Neil Patel – Advanced Consulting Program


Neil Patel – Advanced Consulting Program

Neil Patel - Advanced Consulting Program

Neil Patel – Advanced Consulting Program

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Neil Patel – Advanced Consulting Program

Neil Patel - Advanced Consulting Program

Dear Friend,

If you are interested inΒ getting more customers, maximizing lifetime-customer-valueΒ (LTV) andΒ scaling your business,Β then this may very well be the most important letter you will ever read!

The fact of the matter isΒ MarketingΒ is the ONLY highest-leverage activity in your business, where you canΒ increase your results by 2x-10x in many cases, without spending any more money or time.

Marketing is the KEY money-maker in your business.

Most activities inside a business cost money, instead of making money. Of the things that do make money, marketing makes the most money… Plain and simple.

Here are some Marketing Examples from my businesses:

  • Crazy Egg:Β I’ve built the industry leading SaaS program that tracks and optimizes the User Experience of more than 2 Billion Visitors every-single-month, and serves clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies to local mom-and-pop shops.
  • KISSmetrics:Β I’ve raised about $17,000,000 dollars for KISSmetrics and grew the traffic from ZERO to 1 Million Visitors a month in the hyper competitive B2B space, which is rare.
  • Hello Bar:Β Reaches in excess of 350+ million people a month and it’s used by every major high trafficked blog in every industry imaginable!
  • Google:Β I was recently hired by Google to help get more customers for Google AdWords. I can’t give out the specifics but let’s just say, it’s going really, really well.
  • Quick Sprout:Β As a side, My Personal Blog – Quick Sprout. Reaches an extra million unique visitors a month. I am pretty sure I can do a lot better, if I tried there
  • I Can Has Cheezburger:Β I helped them grow and scale from a tech start-up to over 500,000,000 pageviews. (Yes, that’s 500 million pageviews.)
  • Timothy Sykes:Β Went from making $50,000 a month to an extra $1,200,000 a year in profit as a direct and documented result of working with me.
  • Press & Media:Β I’ve been featured on Forbes, Wall Street Journal, MSN, Huffington Post, Entrepreneur Magazine and countless others.
  • Stellar Repute:Β I have also worked with Thomson Reuters, Airbnb, Reebok, VMware, Gawker Media, Tech Crunch, Intuit and Inc Magazine. Just to name a few more.
  • Keynote Speaker:Β I’ve spoken at TEDx, Ad:tech, SMX Advanced, Web 2.0 Expo, Awesomeness Fest, Empower Network and Traffic & Conversion Summit. (This is excluding Fortune 500 speaking engagements.)

I am fortunate enough to regularly work withΒ Fortune 500 brands AND 10-Figure businesses ($1+ billion dollar.)

So, I get to see firsthand what really works.

And I’ve pouredΒ all myΒ knowledgeΒ and know-how into the 22-stepΒ Advanced Consulting program. I honestly believe it is theΒ Crown JewelΒ of Marketing:

Act I – Converting Customers

The β€œCold” Sales Process
This single sales process is used by the likes of AMAZON,Β MCDONALDSΒ and other Fortune 500 brands too numerous to list.Β This is the #1 reason for most category leading brands &Β businesses.Β 

  • β€œCompetitiveΒ Intelligence” I’ll expose how to β€œuncover” your competitors’ most profitable campaigns and use their data toΒ essentiallyΒ guaranteeΒ cash-in-your-pocket.
  • β€œWhite Hot Lead Magnets” Want to convert 4X as many leads? A persuasive lead magnet is the answer. This one change can easily double most businesses overnight.
  • β€œThe Right Tripwire” How to select the right β€œTripwire” for your business.Β (Includes 14 examples you can model after.)Β 
  • β€œPre-sale Upsells” Simple check box add-on can pay ALL your overhead every month. This is a simple change to make,Β no matter how non-technical you are.
  • β€œ1-Click Upsells” Understanding how to put the upsells in place will be critical to your SURVIVAL in the future. Who else is going to show you this?
  • β€œPhysical Copy Upsells” 40% conversions on an upsell? Yes! If you sell digital information you NEED this upsell, but if youΒ overdoΒ it you’ll hosed for sure… we’ll show you the right way.
  • β€œThe Bundle Offer” If carrots cost $1 wouldn’t a basket-full for $2 be a slam-dunk sale? That’s the bundle offer, (HINT: It works because people can easily do the math in their heads.)
  • β€œHigh-End Upsells” Big ticket upsells and downsells can totally change a slow day into a major gain. (HINT: You can offerΒ $1,000 upsells on $1 trial offersΒ with a typical 4% conversion rate. You can do the math on that.)
  • β€œUnderground CPA Files” CPA offers are a great way toΒ monetizeΒ your leads. Whether you’ve been marketing with CPA for years, or totally confused about how it all works… we’ll show you exactly whyΒ it’s theΒ fastest, easiest & most effective way to convert leads into money.Β (w/Β Video + Mindmap)
  • β€œStrategicΒ Backend Promotions” Don’t have a high-ticket backend product? Promote someone else’s and start raking in cash on the back end of your sales. We’ll show you where to find the highest converting offers and make the JV deals to assure the highest payout.

Note:Β Upsells, downsells, cross sells, and 1-click upgrades can make you TEN TIMES as much money as yourΒ initialΒ sales do – The Marketers who don’t do these are amateurs. I don’t want you to be one of them.

Crafting An Offer They Can’t Refuse!

β€œHow to turn lookers into starving buyers by creating ridiculous offers that kill your competitors and have JV partners begging to promote your stuff”

  • β€œCustomer Profiling” Use our profiling sheet to hone down to EXACTLY who your customer is, and where you can find them online and offline. [Sheet Included]
  • β€œIdentifying Needs” The psychological model thatΒ determinesΒ your customer’s true Reason Why. It’s easy, fast and you’ll be shocked with the answer 80% of the time.
  • β€œYourΒ Hook” Most marketers miss the hook… and they fail. In our opinion, this is the SINGLE BIGGEST FACTOR in an offer’s success or failure. We’ll show you how we develop ours and even help you to uncover yours.
  • β€œ19-Step Sales Copy Framework” This will teach you theΒ MECHANICS of creating irresistible messages.Β This framework makes anyone a B+ copywriter in just a day with a few key exercises. HINT: It’s modeled after the best copywriters in history. [TEMPLATE INCLUDED] took 6 years to test, iterate and perfect.
  • β€œSimplifying The Buying Process” 3 Streamlining methods that make spending money with you easier and watch your sales skyrocket. Our examples & frameworks will make this a breeze.
  • β€œThe Reason Why” How to add more β€œreason why” in your sales process. Most business people do not include this AT ALL in their sales pitchesβ€”and it’s one of the hallmarks of a good sales process (HINT: You simply do NOT want to have your prospect β€œautomatically assume” why your product or service is good for themβ€”you have to TELL them!)
  • β€œVideo Includes” Where you place video on the page is different on sales pages and opt in pages and even different still for upsells. We will explain all the rules complete with test data.

The Conversion Sequence

β€œHow to make money from every customer you ever acquire. FACT: Most of the growth in any business comes from the customers they already have. Discover…”

  • β€œEmailΒ Strategy” Email is changing. Deliverability, HTML, VIDEO… here you’ll learn what we do and what’s working now. Increased open rates, click-throughs and conversions = $$$
  • β€œRe-targetingΒ Lists & Sequences” TheΒ exact β€œcopy and paste” sentence to use in your retargeting campaignsΒ to get your visitors back at every step of your sales process, while building your own retargeting β€œlists”
  • β€œHybrid Affiliate Offers” Pre-affiliate videos, mini-review sites and rolling affiliate launches are just a few of the affiliate promotion tricks up our sleeves.
  • β€œCustomers-To-Members” This simple strategy can take a reasonable number of your email subscribers to paying members, and paying members to VIP level members every month on auto-pilot. Really slick and man does it ever work!
  • β€œRolling Launches” This is HUGE! Imagine a product launch in your business going off every single week. This requires software [INCLUDED] and just a little planning (we have a few every week). You’re gonna love this…

Back-end Webinar

β€œYes, webinars and teleseminars for Traffic & LeadΒ Acquisition, Nurturing & Conversion! This is a very Profitable Source of NEW Leads”

  • β€œWebinar StrategicΒ Partnerships” Why webinar and teleseminar JV partnerships make more money thanΒ any other JV deals, produce way more traffic & leads for you and are the easiest to sell to new partners.
  • β€œ1-2-3-Punch” How to get 3x as many people to register for your webinars and how to make tons of $$$… whether they show up or not.
  • β€œFree Webinars That Pay Now” How I make IMMEDIATE revenue from webinars days before they ever go live. (Sometimes as much as $10,000 without actually β€œselling” anything.)
  • β€œEvergreen Webinar Relaunch” How to get affiliates to promote webinar replays forever and keep sucking leads from their lists…
  • β€œPerpetual Launches” How to turn a webinar replay and a few emails into a never-ending launch. This one tactic alone can become the core of your marketing machine.
  • β€œOld-To-New Signups” Use the G2W webinar sign-up template we’ve tested to generate fresh leads for old webinars.

Leveraged e-Commerce

While the information business is GREAT, it makes up less than 1.12% of online sales; most of the rest is real STUFF! Contrary to what people would love you to believe, it’s not that hard to get into the physical products business and these businesses SELL for big bucks on exit. In this section you’ll get…

  • β€œGreen, Organic & Pet Friendly Niche” WhyΒ organic, green and pet friendly productsΒ are SUPER hot to sell, have a 500% markupΒ and can be made with $500 in equipment in your garage.
  • β€œeComm Traffic” How to sell TONS of products and build valuableΒ brands via Amazon,, and, and how to kickstart them with Kindle books and cheap Facebook ads.
  • β€œInventory Management” How toΒ importΒ dirt cheap products from Asia, South America and India for as little asΒ $500 in up-front cash, and how you can EASILY get that from a customer in 15 minutes.
  • β€œRetail Distribution” How to useΒ β€œBrand Leaping” online to get on the shelves of MAJOR retailers likeΒ WalMart, Walgreens, Rite-Aid and Home Depot.
  • How toΒ β€œecom splintering” like that just sold $500,000,000 in mainly drop shipped merchandise last year.
  • And we are just getting started…

Act II – Getting & Scaling Traffic

Dirt Cheap Traffic

β€œGetting paid traffic has never been cheaper, all the chumps are out of the market and we have cracked the code for Google Ads for 20-30 cents on the dollar – here’s how…”

  • β€œDisplay NetworkΒ Campaigns” The Google Display Network Serves 1 Trillion Impressions Every Month.Β How to build and scale campaigns in the display network from A to ZΒ (HINT: Google, Yahoo &Β Bing Included.)
  • β€œBuilding an Affiliate Army” The strategy that works in the real-world to recruit, motivate and retain hundreds of affiliates to promote your business for you.
  • β€œMake Google Your Affiliate” [SUPER NEW!] Using one β€œlittle known program” Google will manage EVERYTHING for you for a piece of the action. Just pay them a commission and they are yours.
  • β€œHyper-Targeting Visitors” How toΒ ethically spy on your visitors and magically display super targeted offersΒ focused on what they’reΒ interested in RIGHT NOW!
  • β€œPsychographic Β Scheduling” How to determine when to run ads for the highest ROI ad where. (HINT: One of our best-kept secrets is Germany…)

Facebook Exchange

β€œHow to laser-target Facebook’s 1.2 billion active users and turn them into the most rabid buyers on your list”

  • β€œFB Magic” Why some of our ads make us the most money when NOBODY clicks on them. [The BEST AD TEMPLATES INCLUDED]
  • β€œFacebook Data Mining” Finding your share of the 1,200,000,000+ Facebook Users That Are Proven Buyers. [CHECKLIST INCLUDED]
  • β€œCustomΒ & Look-a-like Audiences” How to advertise to ONLY the most targeted leads that you already know meet your customer criteria and have the ability and desire to buy.
  • β€œUsing Facebook Fan Pages” How to use Facebook ads to fatten your Facebook fan list (HINT: These leads can be worth up to $4 per month EACH in select markets!)

More Advanced Traffic & Conversion

How and why CPM Email Drops are still the best way to build your list and why affiliate traffic sucks in comparison.

  • β€œTrading Quarters for Dollars” How to convert formerly stinky β€œco-reg” leads that cost as little as .25 each, into $.50 – $2 a month or more in profits each.
  • β€œBack To The Future PPC”  Google, Facebook & MSN are humblerΒ these days – see how you can use this to your advantageΒ and even beatΒ them at their own game.
  • Remnant Banner Traffic NetworksΒ are the newest form of DIRT cheap traffic on the planet, selling banner ad placement above the fold for as little as .09 per 1000 impressions. Sites likeΒ Drudge Report, Facebook,, MSN, AOLΒ and 250,000 others participate in these remnant platforms.
  • β€œTwitter Ad Secrets” Yes… Twitter ads work! If you aren’t testing this incredible new medium, you’re leaving A LOT of traffic on the table. Find out how you can leverage this new traffic channel (Templates included!)
  • β€œConversion Optimization” What to do when your campaign just ISN’T converting (this happens a lot),Β follow the flow chart for your β€œdiagnosis”…
  • β€œPersuasive Storylines” 3 stories you can tell in your pitch to immediately make your pitch more exciting. People LOVE stories… and a good story your prospects can relate to will REALLY β€œcut through the junk” that your prospect is going through right now.
  • β€œCustomer Reality” An expose’ of what people are REALLY going through in their lives… and why hardly anyone is as ambitious as you think (This is something I have to correct in my private clients’ heads when I start working with them.)

Ramping Up Paid Traffic

How to make 100X more money on the β€œBig Boy” networks than on Pay Per Click alone. WARNING: Don’t play here without an insider’s help!
True, this is where the $10 MM and up per year guys all rock-it, but it’s shark infested waters. Learn it and you’re rich… mess itΒ up and you’re done. (P.S. Almost NOBODY teaches how to do this.)

  • β€œMetrics,Β DataΒ & KPIs” How to analyzeΒ the metrics that actually MATTERΒ so that you can β€œskim the fat” from your campaigns and SCALE…
  • β€œCPV Domination” How to swipe customers fromΒ your competitors.Β You can legally, ethically, quickly, and easily put your site in front of people who have already proven themselves to be BUYERS of products just like yours.
  • β€œCPA & Affiliate Networks” 18,000 sales a month! Imagine. That’s what happens when you hit a winner in the CPA networks. It’s kind of like an Internet marketer winning β€œAmerican Idol” only it ain’t that hard. This is where theΒ whalesΒ swim.
  • β€œSEO & Content Marketing” Most people glaze over content marketing because they don’t understand it or have screwed it up in the past. Here is a FACT: Content accounts for a full 2/3 of our traffic on Google and Yahoo. Best of all, it’s wicked-cheap and it converts better than search.
  • β€œLarge Scale MediaΒ Buys” Got a winning offer? Don’t even screw with PPC.Β  There is 20X – 50X more β€œPlacement” traffic available online than PPC. Here’s how you can CRUSH IT even in hyper-competitive niches like FOREX (not for the faint of heart).
  • β€œHypnotic Sales Patterns” For the first time ever, I’m going to pull back the curtain on theΒ NLP language patterns and hypnotic phrases that will amplify your conversion rates manifolds.I insist you promise to use this with kindness and use it responsibly. It is very, very powerful… and very dangerous in the wrong hands.

Offline + Online Marketing

β€œOffline Media to Online Advertising is Quietly Making Many Players Millionaires Without Spending a DIME Online – Here’s how they do it…”

  • β€œClassified Ad Traffic” Turn dirt-cheap national classified ads that run for pennies a paper per week into β€œsolid gold” green buyer leads for almost any niche.
  • β€œMultiple Modalities” Our Process combines Email, Direct Mail, FAX, Text Messaging and Voice Blasts to increase traffic 10X to almost any promotion – kills for high-dollar offers
  • β€œDirect Mail for JV Deals” Wanna get on a big fish’s radar? We’ll share the best working β€œDirect” tricks of all time that simply won’t allow a potential partner to ignore you.
  • β€œPsychic Postcards” that register qualified buyers to webinars and teleseminars automatically using the strongestΒ psychologicalΒ trigger ever… curiosity.
  • β€œBounce Back Offers” How to trade for free traffic from other people’s products and promotions. Most people (even your competitors) will mail your promotion to their best customers for you… if you know how to ask.

Scaling Your Business
Most businesses feel stuck and for good reason. The truth is what got you where you are now will not get you to where you want to be. In this session you’ll discover some thought shifting ideas and strategies like…

  • β€œAutomating + Scaling Your Business”  Once you find what works, you shouldΒ iterate, automateΒ and scale it.Β This simple strategy is responsible for more entrepreneur millionaires than any one thing I know.
  • β€œFocus & Mindsets” Ever wonder why Bill Gates goes to work in the morning? Discover the real mental work-outs used by millionaires and billionaires every day to keep them reaching for more and why they are NEVER limited by imagination.
  • β€œStrategicΒ Partners & JVs” Partners bring SCALE, they don’t start from scratch… Fortune 500 companies (who usually have unlimited resources at their disposal) partner with proven winners rather than start from scratch because it’s hands-free and fast. Every million dollar campaign worked on in the past has partner backing it up.
  • β€œPreciseΒ TimeΒ Scheduling” How do we identify those activities in yourΒ business that will give you the highest possible return, and make youΒ the mostΒ possible profit and income β€” and then design your life,Β so you make sure to do THOSE High-ValueΒ activities consistently.
  • β€œBuilding to SELL” – You’ll never make as much money as the day you sell your business and we want to help you achieve that dream by getting you on the right track now. Who knows, maybe you’ll even take your companyΒ publicΒ some day.

Get immediately downloadΒ Neil Patel – Advanced Consulting Program

And the kicker isΒ everything I just mentioned is just 25% of what you’ll learnΒ over the course of the next 12 months, if you choose to enroll in the Advanced Consulting

As youΒ know, I have a stellarΒ reputation in the industry and for any reason or no reason, if we don’t deliver on everything we say we will. I’ll give you 100% of your money back.

Β  Β 1) We’ve broken down all the content above in 3 distinct ways, so you know exactlyΒ what to doΒ ANDΒ how to do it:

Β  Β  Β  Β  A.)Β High-Level Concepts – First, we will tell you why β€œwhatΒ we are covering in the section” is important and why it’sΒ relevantΒ in today’s marketΒ environment.

Β  Β  Β  Β  B.)Β Frameworks, Examples & Templates – Secondly, we will give you all the frameworks to simplify the implementation, give you the examples that have worked well in the past, so you can model them and then, we will also give you fill-in-the-blank templates you use to implement at everything we discuss at light speed.

Β  Β  Β  Β  C.)Β Nuts-&-Bolts – Lastly, we’ll walk you through how-to do every section step-by-step, so you can see firsthand how to implement everything right the first time. This section also covers the Tech set-up and implementation as well.

You have free reign toΒ swipeΒ andΒ deployΒ everything in your business as you see fit.

Β  Β 2)Β 24 hourΒ β€œBurning question” support

We will be with you everyday on Basecamp to help youΒ implementΒ everything you learn.

We will help you with everyΒ obstacleΒ andΒ problemΒ you will faceΒ in the next 12 months.

You’ll be never alone again building your business!

Β  Β 3) Two (2x) 30 Minute Emergency Personal Phone Calls

Do you have an emergency? We will let you talk to us 1-on-1 to help you fix it immediately.

We are here to help you, all you have to do is let us know what you need.

You might be wondering,Β Is this right for ME?

If Your Business Involves Trading AΒ Product/Service For Money, Then Advanced ConsultingΒ Is Perfect For You!

If you want to build a systemized sales process that automatesΒ customer acquisition. Then, this is right for you.

Imagine that. Waking up in the morning excited… knowing you’re on the right path in your businessβ€”and not just β€œguessing”.

Creating systems that predictably pull customers towards you while sincerely helping them and adding value to your entire market.

And knowing where yourΒ business is going to be 6-12 months from now.Β There is no better feeling in lifeβ€”instead of fretting whether or not you’ll be able to meet payroll or pay the bills next month.

As long as you’re committed andΒ TAKE ACTION, I believe you simply CANNOT lose.

I offer nothing but proven, time-tested techniques that have been fieldΒ tested and fine-tuned with millions of dollars in marketingΒ tests. The strategiesΒ in the frameworkΒ that could very well change your life for the better.Β You must see for yourself what you’ve been missing.

This is aΒ MUST haveΒ offer and we alwaysΒ overdeliver on our promises,

If you’re interested, click on the registration button below and reserve one of the spots before it’s too late…


Get Digital Download ” Neil Patel – Advanced Consulting Program ” Right Now!


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