Stephen & Rebecca Smotherman – Fulltime FBA


Stephen & Rebecca Smotherman – Fulltime FBA

Stephen & Rebecca Smotherman – Fulltime FBA

Stephen & Rebecca Smotherman – Fulltime FBA

Original price was: $127.00.Current price is: $42.00.

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Original price was: $127.00.Current price is: $42.00.

A Month by Month Guide to a Profitable Amazon Business The ​Problem
​The big retail store put new toys on clearance last week, but all the good stuff is gone.

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Stephen & Rebecca Smotherman – Fulltime FBA

Stephen & Rebecca Smotherman – Fulltime FBA

The Reseller’s Guide to A Year in FBA
A Month by Month Guide to a Profitable Amazon Business The ​Problem
​The big retail store put new toys on clearance last week, but all the good stuff is gone.

Get Stephen & Rebecca Smotherman – Fulltime FBA download

You want to make money from major & minor holidays, but don’t know how.

The “Summer Slowdown” halted your sales to next to nothing.

You just got charged a huge storage fee and have no idea why it was so big.

Cyber Monday sales seem to be good for other sellers, but yours were just OK.

You wish you bought more of the right items to sell during Q4.

You’re missing out on a lot of profitable opportunities simply because you’re not prepared.
The Solution
​​The Reseller’s Guide to A Year in FBA: A Month by Month Guide to a Profitable Amazon Business.

A 240+ page book with profit-packed chapters for each month of the year​
Live webinar trainings throughout 2020 (with access to replays)
​​Live Q&A with Stephen during the live webinars
​​Exclusive Year in FBA Facebook group
​​Year in FBA digital notebook and calendar
​Access to over 12 hours of archived monthly training videos from last year
​Free updates (every year) of the book and bonuses for life
​​60-day refund policy with no questions asked

​​Scroll down to find out what else you get

​You’re basically going to get everything you need to know about what type of items to source for, holidays to prepare for, sales to take advantage of, important deadlines, and the top resources that will help you become an expert in many aspects of online reselling…. and more!
Bonus Material – Not only do you get the 240+ page Year in FBA ebook and monthly live webinars, but you also get these 5 valuable bonuses at no extra charge.
​Access to the Year in FBA Private Facebook Group – In this members-only group, you’ll have access to reminders of upcoming sales, Amazon deadlines, and countless profit opportunities. Members will also be able to post brand new profit opportunities that are discovered throughout the year!
​​Over 12 hours of Archived Monthly Training Videos – In 2019, I recorded 12 monthly training videos for the owners of The Reseller’s Guide to a Year in FBA, and you get access to those webinar replays. These videos, along with the live webinars for 2020, will give you over 2 hours of video training per month.
Year in FBA Notebook – Have you ever wished you had recorded when certain stores had their big sales so you are sure not to miss them next time? Have you ever wished you had a place where all of your most important tips and tricks were written down so you don’t forget them? Well, now you’ll have a place to store all these opportunities and more.
​Year in FBA Printable Calendar – Print the 2020 FBA Calendar and post it on your wall for another visual reminder of what is coming up and what you need to prepare for. The calendar will include all important dates, store sales, and Amazon deadlines. The calendar will also be updated as the year progresses with new information.
​Video – How I Use The Year in FBA Calendar – In this video I show you our Amazon logistical center where we organize our RA trips, OA orders, and our Year in FBA Calendar. I’ll walk you through how we use this area to keep everything organized so we don’t miss out on any opportunities to grow our Amazon FBA business.

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