Milana Sarenac – Queen Of Sales


Milana Sarenac – Queen Of Sales

Milana Sarenac - Queen Of Sales

Milana Sarenac – Queen Of Sales

Original price was: $1,111.00.Current price is: $79.00.

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Original price was: $1,111.00.Current price is: $79.00.

Build insane trust and authority through the way you sellso you become their “top choice” and your people come ready to pay you.

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Milana Sarenac – Queen Of Sales

Milana Sarenac - Queen Of Sales

I see you…you’re ready to learn how to powerfully sell any offer, you’re ready to have your sales go crazy, you’re ready to be THE LEADER of your industry, *the one* people buy from over and over again…

  • You wantsales to flow in easily, every day, in multiple ways.
  • You want people buying every offer you put out, not just your high-ticket offers or just your low-ticket offers.
  • You want hundreds of people in your programs.
  • You want DMs every day from people thanking you for selling, excited to jump into your world and on fire for your work.
  • You want to be *the one* people buy from over and over again.
  • You want to be able to hint an offer is coming and get dozens of messages from people excited about it before they even know what it is.
  • You want to be able to easily sell offers at all levels and all price points and have people happily pay.
  • You want sales to FEEL FUN and EFFORTLESS in your business.

But that’s not what’s happening right now…. If I had to guess, this is what it looks like inside your business right now: 

> You release an offer and instead of an influx of sales coming in during your entire launch a few people enroll in the beginning but you know there should be 3X more inside

> When people do come into your world they rave about your programs but your sales don’t reflect this

> Your work changes lives but it feels like people take so long to see that and pay you

> You’re talking about your offers all the time but your audience doesn’t seem excited about them even though you know they’re amazing

> You hint an offer is coming but when you don’t get the interest from your audience immediately you feel your excitement and energy fizzle out

> Selling feels heavy, boring and draining right now…instead of looking forward to talking about your offers you dread it out of fear no one will join or not knowing wtf you’re going to say every day to get people to move.

You know *something* is missing…but you just can’t pinpoint exactly what.

If any of that sounds true for you right now, I know that the #1 thing you need to work on is mastering SALES.

You did not come here to cross your fingers and hope people buy from you or to hope your launch goes the way you want it to. 

You also did not start your business to dread sales and wonder where the next one is coming from.

The moment you start mastering selling is the moment you will have people buying from you like crazy.

This is what your business is meant to look like.

You are a MF queen of your industry and you’re about to start making sales like one.

You’re ready to shed your old identity and be CROWNED.

Up until now, sales have been slow, and weird, and unpredictable because you simply haven’t mastered them.

Yes you know kind of what to say and you kind of know what to talk about, but you still question if you’re doing the right thing or saying the right thing for people to buy.

You still get into weird sales funks where you get super attached to making a sale or where your energy completely drains mid-way through a launch.

I know what this feels like and I know exactly what you need to do to shift it so sales feel like the easiest thing in the world and people buy from you all day, every day.

I’m going to show you how to shed the *I hope for sales* Princess Identity and step into the *I create sales on command* QUEEN IDENTITY.

Queen /kwēn/ noun

  1. A woman sovereign.
  2. A woman considered pre-eminent in a particular field.
  3. The most powerful chess piece in the game of chess.


Queen of Sales / kwēn ŭv sāl/

  1. The sovereign leader of your industry.
  2. The *one* they buy from over and over again.
  3.  The holder of the most powerful skillset in the game of entrepreneurship.

The title includes:

  • People buying from you at all price points, at all stages, for all offers.
  • Selling everyday with so much mf easeit feels like you’re not selling at all.
  • People obsessing over your offers so much they’reready to buy the same offer twice.
  • Getting messages from people thanking you for selling and excitedly *waiting* for your next offerto drop.
  • Having a mastery over salesso you’re not just “holding the energy”  but alsoknow exactly what strategic moves to pull to get people moving and saying yes.


What you’re going to learn:

  • Why and how people buy at all stages of a launchso you can easily get them to say yes to your offer all day, every day
  • The different things you need to say in yourstories, emails and content at different stages of your launch so people continue to moveand you don’t get “sales slumps”
  • How to break down your offers in a way that makes it easy for people to say yes to them(zero convincing needed)
  • Build insane trust and authority through the way you sellso you become their “top choice” and your people come ready to pay you
  • How to make buying from you an insanely unique and fun experience that has your audience hookedon you when selling and saying yes to everything you drop
  • How tokeep people interested the entire way through your launch by talking about your offer in different ways,from different sales angles so you never experience drops offs or people tuning out
  • How to sell different things at different price pointsso you can sell your 1:1 offer just as easily as your low-ticket masterclass
  • My simple sales and launch strategies for selling low, mid and high ticket offersthat *always* guarantee sales
  • How to hold your energy before, during and at the end of your launchso you always remain unattached to the sale and have people wanting to buy from you non stop
  • How to plug into and stay plugged into Big F Deal energy when you selland be seen as a true leader in your industry


  • 4-week group programwith multiple live trainings on all things SALES– launching, content, strategies, Big F Deal energy
  • You’ll have lifetime access(and access to future updates)

This is going to be an INSANE NEXT-LEVEL SALES experience to set you up for the ultimate sales blow-up in your business.

If you’re ready, it’s time to decide to stop waiting and take up your SALES CROWN.

A queen doesn’t wait for others to crown her – she declares herself.

A queen doesn’t play by the rules – she sets the rules.

A queen doesn’t fear sales running out – she knows she’s the one who creates more.

When you take up your sales crown, you become *the one* in control of your sales.

You become the most powerful chess piece.

The one that’s in command of her business.

You know what moves to make to get people to buy, and you make them swiftly and confidently.

You don’t wait for sales, you create an avalanche of sales. 

I can’t wait!! I’d love to support you and have you inside.




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