David Snyder – NLPPower – Stealth Instant Conversational Hypnosis Crash Course


David Snyder – NLPPower – Stealth Instant Conversational Hypnosis Crash Course

David Snyder - NLPPower - Stealth Instant Conversational Hypnosis Crash Course

David Snyder – NLPPower – Stealth Instant Conversational Hypnosis Crash Course

Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $42.00.

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Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $42.00.

This course is available and delivery within a few hours!”You see most people don’t know where the “Law of Attraction” Actually Comes From. And Only a select few know that the law of attraction is one of the building blocks of the Ancient Hermetic Science of Magick…

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David Snyder – NLPPower – Stealth Instant Conversational Hypnosis Crash Course

David Snyder - NLPPower - Stealth Instant Conversational Hypnosis Crash Course

These Are The Secrets That
The Select Few Who Know About Them

…Do NOT Want You To Know

I know, I know, it sounds like more Internet Sales “Hype” but those are the facts.

You Can Choose To Believe Them… Or Not.

IF you choose To Believe what I am about to tell you, I can promise you that you’ll be on the Faster Path To The Life You’ve Always Wanted, You’ll Be On The Express Train To Mastery and Control Over Every Aspect Of Your LIFE.

That Will Happen For You because what I am about to share with you goes far beyond the simple “Law of Attraction” Stuff You’ve read about, and seen on movies like “The Secret” and “What The Bleep, Do We Know”.

What I am about to reveal to you is the blending of modern discoveries in how the mind and our universe really work and How They Come Together To Create and Manifest Everything In Your Reality

Combine This with The Centuries Old, Time Test Principles For Manipulating and Controlling Reality and…

In short,

What I am about to Reveal To You…

is The Heart and Soul of True Magic!

You see most people don’t know where the “Law of Attraction” Actually Comes From. And Only a select few know that the law of attraction is one of the building blocks of the Ancient Hermetic Science of Magick...

And When I say magic,

I’m NOT talking about David Copperfield, David Blaine, Or Derren Browne Parlor Tricks.

Those are Illusions, and Tricks. They deceptions for fooling and entertaining people. Not For Creating Reality and Most Certainly…NOT For Helping you create the life you want.

And Did You Know That The Real Law of Attraction,
Not Just One Principle, But Many?

It’s true and the principles were designed to be used together, and when you use all of the wisdom together, You get a result that is many times more powerful that when just the “law of attraction” is used alone.

In fact, most of the time, “The Law of Attraction” will NOT work The Way You Expect It To because the people who teach the law of attraction didn’t give you the whole picture.

And I’ll Even Tell You What One Of Those
Problems Might Be.

The Problem Could Be…

“Your Dominant Thoughts”


  • Your Dominant thoughts are not the ones you think they are. They are the ideas, thoughts and feelings you have most often…Unconsciously


  • Your Dominant thoughts are based around your internal beliefs about who you are, what you deserve and what you don’t deserve. And You’ll NEVER Manifest Anything That Conflicts With These Beliefs and if By some chance you do, your other than conscious mind will find a way to get rid of it or sabotage it.


  • Your Dominant thoughts are the ones that float through Your Mind When you aren’t focused on any particular task. They are the voices playing in your head in the background when you are consciously focused on something else


  • Your Dominant Thoughts Are Based On The Emotional States and Feelings You Have Most Often. If you are consciously anxious, fearful, sad, depressed, etc. No Matter What’s On Your vision board, No matter how many affirmations you do… You will simply NOT get the results you want or expect.

Why Are Those thoughts Dominant? Because those are the thoughts you have most of the time when you are not ‘consciously paying attention or directing your will. And they are entirely determined and under the command of your unconscious mind.

I constantly teach my persuasion, influence, manifesting and hypnotherapy students that:

  • All Beliefs Reside In Your Unconscious Mind
  • All Human Beings Have Two Sets of Beliefs
  • The Beliefs You Consciously Know About…
  • And Those You Don’t Consciously Know About

The Ancient Hermetic Systems, which form the basis for most real mental and spiritual disciplines and forms of meditation such a Yoga, Kabbalah, Reiki, Pranic Healing, Taoism, Mikkyo Buddhism, Christian Hesychasm, And Others had very powerful and systematic ways to train the mind and modify all of these many different types of “dominant thoughts” so that practitioners could rapidly access and focus their minds ability to use the law of attraction to its fullest extent.

And It was a secret they guarded with their lives.

Eventually “The Self-Help Gurus’ Got their hands on some of these concepts and Over time, bits and pieces of that knowledge made its way into public awareness through such movies as The Secret and Others

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