Mark Volmer – Stop Feeding Fatigue Course (Best Diet for Adrenal Fatigue)


Mark Volmer – Stop Feeding Fatigue Course (Best Diet for Adrenal Fatigue)

Mark Volmer - Stop Feeding Fatigue Course (Best Diet for Adrenal Fatigue)

Mark Volmer – Stop Feeding Fatigue Course (Best Diet for Adrenal Fatigue)

Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $35.00.

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Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $35.00.

It’s a vicious cycle that results in shame, fatigue, and zero traction towards a nutrition plan that will actually stop fatigue. You know that diets just don’t work; especially if you want to stop fatigue – you just don’t have the energy to learn new shopping habits, recipes, and cooking techniques overnight.

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Mark Volmer – Stop Feeding Fatigue Course (Best Diet for Adrenal Fatigue)

Mark Volmer - Stop Feeding Fatigue Course (Best Diet for Adrenal Fatigue)

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How much better would you feel if you could stop fatigue by changing what you eat? 

Stop struggling through 30-day challenges, flip-flopping between diet camps, or wondering which foods are really healthy?

Nutrition change isn’t easy. That’s why most people flop from one 30-day challenge to the next. After thirty days there’s just no willpower left in the tank. And that time between 30-day challenges, well that involves binge eating all the bad foods, doesn’t it?

It’s a vicious cycle that results in shame, fatigue, and zero traction towards a nutrition plan that will actually stop fatigue. You know that diets just don’t work; especially if you want to stop fatigue – you just don’t have the energy to learn new shopping habits, recipes, and cooking techniques overnight.

If you’re like most of my patients, you’ve tried just about every diet out there hoping to stop fatigue. 

And not a single one of those diets were sustainable or improved your energy. That’s because none of these nutrition plans factor in the unique individual that you are.

Your genes are different than everyone else’s (unless you have an identical twin!), and your nutrition should reflect this. You need to eat the food your body tolerates – and nothing else. Only then will you start to increase your energy levels.

What you can do instead of 30-day challenges and radical diets

You know you need to eat healthy to overcome fatigue. But what does eating healthy even mean? One person says oranges are healthy and the next says whatever you do, don’t eat oranges.

There’s so much misinformation out there that I don’t blame you if you’re ready to throw your hands up and say: forget it, I quit!

Let’s put an end to leaping from one diet camp to the next. For good. You are unique. Instead of eating what someone else tells you is healthy, why don’t you find out exactly what is (and what isn’t) healthy for YOU?

The new era of diets is something called personalized nutrition. Personalized nutrition will identify exactly which foods give you energy. And which foods take it away. Remember, this is unique to you.

In just 60 days, I’ll show you how to identify exactly which foods give you energy and which foods make you tired. And since this nutrition plan will be personalized to your unique genetic makeup, you won’t have to use willpower to stick with it. It will feel natural, easy, and incredibly sustainable.

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