Michael Neill – Coaching Mastery 2.0


Michael Neill – Coaching Mastery 2.0

Michael Neill - Coaching Mastery 2.0

Michael Neill – Coaching Mastery 2.0

Original price was: $795.00.Current price is: $92.00.

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Original price was: $795.00.Current price is: $92.00.

(This course is available for Pre-order and delivery within a few days. )This in turn leads to clients wondering why they can’t maintain their gains and leaves coaches to struggling with impostor syndrome, constantly trying to convince themselves that they’re worthy and continually worrying about how to justify their fees.

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Michael Neill – Coaching Mastery 2.0

Michael Neill - Coaching Mastery 2.0

Do you work with others? Would you like to be able to make more of a consistently positive difference in their lives?After over thirty years as a coach and teacher and more than a decade of offering coach trainings and certifications, I’ve come to see that there is both an art and a science to transformation – waking people up to their deeper nature while helping them get more out of themselves and their lives. The science is in developing an understanding of universal principles as they apply to the human experience – that is, coming to see what is true for every single human being on the planet regardless of nationality, gender, race, religion, or personal history. The art comes from recognizing that while we are all the same, no two people are alike. While “Truth with a capital ‘T’”  may be universal, how it appears in your life will inevitably be different to how it appears in the lives of the people you work with and care about most.

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What I’ve learned is that people can reliably learn “the science” in around 3 days. That’s not to say you can’t go deeper – I see the potential and possibility in people today in a way that makes me cringe when I think back to how it looked just a few years ago, let alone a few decades. But the basics – who and what we really are, where our experience comes from, and how change actually happens – are surprisingly simple and often easier to get a feel for than we expect.

Transformational Impact

A clip from last year’s Coaching Mastery

Developing your artistry, on the other hand – what could be labeled the craft of coaching and what I often call “coaching mastery” – is a life-long learning process. What we are learning in that process is summed up in the word “elegance” – more impact with less effort; more insight with less input; more grace with just enough grit for things to get traction in our client’s lives and move them forward.

While hierarchies aren’t real in a formal sense, I’ve found that thinking in terms of levels of understanding and experience can be a helpful way of distinguishing where you’re at and what might be some good next steps on your learning curve. So having worked with literally thousands of coaches over the past thirty years, here are some of the more recognizable levels of the learning and development process I’ve seen:

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Level One – Uncovering a Solid FoundationWhether you’re new to coaching or have been in the game for years, the single biggest factor in your future success is the extent to which your work is grounded in universal truth. While beliefs and models can be fascinating to explore and at times helpful with your clients, they are also pretty hit and miss in practice and rarely lead to lasting change. This in turn leads to clients wondering why they can’t maintain their gains and leaves coaches to struggling with impostor syndrome, constantly trying to convince themselves that they’re worthy and continually worrying about how to justify their fees.

If this is you, you’ve probably got a sense that you could be really good at this along with the occasional sinking feeling that you’re not really making as much of a difference as you’d like. Your next step is simply to take a deeper look at the basics – your “come from” and your “point to”.

Level Two – Gaining ExperienceI once asked a group of students on Supercoach Academy to ask me every question they had about how to be more effective and impactful as a coach. After writing fifty questions up on the board, I went through them and realized that at least 48 of them could best be answered by coaching more people. So sometimes, the next step in your development as a coach is just to work with more people, do more coaching, and begin to develop a reliable feel for the difference between genuine transformation and “rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic”.

Level Three – Developing MasteryThere comes a certain point in everyone’s coaching career where the question changes from “is it working?” to “how can I make it work even more impactfully and elegantly with even more different kinds of people?” If you’re at this level, you’ve been in the game long enough to have accumulated numerous happy clients, some killer testimonials, and the awareness that no matter how great people think you are, you’re never more than halfway up the infinite ladder of your potential.

For you, the next step is to raise your game by taking on teachers, mentors, coaches, and clients who will challenge your beliefs about the edge of what’s possible and force you to take an honest inventory of the how you’re doing in yourself and the difference between “really helpful” and “transformative”.

Beginning this September, I’ve created a multi- tiered interactive online program to help you take the next (or first) step in your coaching journey.

For Levels Two and Three – Coaching Mastery 2.0

Last year, I ran my first Coaching Mastery program in over 12 years as a comprehensive non-certification training in the art and science of transformative coaching, designed to take anyone at any level of experience to their next level and beyond.

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I’ve distilled down what I’ve learned into a highly-leveraged “best of the best” approach in order to:

  • Help people new to transformative coaching to get up and running and impacting clients from day one
  • Help experienced 3P/inside-out students and practitioners make the leap from facilitator to coach
  • Help experienced coaches from different disciplines begin integrating a principles-based understanding into their work
  • Help 3P coaches take both their coaching impact and coaching business to the next level

This year’s mastery program is built around three x 3 day onlineintensives with a fourth day on each reserved exclusively for participants in Coaching Mastery 2.0.

Our first intensive in September is called Bringing Out the Best in Yourself and Others, and we’ll be focusing on how a deeper understanding of the principles behind the human experience impacts performance and results, leads to richer, more meaningful relationships, and allows people (including you!) to be at their best more of the time and do less damage when they’re off their game.

We’ll be back together in November around the theme of Coaching Magic, where you’ll get the chance to watch me coach “real people” (i.e. not in the principles community or coaching world) in both single sessions and over the course of a 2 1/2 day immersion. This is where you get to see and experience “the rubber meeting the road” – how the theory actually works in practice as we compare notes, evaluate progress, and work together to impact people soul to soul.

At the beginning of February we’ll come back together one more time to explore Creating in the WorldIf you’ve ever struggled connecting the dots between a spiritual conversation about the deeper nature of humanity and how the mind works with the practical world of productivity and results, this is where it all comes together.

In between our intensives and mastery days, you’ll also get to take part in a series of ten grounding masterclasses shared out between two of my favorite people in this understanding, Dicken Bettinger and Mavis Karn. They will help you to “get real” with the principles, so that they go from intellectual ideas and concepts that you agree with to the fundamental basis from which you live your life and through which you see the world.

To help you feel part of a community of fellow explorers, Coaching Mastery 2.0 also includes membership to the Supercoach Cafe through the end of the program. This means you get up to three additional mentoring calls each month with me and members of my team, each call focused around either mentoring, business, or supervision.  The cafe is also filled with a TON of coaching resources, self-study programs, and a community forum for those of you who like to compare notes and get peer to peer support along the way.

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