Wally Jay – Small-Circle Jujitsu 5 DVD Set


Wally Jay – Small-Circle Jujitsu 5 DVD Set

Wally Jay - Small-Circle Jujitsu 5 DVD Set

Wally Jay – Small-Circle Jujitsu 5 DVD Set

Original price was: $140.00.Current price is: $42.00.

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Original price was: $140.00.Current price is: $42.00.

Professor Wally Jay is a Black Belt Hall of Fame member (1969), 10th dan in jujitsu under Juan Gomez (a top disciple of Henry S. Okazaki) and a sixth dan in judo under Ken Kawachi. Jay is one of the few martial artists this century to have come up with a theory of fighting, developed it and put it into practice. His influence is felt throughout the martial arts industry.

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Wally Jay – Small-Circle Jujitsu 5 DVD Set

Wally Jay - Small-Circle Jujitsu 5 DVD Set

Professor Wally Jay introduces his unique Small-Circle Jujitsu Self Defense Technique in this new series of DVDs.

Volume 1: Foundations discusses the 10 basic principles of small-circle jujitsu, including an explanation and demonstration of finger, wrist and joint locking. Professor Jay also gives an overview of his unique system, including a discussion of how techniques are executed on the smallest body-point possible via direction of force.

Volume 2: Intermediate discusses in-depth advanced arm, wrist, finger and leg locks.

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Volume 3: Grappling Techniques discusses grappling, including falling, effective throws, advanced chokes and resuscitation.

Volume 4: Tendon Tricep Armbars & Armlocks discusses the principles of learning the tendon triceps and its importance in the application of armbars and arm locks. The tendon tricep will revolutionize your locking techniques to make the armbar practical and highly effective in self-defense.

Volume 5: Effective Finger Locking Techniques discusses the principles of learning these highly effective techniques for self-defense application. Finger locking techniques can cause pain without causing injury to the assailant, making it a practical method of self defense.

Professor Wally Jay is a Black Belt Hall of Fame member (1969), 10th dan in jujitsu under Juan Gomez (a top disciple of Henry S. Okazaki) and a sixth dan in judo under Ken Kawachi. Jay is one of the few martial artists this century to have come up with a theory of fighting, developed it and put it into practice. His influence is felt throughout the martial arts industry.


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