Markus – Becoming The Ultimate Man


Markus – Becoming The Ultimate Man

Markus - Becoming The Ultimate Man

Markus – Becoming The Ultimate Man

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $92.00.

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Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $92.00.

(Available download within a few hours.)I felt like a completely new person in no-time. I could effortlessly strike up conversations with groups of people and absolutely dominate the social environment.File Size:30 GB

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Markus – Becoming The Ultimate Man

Markus - Becoming The Ultimate Man


How To Go From Beginner To Advanced In Less Than 6 Months
Hey, Markus here.
I’ve coached hundreds of men to become master seducers (even including some of the most popular dating coaches).
And in just a moment, I’m about to reveal a system that’ll change the way you view pickup & seduction forever.
“The product has a list of routines that you can just use and instantly see results. But it also goes into detail as to why and how they work so I was able to tweak them and even develop my own.”
“This product is incredibly comprehensive. I have watched and gone through countless products by other companies over the years. I feel like this is 10 products put into 1!”
“…the course homework I found most helpful. It enabled me to not only learn all the these new principles on a theoretical level. It guided me on how to go out and implement them while remaining accountable.”
“The product has a list of routines that you can just use and instantly see results. But it also goes into detail as to why and how they work so I was able to tweak them and even develop my own.”
“This product is incredibly comprehensive. I have watched and gone through countless products by other companies over the years. I feel like this is 10 products put into 1!”

Get download Markus – Becoming The Ultimate Man
“I have taken a Rite of Passage with UMP and this product is every secret and little piece of knowledge that we were taught during bootcamp put into a product you can learn from home… ”
“This product completely blew my mind! There are principles and concepts in here I have never seen anywhere else!”
“I recommended this product to every friend I knoW!”
But first, let me ask you a quick question.
Do you sometimes find learning pickup confusing and frustrating?
In that case, you’re certainly not alone. I used to feel the same. Getting to where I am today was an emotionally traumatizing experience in every sense of the word. In fact, it nearly broke me. Every day, I’d spend countless hours studying pickup content. It was like having a second full-time job. Every night, I’d have my stomach ripped apart by butterflies whenever it was time to enter the club. I’d go out every night and apply the techniques and concepts that I’ve studied. Or at least I’d try to.
The mere thought of opening a girl would make me shrink, and send my entire being into a state of paralysis. My brain would completely shut down and I couldn’t even utter a single word of the I had rehearsed. And even when I was able to push through that brick-wall of resistance, nothing seemed to work. So not only was I an emotional wreck. I felt absolutely overwhelmed with information from contradicting coaches. It was not until I met my first mentor that I was finally brought out of my misery. What did he teach me?
I’ll begin by telling you what it wasn’t:.
It’s not woo-woo, spiritual nonsense.
It’s not self-amusement.
It’s not “being free from outcome”.
It’s not “pushing and pulling”.
None of that.
He taught me the basics of social interactions and female psychology.
He showed me the potency and power of technical game.
Very shortly, I found my first glimpses of success.
Girls started treating me differently.
They weren’t ignoring me anymore.
They stopped politely excusing themselves to
“go to the bathroom” (we all know what this means)
Finally, they began treating me with respect.
As I started to make sense of all the new information, I gained competence.
And as I became more competent, my entire body started radiating confidence.
I felt like a completely new person in no-time. I could effortlessly strike up conversations with groups of people and absolutely dominate the social environment.
Without even trying, I’d command the attention of entire groups, and direct it was I wished.
Girls would bite their lips as they looked up at me with “bambi eyes”, hoping that they would be the girl I chose for the night.
And I soon started taking these girls home.
In less than a few months, I went from the shy, beta “nice-guy”, hiding in the corner of the club, sipping my rum & coke…
… to the undisputed alpha-male of the club.
Fast-forward a few years, and I’ve gamed in every major nighlife capital on the planet.
Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Warsaw, Budapest, Stockholm, Zagreb, Barcelona, Sydney…
I’ve winged with & learned from the best of the best – the elite of the elite.
And, by far, the most rewarding part – I’ve changed the lives of hundreds of guys who were in the same position as I was.
“It’s gonna change your life pretty much. I went from not knowing how to text girls to having text game with phone sex, virgin to 5 lay counts in the first week.”

Bonus #1 – Monthly Weekly Homework – Go through the course together with the coaches and the other members to make sure that you successfully implement each chapter correctly.
Bonus #2 – Monthly Coaching Call Giveaway – We give away free coaching calls to our members of the Mastermind (valued at $200)
Bonus #3 – Access To All Future Updates To The Course

Get download Markus – Becoming The Ultimate Man


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