Subliminal Club – Symmetry — Helen of Troy-Subliminal Physical Shifting to Sculpt the Perfect Body for Women


Subliminal Club – Symmetry — Helen of Troy-Subliminal Physical Shifting to Sculpt the Perfect Body for Women

Subliminal Club - Symmetry — Helen of Troy-Subliminal Physical Shifting to Sculpt the Perfect Body for Women

Subliminal Club – Symmetry — Helen of Troy-Subliminal Physical Shifting to Sculpt the Perfect Body for Women

Original price was: $34.00.Current price is: $12.00.

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Original price was: $34.00.Current price is: $12.00.

This course is available and delivery within a few hours!”So, simply put — it will attempt to transform your physical body to your preferred image of beauty. It can be consciously guided, or you can run it and just enjoy, trusting that subconscious mind will not lead you astray.File Size:71.59 MB

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Subliminal Club – Symmetry — Helen of Troy-Subliminal Physical Shifting to Sculpt the Perfect Body for Women

Subliminal Club - Symmetry — Helen of Troy-Subliminal Physical Shifting to Sculpt the Perfect Body for Women


The concept of Symmetry acts as a reflection of divine order and an embodiment of celestial beauty. Consider the world around you, and you will find it subtly woven into the fabric of reality, from the bilateral symmetry of a delicate butterfly to the intricate patterns that adorn a snowflake. This symmetry, is a profound testament to an order that transcends our understanding, carries an undeniable aesthetic appeal that captivates the beholder’s gaze. Yet, symmetry’s divine dance extends beyond the tangible, infusing the invisible realms that orchestrate our reality. From hidden, mysterious equations that governs the cosmos to the genetic code that shapes all life, symmetry reveals a harmonious order underpinning our universe. It provides balance in chaos, unity in diversity, pointing to an architect of incredible precision and elegance.

Symmetry: Helen of Troy.

An revolutionary subliminal audio experience designed to unleash the transcendent power of feminine beauty, the power that sparks both astonishment and desire within all, and inspired countless legendary artists of history to dedicate their lives to attempting to fashion it through materials that stand against time.

Just as Helen of Troy was the epitome of irresistible allure, captivating the hearts of gods and men alike and kindling the flame of the epic Trojan War, Symmetry: Helen of Troy seeks to awaken such beauty that not only ensnares the senses but also ignites the spirit. It is a unique program that focuses purely on physical shifting focus and forgoes any other scripting — just like it’s equivalent for men, Legacy of the Spartan. So, simply put — it will attempt to transform your physical body to your preferred image of beauty. It can be consciously guided, or you can run it and just enjoy, trusting that subconscious mind will not lead you astray.

Imagine possessing a beauty akin to celestial harmonies, delicate as the morning dew on a rose petal, and potent as the breaking dawn. Although this is a pure physical shifting subliminal, in our testing we have noticed a profound effect — this is not a beauty that merely captivates the eye; it enchants the heart, seduces the mind, and entrances the soul. Symmetry: Helen of Troy draws its inspiration from the principles of the divine feminine, embracing the ethereal beauty of ancient goddesses and infusing it into the modern day aesthetics. Through pure physical shifting focus of Helen of Troy, we are able to offer a comprehensive transformation of ALL aspects of feminine beauty, all towards achieving beauty that emanates from symmetry bordering on the divine, echoing the allure of Helen of Troy.

This means that any and all features are taken into account. If you want to ask us whether it has “X” – it has it. It covers every body part, optimizing it and transforming it based upon your personal idea of beauty. We went through all of the feedback we received from Legacy of the Spartan and incorporated those lessons into Symmetry: Helen of Troy. Pure physical perfection, whether that’s a slim, ripped body, or a curvy, voluptuous body. We’ve got scripting to transform the aesthetics of your hair, face, ears, nose, head shape, any shape of head parts (such as jaw), neck, torso, including collarbones, arm shape, breasts, waist, stomach, back, legs, including hips, buttocks, thighs, calves, feet and more. Again, it’s all covered.

Now, we’re not going to make the claim that you can just run the title and get mindblowingly incredible results, but the scripting is written to provide results, even at a low level of daily physical activity — and that’s exactly what has happened with our other new physical shifting titles. Obviously, you’d see incredibly profound and accelerated results when using it alongside a regular fitness routine. We’ve also included scripting designed to accelerate fat burning while channeling that extra energy towards your body sculpting pursuits. This adaptable method can be consciously guided to suit your individual needs, ensuring that those who prefer not to lose fat, can still optimize their transformation journey.

Physical allure goes beyond muscularity, and we understand the importance of a comprehensive approach. Symmetry: Helen of Troy includes not only muscle development, but also enhances your hair’s, color, luster and overall health. The script also improves the health, strength and shine of your nails. Also includes scripting for healthy cuticles and manifestation scripting to help you discover the best tools, creams, routines, etc. for optimal nail care.

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