Michael Mackintosh – Surrender & Ascend Meditation


Michael Mackintosh – Surrender & Ascend Meditation

Michael Mackintosh - Surrender & Ascend Meditation

Michael Mackintosh – Surrender & Ascend Meditation

Original price was: $67.00.Current price is: $14.00.

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Original price was: $67.00.Current price is: $14.00.

This truly is the one practice that deeply and powerfully shifts your state of consciousness.

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Michael Mackintosh – Surrender & Ascend Meditation

Michael Mackintosh - Surrender & Ascend Meditation

Experience two of the most powerful meditations ever made

This practical spiritual ascension package…

β€’ Empowers you to actively create and actualize your chosen level of abundance, happiness, success… etc.
β€’Β Provides an unusually deep release from stress and tension
β€’ Puts the magic wand in your hand – it’s time forΒ youΒ to decide what it is you want in your life.
β€’ Opens your heart to connect in deeper, more intimate ways, with loved ones
β€’ Dissolves the core reasons for stress and unhappiness in your life
β€’ Gives you an effective and efficient way to tap into your higher consciousness, peace and power, anytime, anywhere.
Michael Mackintosh - Surrender & Ascend Meditation

This special gift…

β€’ Allows you toΒ break out of your self-limiting glassΒ cellingΒ (that holds you in limitation) and frees you to now experience more abundance on all levels of your life
β€’ Reveals theΒ number one reason people do notΒ experienceΒ success with the Law of AttractionΒ (and how you can now enjoy miracle levels of success)
β€’ Explains the little known secret toΒ WHY so few people ever changeΒ despite doing all their inner work
β€’ Guides you to take action right now and finallyΒ let go of old self-defeating patternsΒ and shift into a new level of joy and wealth on all levels
β€’ Demonstrates how these two revolutionary meditations work in combination to provide theΒ most effective self-developmentΒ technologiesΒ on the planet
β€’Β SurprisesΒ you with theΒ number one thingΒ you must know if you have any chance of creating your best life ever

Your Spiritual Ascension Package Includes…

The Master Seat Of Conscious CreationΒ Meditation

How to BREAK FREE from your upper limits
(Value $47)

This is truly one of the most profound secrets to why some people create the lives they want and others don’t (even with the Law of Attraction). This is one of my favorite all time experiences and you will be amazed at the power. We all have a glass ceiling. This meditation allows you to break through it and experience new levels of happiness, love, wealth and anything else you truly desire.

Surrender & Ascend Guided Inner Journey

How to Raise Your Level Of Consciousness
(Value $67)

To be honest, the one thing above all that makes a profound difference in how we experience life is our level of consciousness. Few people have any idea HOW to raise their level of consciousness. This meditation guides you through the process so you can experience it for yourself! You can use this method to let go of all worries, and to attract more love, money, happiness and beautiful relationships into your life. This method also works to heal wounds,Β physically, mentally and emotionally – and unites you with your Higher Self – The Divine. This truly is the one practice that deeply and powerfully shifts your state of consciousness.

How to raise your level of consciousness advanced audio program

Enjoy this additional 50+ Minute Enlightening Audio Program
(Value $37)

In this audio you will understand how the process of increasing your level of consciousness works, how to get the most out of your meditation and how you can do this process all day. Β Once youΒ understandΒ  this process – you will no longer feel stressed out about life and will have a secret key you can use any time you want to let go of any worry, stress,Β confusion,and instead, you will open yourself to new state of inner peace, serenity, bliss, freedom and joy. As your state of consciousness increases so does your level of financial success and overall level of happiness. This happens as an automatic consequence without you doing anything.

How toΒ Re-writeΒ the Story of your life

Open the door to a brand new destiny
(Value $97)

If you ever wondered WHY you keep seeing the same patterns and problems repeat in your life – you are about to discover the reason… and what you can now do about it! This is a brand NEW mini-training created Β for you to discover your old (non-functional) story, let go of the past… and re-write a new story and a new future. This is so powerful and effective you will be shocked!
I have spent 15 years wondering what I was missing and this is one of the missing pieces. I’m so happy to share it with you. This is FUN, easy, engaging, and something you can really get deep into with profound positive effects on your health, wealth,Β happinessΒ and relationships. Β This isΒ literallyΒ giving you the pen to draw the line of your own fortune…

You are special and that’s why you deserve to have these meditations

I knowΒ YOUΒ are a unique being, withΒ uniqueΒ desires, dreams and goals. These meditations can easily be applied for whatever you want. And to make thisΒ processΒ even more specific and relevant to you, I will also be doing a live call for you about how to use these meditations to get the SPECIFIC results/experiencesΒ YOUΒ want in your life. (Value $97)
So stay tuned for that after you recieve your meditations. I will be asking you to share whatΒ specificΒ goals and dreams you have and how you canΒ attainΒ them using these methods.

Why Do I Want You To Enjoy These Meditations?

I’d love to see you enjoy these beautiful experiences becauseΒ I believe this could be the one thingΒ that you look back on from your beautiful future withΒ awe and wonderΒ about howΒ profoundΒ this experience was for you.
Can you imagine how amazing you will feel to be totallyΒ free of stressΒ and enjoying a life of freedom, love and light? Are you ready to enjoy new levels of health,Β wealthΒ and happiness? Then go ahead and enjoy this magical treat and find out for yourself how it will make your life trulyΒ remarkable.
Give yourself a chance toΒ transform your beingΒ in ways you’ve never imagined. I look forward to hearing your success stories : )


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