More Prospects, Customers, and Sales
- Two special reports
- How To Find The People Who Will Buy Whatever You Want To Sell Them
- Hot to get more prospects, customers, sales and profits for your business using 7 proven marketing secrets.
- E-cover
- Resale License
Insider Secrets of Internet Marketing
Contains 60 Hours of Live Q&A and Internet Marketing Training plus Transcripts and a Reseller Sales Page!
There are 16 volumes included. In Volumes 1 and 2, you will discover:
– How Do You Land That First Big JV When You Know You Have A Superior Product, But Your Best Potential JV Partners May See You As Direct Competition?
– I Don’t Care How Somebody Thinks, I Want To Know How They Feel
– Are You An Expert, Or Not?
– The ABCs Of Joint Ventures
– Setting Up Joint Ventures With “A-Level” Players
– No More Excuses, Just Go Do It
– What Is It That People Want And Will Pay Money For
– More On Getting To Know People And Joint Ventures
– A Little Story To Remember: There Are 360 Degrees In A Circle
– Setting Up Joint Ventures With “B-Level” Players
– Setting Up Joint Ventures With “C-Level” Players
– The 12 Days Of Christmas Cross-Promotion Strategy
– How To Make Money From Your List
– What Is Better Than Content?
– Invite Possible Joint Venture Partners To Be Interviewed By You On A Teleseminar
– How To Be Quickly Recognized As An Expert
– Should You Bribe People To Give You Feedback?
– How Do You Reach The People Who Are Suffering From Information Overload When You Know That Your Product Is Superior To Similar Ones That They Have Already Purchased?
– You Must Help People With Their Information Overload
– How To Find Prospective Customers For Your Products Or Services
– How To Enter Your Market Niche On The Should Of Your Competitors
– What Kind Of Products Can We Easily Make That We Can Sell On The Internet?
– A Simple Explanation Of How Search Engines Work
– Should You Be Going To Live Events?
– The Infrastructure Of Internet Marketing
– So, Who’s The Boss?
– How To Find Groups Of People That Are Already Interested In What You Offer
– How Can You Sell Information If You’re Not The Expert
– How Do You Structure The Business Relationships, The Profits, And The Money Aspect Of Joint Ventures?
– Seven Things To Do To Market On A Shoestring Budget
– How To Generate Content Easily And Quickly
– Using Articles To Create A Book To Use As A Lead Generator
– Autoresponder Plumbing – How To Get Your Subscribers Through Your System
– Should One-Time-Offers Really Be Only Offered One Time?
– What Kind Of Redirect Service Should You Use
– Sales Copywriting Secrets You Need To Know
– Three Basic Things That You Have To Line Up For You To Make A Sale
– How I Got Nine Times The Sales From Ten Minutes Of Work
– The Psychology Of The Buying Process
– The Best Way To Learn Great Sales Copywriting
– How To Create Offers Using The Five Ps
– There Are Certain Patterns Of Language That Generate Action
– Where You Should Put Your Subscription Signup Form
– How To Quickly Get Something Going To Make Money
– What’s The Best Way To Earn Money With Resale Rights Products?
– Is There A Best Way To Build A Site?
– The Best Advice To A Newcomer To Internet Marketing
– How To Turn A Free PDF Ebook Into A Six Figure Income
– How To Leverage Up The Typical AdSense Type Site
– What To Do If You Have Limited Computer Skills
– HTML Sites Vs Just Using WordPress
– Watch Out For These Mistakes, They Can Happen Easily
– Protecting Your PDF Ebooks
– Software I Use To Create Info Products
– Mark, What’s Your Typical Day Like? What Are Your Thoughts And Actions From The Time You Wake Up In The Morning?
– How To Find Affiliate Products To Sell Using Clickbank
– How To Use Listbuilding And Affliate Marketing Together
– Clickbank Affiliate Software If You Have Your Own Products To Sell
– How Many People Should Be On Your List Before You Start Publishing A Newsletter
– Use Broadcast Emails And Sequential Followup Emails Too
– The Difference Between A Re-Direct And Cloaked Link
– If They Were Better Marketers They Would Go Out And Find People Who Already Want To Buy And Are Willing To Pay
– More Traffic Generation And List Building Tips
– Rapid Fire Tips And Secrets
And that’s just what’s in the first 2 volumes! At first I listed all 16 volumes here on this page, but it was so long you’d be scrolling though it all day. Needless to say, there is a LOT OF CONTENT in this product package.
Internet Marketing Superstars Conferences
You’re getting two complete conferences with all the recordings, plus workbooks, and Reseller Sales Page!
Conference #1 speakers include:
- Mark Hendricks
- David Perdew
- Lori Steffen and Jeff Wark
- Cindi Dawson
- Alan Bechtold
- Criss Bertling
- Bill Thomas
Conference #2 speakers include…
- Mark Hendricks
- Jeanette Cates
- Joe Marsh
- Cindi Dawson
- Elsom Eldridge
- Joey Smith
- Chris Lockwood
- Doug Champigny
- Willie Crawford
- Terry Dean
- Gina Gaudio Graves
Living Your Dream Life (NEW!)
This is actually a new course that Mark didn’t get to release. So this is the first time it’s being released in its entirety!
(He finished creating the 5 video sessions for it and the workbook and worksheets. And I finished the product by having it transcribed and creating the ecover)
- Video workshop
- Transcripts
- E-cover
- Resale License
Lunch With Mark
This includes over 100 hour long coaching sessions! An incredible amount of material.
- E-cover
- Reseller Page
- Resale License
How to Make Your Ads Sell Like Crazy
This is a jam-packed best-selling 109 page book with a Reseller Sales Page! You will discover…
- What you must do in your sales message to communicate your message so they will buy
- Why writing like your English grammar teacher is hazardous to your wealth
- The one luxury you do NOT have when writing ads and sales letters
- Who you should really be writing your message to
- The easy way to write a sales letter
- How to keep your reader’s attention
- How to make your message EASY to read
- The two things that people will always buy
- How and why you should state your offer in different ways
- The secret to using different layout techniques to make the page more interesting to look at, and easier to read
- People have two different reading styles – use this technique to make sure you get both styles working for you
- Ten ways to make your ads, sales letters, and websites more stimulating to read
- How to make your writing more personal and friendly
And you’ll learn exactly how to find the people who will buy whatever you want to sell them…
- The first question you should be asking yourself before you try to sell anything
- The absolutely easiest way to sell anything
- The 3-step secret to getting sales every time
- The big mistake most people make when deciding how to go about selling their products/services
- What you should be selling to your target market
- How to find people who will buy whatever you want to sell them
- The two types of people you will find by researching your target market, and what you’ll learn from both
- What you can learn from reading the ads, sales letters, and websites of your competitors
- How to find out what your target customer will buy – and the easy way to sell it to them
- How to use this simple marketing technique to make sure your offer is seen at the right time
- Where to find ready and willing buyers
- The most important asset that you will ever have as a marketer
- How to develop your hot prospect lead list
- Why it may not be a good idea to ask people to buy the first time they hear from you
- How to make sure people know you’re for real
- Exactly what information you should give away, and what you should sell
Plus lot’s of great tips to make your marketing pieces pull in leads and orders…
- How a little change in headlines makes a tremendous difference in the results of your marketing
- The results of an amazing marketing test that showed exactly how important the testing of headlines is in the success of your ads
- The one thing you have no right to tell your target market, and what you should do instead to create big sales
- The three letter word that is not to be asked in understanding the ad response you get
- How to get your prospects and customers to tell you what to sell them
- How to use proven headlines to boost your sales
- How to jumpstart your creative thinking to come up with winner headlines that get response now
- Discover the top 10 words used in the 100 most successful headlines of all time
- The five most effective words you can use in your ads, sales letters and websites
- How to get high-paid ad writers to work for you for free
And wait until you see how easy it is to write a great sales letter using the simple seven-step guide…
- The most important secret you must understand when writing headlines, sales letters, email, and follow-ups
- How to make sure your reader will read all of your ad or sales letter
- Understanding the psychology of the classic 4-part approach to writing sales letters
- The simple 5-step process your prospect must go through so you’ll get the sale
- How to get your prospect to read the body of your ad or letter
- The amazingly simple secret to getting better responses to your ads, sales letters, and websites
- The three questions you must answer to get your prospect to take buying action
- Five easy ways to make your prospect believe you
- How to make benefits out of the features of your product/service
- What your customers are really wanting to buy (and it’s NOT your product nor anyone elses, it’s something very different)
- The secret to speaking to your customer’s interest first
- The unspoken question the customer has in their mind that you should answer for them
- What you have to do to get them to take action and buy now
Plus you get insight into your prospect’s mind and how to get them to take buying action now…
- How your prospect really makes their buying decisions, and what you must do to help them along
- The secret to speaking to their three levels of thought
- How to get your prospect past the “let me think about it” stage
- Why trying to sell to what people need is not effective (you must sell to another motivator to be wildly successful)
- How to use the “herd mentality” to your sales advantage
- The marketer’s secret “key to the vault”
- What human characteristic you must appeal to each time you make a sales offer
And as if all this wasn’t enough, you’ll learn exactly how to make the buyer feel comfortable in buying from your the first time…
- The reason most people are hesitant in doing business with you the first time
- How to build trust so people will buy from you
- What to offer your customer that makes buying comfortable
- The secret to having only happy customers
- What you can do to get them to try you out the first time
And you’ll discover the most effective marketing words of all time…
- How to phrase your offers using the four most effective approaches
- Ten ways to make your offer believable (even when it’s TRUE!)
- Eight ways to offer a good deal
- Sixteen phrases to get people to take action now
- The one thing you must do or your sales effort will fail every time
There’s more, you also learn how to build your profits for years to come…
- How to make your marketing efforts pay-off BIG TIME
- Who is the easiest prospect to sell and why
- Where the big profits are in your business
- The three magic words that build your profits for years to come
- The most jealously guarded secret of any successful marketer
- Three ways to get this secret working for you
- How to profit from the efforts of others
- The secret of “losing money” to make tons of money later
- The question you should always be asking yourself in planning your business
I’ve even included exactly how to generate more marketing ideas than you could ever imagine…
- Discover the quickest way to be successful at any venture or activity
- The surefire way to waste your time and money
- Why learning effective marketing strategies is the best investment you’ll ever make
- How to use the magic of marketing leverage to make more profit with less effort
- How to get anything you want out of life
- What business you are REALLY in
- Where to look for great marketing ideas and strategies for FREE
- What you can learn at the grocery store check-out lane
- The little-known secret to learning how to write effective ads and sales letters
- How to use winning formulas and formats to take the short-cut to sales success
Marketing Leverage Pro
This is a a huge product containing about a Gigabyte of videos, audios, and documents teaching mainly how to do offers and sales letters, and it comes with a Reseller Sales Page!
- How to create offers that people really respond to
- How to create sales messages in text, audio, and video
- How to create the profitable backend of your business
- The full and complete training manual and workbook to print out and personalize with your own notes and information as you master each and every concept
- My secret weapon “17 Step Psychological Salestrack Salesletter Template” that you can use for salesletters, emails, audios, videos, stage presentations, you name it… this is the psychological salestrack you need to use to tell your story and get people to take action on your offers
- The 25 questions you should ask and have answers to before crafting your offers and sales communications, no matter what media format you choose to use
- How to create offers using the 5 P’s (learn the 5 P’s and you’re way ahead of the game in every offer you make)
- The 7 ways to create high perceived value to your prospects and customers
- The 5 selfish reasons people will buy your offer or take action on your advice (use one or even all of these reasons and see better results fast)
- The most widely-overlooked marketing tool that 97% of all people ignore to their own detriment (if you’re not up on this, it’s no wonder you’re not getting the results you want from everything you’re doing online and offline)
- How to master up-selling, re-selling, and cross-selling to add more and more profits to your bottom line (most business owners just don’t know how to use these simple strategies to increase profits with very little effort)
Marketing Mindset Mastery
This is a 4 hour course on mindset and also comes with a Reseller Sales Page.
- The one thing that you must control to assure your success
- Three seemingly magic steps you’ve used in the past to get everything you’ve really wanted, and the same three steps you must take to get everything you want in the future
- Which kind of the two types of knowledge can you make the most money with
- How to use your imagination to get what you want
- How successful people make decisions
- How to use your subconscious mind to get what you want
- Three words that all successful people live by
- How to communicate best with your target market
- The easiest thing to sell to people
- The little secret that most people overlook that makes your business success so much easier
- How to really get inside the head of your target prospect
- Positive emotions or negative emotions, which motivates the most people
- 61 problems that people have… and they need, want and gotta get solutions to them
- 57 excuses people give, be prepared to answer them using my secret strategy to turn their excuses into the exact reasons why they should take action
- How to get your prospects to tell you what they will buy and exactly what words to use to get them to buy from you faster
- How to make money off of your competitors, and make them happy to let you do it
- How to make money off of people who don’t buy from you
- There’s lots, lots more… you’ll be amazed at what you learn and master!
Small Biz Success Coach
Contains about 50 audio and video training sessions, and is geared toward offline brick-and-mortar businesses, and comes with a Reseller Sales Page!
- How to attract more leads and prospects to your business
- How to convert more prospects to customers for your business
- How to increase the lifetime profit value of your current and new customers by increasing the average dollars per sale, and increasing the frequency that they purchase from you
- How to clearly state the exact “reasons why” people should do business with you rather than any of your competitors
- How to improve your current marketing approach for quick profits
- Three secrets to getting more profits out of your current customers
- How to set up joint venture alliances with other business owners – a mutually beneficial way to easily harvest more profits by working together with others
- How to use targeted direct marketing to get new customers who are eager and willing to do business with you
- How to get more results from your advertising dollars – your advertising is costing you the same whether it brings in a little or a lot, here’s how to get more business in the door with no more expense
- How to drive your competition absolutely crazy by using FREE marketing concepts – don’t pay for advertising, when you can get it for FREE
The Magic Napkin
This is another video workshop that Mark did, and I felt it would make a great stand-alone product. I mean, it sure has a catchy name, doesn’t it? So we had the video transcribed, and also created the ecover.
- Video workshop
- Transcript
- E-cover
- Resale License
The Webinar Workshop Video Series
This is a ton of solid content, with 17 workshops on various marketing-related topics!
- Video workshops
- E-cover
- Resale License
How to Write Copy That Sells Like Crazy
This is a 6 module copywriting course, plus a Reseller Sales Page! You’ll discover exactly how to use:
- pre-headlines – used to set up the main headline, a chance to “set the stage” for what’s about to come
- headlines – the most important part of your sales letter, always test one headline against another to see which pulls best
- sub-heads – used to build on the benefits the reader receives, and can also quickly summarize the offer, also used throughout the sales letter to draw attention to main benefits, or to re-spark attention and curiosity
- problem/solution – a sales technique of discussing the problem the prospect has, how painful it is, discuss possible solutions, and then reveal your solution and why it’s the best choice
- stories – people relate to stories and it helps you write in a way to appeal to the emotions of your reader
- testimonials – provides proof that what you say is true, and that other people have bought and are happy, and you are liked and trusted
- benefit bullets – short and snappy ‘mini-headlines’ used throughout your sales letter to build desire for the benefits your product/service provides the reader
- transitions – used to get from one section to another, or from one thought to another to smooth out the flow
- offers – here’s where you state exactly what they get, how much it costs, and any other details of the transaction
- bonuses – use bonuses to build extra value into your offer, the bonuses should be related to your main offer
- guarantees – this provides comfort to your reader that you stand behind your product, and that you the seller are taking the risk, rather than the buyer, always use the longest guarantee possible
- call to action – tell your reader exactly how to order now, tell them to pick up the phone, send in the fax, click this button, and to do it now
- PS – next to the headline, this is the second most closely read part of your sales letter!
You’re Getting ALL of Those Products WITH a Resale License! Plus 10 of Them Come With the Original Sales Pages Written by Mark Himself!
The Great News is That It’s Not Too Late to Learn from Mark and Become a Part of His Legacy of Success! By Grabbing This Firesale Package You Will Own a Massive Library of Mark’s Products PLUS the Exclusive Resale License!
FINAL One Time Offer for Customers
of the Mark Hendricks Firesale
Today YOU have the opportunity to take things to the next level in your own business but without spending the next year of your life doing it…
And when I say ‘hands free’ I mean it… Nothing to host, no coding, no designing, no content to create, no sales copy to write nothing, nada, zip, zeeeroooo…
It’s ALL done for you from the tricky behind the scenes programming through to the high quality reports, audio and video content – nothing’s been left out it’s all here!
C’mon you have to admit that’s pretty damn cool isn’t it :-)
But even cooler… is how so much income potential has been carefully woven into every site and every page your members will see – (Heck you can give away free passes and make over $200 every time you do it!)
Things like:
Direct PayPal Payments that go straight into YOUR account
Upsell Offers continually tweaked behind the scenes to increase YOUR profits
Tempting promotions sent to members with YOUR affiliate links**
YOUR own banner ads and exit page links running inside each site
And much more
And the whole process is simple… You login to your secure control panel, enter your data and click save. That really is all you need to do. You can start bringing in new members on multiple sites in less than an hour from now.
Get Mark Hendricks – Final Firesale Sale + Oto download
Hosted on bullet-proof dedicated servers |
Built using our powerful MemberSpeed™ software |
Has Eye Catching Designs & Graphics |
Includes Sizzling ‘Silver’ Membership Sales Copy |
Has a Polished Upsell Page Sales letter |
Includes A Persuasive Automated Email Follow Up Series |
Inside each Silver (free) member area, your members have access to:
Exclusive Free Member Video |
Professionally Voiced Audios |
Authoritively written reports |
Inside each Gold (paid) Member area, members have access to:
Helpful and informative welcome email messages (sent automatically) |
More unique, premium quality videos |
More professionally voiced informative audios |
In-depth, high calibre training guides and reports |
In addition all level members receive:
Regular recommended product mailings embedded with your affiliate links |
Monthly member’s area recommended product reviews also embedded with your affiliate links (each time a member logs in you can make money) |
‘Expert Panel’ Q&A’ Section in each site that’s guaranteed to add credibility and wow factor for your members – Just take a look at who’s already inside: |
To keep members coming back for more (and upgrading and clicking your ads) they’ll receive regular emails, fresh articles & tips, extra reports, site updates and free bonuses all designed to hold their interest and provide incredible value in their membership. |
PLUS+ Members will also see your banners & ads inside the member area (use these to drive traffic to your sites, offers and products) – Just upload your own banners via your private control panel. You can even set the ‘Log Out’ links at each site to whichever destination you choose |
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