Mary NurrieStearns – A Yoga Practice for Healing Emotional Trauma


Mary NurrieStearns – A Yoga Practice for Healing Emotional Trauma

Mary NurrieStearns - A Yoga Practice for Healing Emotional Trauma

Mary NurrieStearns – A Yoga Practice for Healing Emotional Trauma

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $11.00.

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Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $11.00.

This yoga and meditation practice is designed to help in the alleviation of mental and physical discomfort in the aftermath of emotional trauma.

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Mary NurrieStearns – A Yoga Practice for Healing Emotional Trauma

Mary NurrieStearns - A Yoga Practice for Healing Emotional Trauma

This yoga and meditation practice is designed to help in the alleviation of mental and physical discomfort in the aftermath of emotional trauma. This one-hour practice can easily be divided into two shorter practices – the first being more physical poses, adapted to a clinical setting, and the second section is a more meditative practice.  This short program begins with an introduction that provides the clinical perspectives and benefits derived from yoga and meditation practices. The class section that follows includes poses, affirmations and breathing practices which many clients find ease their distressed emotional state that result from traumatic events.

Get Mary NurrieStearns – A Yoga Practice for Healing Emotional Trauma download

  1. Describe the physiology of trauma and its impact on the body.
  2. Demonstrate at least 2 poses that can be incorporated into a clinical setting that may calm the trauma client.
  3. Demonstrate the meditation steps that you can use with your clients during session to regulate their emotional state.

Section 1: β€œI Am Safe”

  • Strengthen the body; when our bodies are strong, we feel safe

Section 2: β€œI Am Alive”

  • Experience a sense of vitality and aliveness in the body

Section 3: β€œI Choose”

  • Cultivate willpower, determination and resolve

Section 4: β€œI Feel”

  • Open your heart, feel richly, receive and express love

Section 5: β€œI Express”

  • Express your heart

Section 6: β€œI Know”

  • Access inner guidance and inner knowing

Section 7: β€œI Am”

  • Feel connection with the sacred


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