Ultimate Hypnotic Influence
Original price was: $97.00.$35.00Current price is: $35.00.
Since I published my Manipulation course several years ago, I thought I would create something that would contain a step by step process to get you to Hypnotize with power….
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Ultimate Hypnotic Influence
f you could control yourself and others, would you want to do it?
Of course you would……
Since I published my Manipulation course several years ago, I thought I would create something that would contain a step by step process to get you to Hypnotize with power….
The result is Ultimate Hypnotic Influence…..
“I’ve broken this study of Hypnotic Influence into Modules, so you can either get them one at a time or as a cost savings set”
Dear Friend,
If you’d like to Gain complete control of yourself, Influence others with power, Earn more money, Lose Weight, or quit smoking, then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read.
Here’s why:
Finally, a hypnotic course that allows you to learn these highly secretive methods, quickly and effortlessly….
Now, I know you’re probably skeptical. That’s normal and healthy. Let me give you three good reasons we can back up what we claim:
Three Reasons To Believe What I Say
Reason one: I have studied hypnosis with some of the very best masters in the world. Some that you would know, others that you wouldn’t.
Reason two: I have training in “Closed Door Hypnotic Sciences” that very few will ever get to become privy to. And now I’m willing to share them with you.
Reason three: I methodically, took what I learned over the years, condensed it into very workable, techniques that you can use instantly….
Here is a summary of the benefits you receive
The Central Rule of Mental Power: Once you gain control of your mind, everything else is down hill.
A true understanding of how the mind works: Get total control of your mind….Then the Mind of others!
Eliminate Fear & Doubt: Establish the confidence you need for every are of your life
Subconscious non-verbal communication: Super sneaky methods to get your persuasiveness across
Speaking face to face and mind to mind: This “Closed Door” method will allow you to influence with a “double barreled” effect
Bombard the consciousness with commands and impressions: Like a missile you will target the subconscious mind of others with definitive power
Creating an magnetic attraction mechanism: Attract others to do your bidding
How to put someone in a trance: Learn how to do it, why it works, and how effective it can be.
Discover How To Do Quick Trances: This same technique is used by master hypnotists all the time, and will work for you to.
How to train with the skills of the professional influencer: Train like a hypnotist and controller. Unlock the concepts that separate the men from the boys (or women from the girls)
Post Hypnotic Suggestions: How to set these magical triggers to continue to persuade and influence long after you are gone.
Power of the voice: This one concept is worth the entire cost of the course. Masters use it. Others don’t. We’ll show you how the voice really works during hypnosis and trance.
Put yourself into trances easily and effectively: Once you can put yourself into trance, putting others into one, will be a cinch.
Using Auto-Suggestion to pre-rehearse success in your life: Find out the correct way to use Auto-Suggestion. These small, but often time misunderstood tactics, work like a charm.
Break Bad Habits Through Self Hypnosis: Quit smoking, lose weight, better performance. Now you’ll have the keys to your kingdom
And Much, Much, More…….
Now, you’re probably wondering how and why we can do all those things.
Let me explain.
So, I wrote and put together my course entitled “Manipulation” and it became an overnight success…… We have shipped it to every part of the known world.
Everybody loved it.
I really took and developed it really well, but a lot of people kept asking for more…. More info on trance, more info on subliminals, and so forth…
I was speaking on the phone one day with one of my clients and he said to me….
“Why don’t you just create a course that is broken down into parts or modules, that people can learn specific skills on each one”.
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I thought about it and then put it back on the shelf for about 9 months, as I had several other projects in the hopper….
After about 9 months, another customer asked for just about the same thing, and I decided to deliver it….
I took a lot of the concepts from Manipulation and just basically expanded upon them….
Now here is the neat part…..
I took 9 of the most powerful concepts that relate to Covert Persuasion & Hypnotic Influence and created a one of kind, step by step module system of instruction…
The nice thing is, you can either buy the modules one at a time or the entire set to save some bucks…
Warning: Do NOT buy any Hypnosis Courses unless it meets the following 4 criteria
There is a lot of confusion surrounding our field. I want to give you 4 criteria or elements you absolutely, positively must have in any solution you obtain:
Make sure the person uses the techniques in real world situations. I will prove to you with my mentoring that I have used this information and can do it over and over again…..That is what you need…
Is the information precisely laid out or is it the recording of someone’s weekend seminar? Seminars are great, but a lot of times you get a lot of fluff and it takes several hours to get to the point of the content. My course is studio recorded with all concepts laid out for you to get the most out of it.
Do they offer mentoring. I offer (3) mentoring session (which are worth the cost of the course, I might add) which will allow you to exponentially increase your hypnotic skills.
Can you use it for multiple applications? My course, you can use for business, personal, romance, losing weight quitting smoking, etc. I give you the underlying methods that will allow you to control, persuade or influence your self or others…
You get at least 10 times your money’s worth!
Like we said before, we have charged thousands of dollars over the years to individuals who wanted to become proficient with these methods….
Trust me, this course of instruction is worth several times what we are charging and we challenge you to compare it to others on the market….
This information is precisely what you have been looking for.
Order the complete set for $97 (electronic download) or $147 (hard copy) and receive the following bonuses
This information is precisely what you have been looking for.
Mentoring Included For You
Not only will you have access to the hottest instruction on Hypnosis on the planet, but I will also personally mentor you with these concepts if you have any questions or need clarification. When have you ever had the designer, creator, or author offer to mentor you as part of the curriculum?
This no cost option to you, will allow you to have access to me, to pick my brain and help you to get the concepts to work for you all the time, every time with complete confidence.
Purchase this today and get the totally bold and confident attitude that all masters of these secretive arts have.
By the way, this bonus is yours to keep even in the unlikely event you decide to take advantage of our ironclad money back guarantee:
You can’t lose with our 100%,
ironclad, money back guarantee
Whether you buy this right now, or decide to order it later, I want to wish you the best of luck in all you do. I know if you pull the trigger on this wonderful offer you will be amazed at the amount of solid information that is contained in these products.
A. T. Perhacs
A. T. Perhacs
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