Rob Cubbon – How I Earn $5000+ a Month Passive Income Selling E-books and Video Courses


Rob Cubbon – How I Earn $5000+ a Month Passive Income Selling E-books and Video Courses

Rob Cubbon - How I Earn $5000+ a Month Passive Income Selling E-books and Video Courses

Rob Cubbon – How I Earn $5000+ a Month Passive Income Selling E-books and Video Courses

Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $19.00.

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Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $19.00.

The system is this: build a website with an email list and sell e-books and video courses on the website, on Amazon and on online learning platforms such as Udemy. And then you can increase the numbers on your email list as your audience on these platforms increases.

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Rob Cubbon – How I Earn $5000+ a Month Passive Income Selling E-books and Video Courses

Rob Cubbon - How I Earn $5000+ a Month Passive Income Selling E-books and Video Courses

The course to get you selling e-books and video courses online.

See the exact step-by-step processes that makes me over $5000+ each month passive income. You can see exactly where I make my money, learn how you can sell your expertise this way, and, how you can both make money as well as generate new leads at the same time.

My passive income (see the proof in the promo video) ed to take off as the system I’d created ed to feed itself.

The system is this: build a website with an email list and sell e-books and video courses on the website, on Amazon and on online learning platforms such as Udemy. And then you can increase the numbers on your email list as your audience on these platforms increases.

The system s with a website. A branded long-term business asset that is created and continually added to and improved upon. I explain in the course how to do this with WordPress.

The second stage of the system is to collecting email addresses through this website and I’ll explain the best email marketing techniques.

And, thirdly, of course, we’ll be talking about creating and marketing the digital products. This is the real meat of the course where I’ll show you how to decide on the subject matter of your eBooks and video courses, how to create them and market them so that they keep selling after their launch without you having to lift a finger.
Subjects covered in the course include:

How to make money from video courses on online learning platforms such as Udemy as well as on your site
How to make money from Ebooks on platforms such as Amazon’s Kindle as well as on your site
Technicalities of creating cheap, easy but quality HD video
Technicalities of creating Ebooks for Kindle (ePub, Mobi) as well as PDFs for your own site
What you should create content on
How to find time to create content – both free and paid for
How to set up a blog on WordPress
How to do customer research through Google Analytics and Google Keyword Planner
How to set up an email list, collect email addresses and make money through sales emails

This is not a get rich quick formula. But, if you follow my directions, you will make passive income online and you will grow your business brand online.
What am I going to get from this course?

Over 49 videos, 7 hours of content and the ability to ask me questions!
The habit of creating great content (both free and paid)
The knowledge of how to build a brand and a following
An email subscriber base of loyal fans
Find out how to research, create and market info-products such as e-books and video courses

Your Instructor

Rob Cubbon
Rob Cubbon

I have over 25 years experience in graphic design, web design and marketing. I have run my own business since 2005.

I am an Amazon bestselling author of seven books, bestselling Udemy instructor and all-round good guy who wants success for you and your business.

Being your own boss is an incredibly liberating experience but it can be difficult as well. There never seems to be enough time for what we want to do.

I’m driven to help people experience the positive side of entrepreneurship, not the negative.

I also build brands, create websites and run marketing campaigns for my clients.

My mission statement: I want to help and inspire people to build sustainable online businesses, earn passive income and experience greater freedom and happiness in their lives.

Here’s What You’ll Get in

Rob Cubbon - How I Earn $5000+ a Month Passive Income Selling E-books and Video Courses

Course Curriculum

First Section

Introduction to the Course (5:35)

Creating a Successful Website and Blog

Introduction To The Website And Blog Section (0:57)

Why You Should Blog (5:40)

β€œBranding” The Domain Name For the Website & Introduction To Affiliate Marketing (5:47)

Getting Your Website Online To Your Passive Income Journey (2:37)

Introduction to Blogging (7:18)

How to Install WordPress with a One-Click Script (3:48)

How to Manually Install WordPress (Recommended) (5:18)

How to Install Google Analytics on Your Website (3:22)

WordPress Essentials (6:40)

What Should I Write or Blog about? (7:28)

Get the Blogging Habit! (4:55)

Blog Post Promotion – Make Sure People Visit Your Site and Consume Your Content (3:18)

Quiz 1: Website and Blogging Quiz

Conclusion to this Section – Website and Blog (1:27)

Email Marketing – How to Create an Email List of Raving Fans and Loyal Customers

Introduction to this Section on Email Marketing (1:59)

Email Marketing – What Is It and Why You Should Do It (4:10)

Email marketing – how you do it right using Aweber (9:45)

Email Marketing – How You Do It Right Using MailChimp (5:23)

Create a List, a Sign-up Sidebar Form with Lead Magnet with Aweber (7:13)

Improving Conversions – Turn Casual Visitors into Subscribers (8:09)

The Relationship with Your Email List (4:34)

Quiz 2: Email Marketing Quiz

Conclusion to the Email Marketing Section – What Have We learned? (1:26)

Info-products – How to Make Passive Income from E-books and Video Courses

Introduction to this Section on Info-Product Creation and Selling (2:16)

How To Sell A Book On Your Website With Gumroad (7:19)

Books – Join the Self-Publishing Revolution (8:45)

How to Publish a Book on Amazon – from Word Doc to Bestseller (9:46)

How To Create a Paperback Book on Amazon by Uploading at KDP (15:46)

The Kindle Launch Formula – Be A Bestseller (14:24)

How to Sell Books on Other Platforms, as well as on Your Own Platform (Website) (8:17)

Video – What Is It and Why You Should Do It (6:21)

How You Shoot Video (6:45)

How to Use ScreenFlow to Shoot and Edit Professional HD video (5:00)

An Introduction To Using Camtasia To Shoot And Edit Excellent Video Tutorials (7:29)

What Type of Videos You Should Make (3:29)

An Introduction to YouTube (4:44)

Advanced YouTube Secrets (6:51)

What Should You Create a Video Course on? (4:04)

Online Learning Platforms Techniques to Maximize your Earnings (4:52)

How to Create a New (and Profitable) Course in Udemy (5:46)

Make Money Using Udemy’s Discount Coupons and Announcement System (6:58)

Udemy Pricing (7:20)

What Udemy Doesn’t Want You To Know (4:44)

Selling Video Courses from Your Own Site (5:57)

Conclusion to Info-Products Section (2:02)

Quiz 3: Info-Products Quiz

Conclusion to the Course (2:43)

Mindset – the foundation for success

Introduction To This Section – Why Mindset is So Important (2:38)

Mindset – The Do’s And Don’ts For Info-Product Success (8:59)

Get Rob Cubbon – How I Earn $5000+ a Month Passive Income Selling E-books and Video Courses download

Conclusion to the course

Filling up your Email List and Cross Selling (3:33)

Selling Courses On eBooks And Repurposing Content (5:40)

BONUS WEBINAR RECORDING: How To Build An Email List Of Raving Fans (132:41)

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course and finish?
The course s now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.


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