Sandra Anderson – Six Week Meditation Challenge


Sandra Anderson – Six Week Meditation Challenge

Sandra Anderson - Six Week Meditation Challenge

Sandra Anderson – Six Week Meditation Challenge

Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $10.00.

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Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $10.00.

Conventional wisdom tells us we need about 40 days to truly establish a new habit. So settle in and let us support your intention to gently disengage your mind from it’s usual preoccupations and the pains and pleasures of the world for just a few minutes each day.

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Sandra Anderson – Six Week Meditation Challenge

 Sandra Anderson - Six Week Meditation Challenge

5 Hours
to Complete
Certificate of
5 CEUs Upon
Unlimited Course Access
Do you want to establish a regular meditation practice?

Get Sandra Anderson – Six Week Meditation Challenge download

Or maybe you have a dedicated practice that you’d like to renew or deepen. We’ve created this challenge to help you to connect or reconnect with daily meditation in 2017! Join Sandra Anderson for six weeks of inspiration, supporting practices, and meditation instruction β€” everything you need to get or stay on track with your practice.
Each week for six weeks you’ll get:

An audio or video download with a guided meditation practice
Theme-based articles or videos to expand your understanding of meditation or supportive lifestyle changes.
Supporting practices including a choice of asana classes, breath training and pranayama instruction, and relaxation practices.

​Conventional wisdom tells us we need about 40 days to truly establish a new habit. So settle in and let us support your intention to gently disengage your mind from it’s usual preoccupations and the pains and pleasures of the world for just a few minutes each day.
We hope you’ll join us.

Sandra Anderson

For over 20 years Sandra Anderson has shared her extensive experience in yoga theory and practice with students from all over the world. A senior faculty member and resident at the Himalayan Institute, her teaching reflects access to the living oral tradition, and the embodied experience of 30 years of dedicated practice.

With a background in the natural sciences and interest in classical Sanskrit, along with frequent pilgrimages to India, Sandy has a rare capacity to eloquently convey the richness of spiritual life in our contemporary world. She is the coauthor of the award-winning book, Yoga Mastering the Basics, and was a contributing editor and columnist for Yoga International magazine. She is now a frequent contributor to, offering instructional videos and articles. Sandy leads workshops, trainings and retreats both nationally and internationally, and at the headquarters of the Himalayan Institute.
Course Outline

Section 1
Week 1

Week 1

Welcome to the Meditation Challenge

Guided Meditation for Body and Breath

Building A Steady Meditation Position

Easy Stretches: Preparation for Meditation

Guided Relaxation: Preparation for Meditation

Section 2
Week 2

Week 2

Guided Breath Awareness Meditation

Diaphragmatic Breath Training

Simple Movements to Restore Energy Balance

Radiant Body Practice

How to Create a Meditation Space in Your Home

Section 3
Week 3

Week 3

Guided Meditation: The Movement of Prana

Learn to How to Neti Wash

Stretch and Breathe

Using the Bandhas in Asana Practice

Section 4
Week 4

Week 4

15-Minute Guided Meditation

Learn Nadi Shodhanam

Breathe for Balance

Anuloma Pranayama Tutorial

Anuloma Pranayama Practice

Asana to Establish Sushumna

Navigating Sushumna Nadi, the River of Light

Section 5
Week 5

Week 5

Guided 20-Minute Meditation

How to Change Your Stress Response

Restorative Asana Session

Stress Busting Practice and Relaxation

Prayers & Reflections PDF

Section 6
Week 6

Week 6

Guided Meditation with Soham Mantra

How to Train Your Mind to Support a Meditation Practice

Meditation is Not What You Think

The Complete Package: Move, Relax, and Meditate

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